Your Overall State Of Being

“Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. Everything around you is a form of this energy – whether you see it or feel it — vibrational energies exist.

‘Your vibration’ is a fancy way of describing your overall state of being. You create energy in every moment of your day, by what you are thinking, doing or saying. Everything you do or don’t do has a corresponding vibration that is sent out into the world.  How do you emit an uplifting energy to the world rather than behaving with lower vibrations?

The only way you can BE of a high vibration is to consistently remove the fear and expand on the love and the light in each situation. If you are unhappy, bring awareness to your situation and then work on rectifying it.  For instance, it is of a higher energy frequency to live in gratitude for all you sense are gifts from the Creator to you.  Thinking of your blessings will naturally send out thoughts of good will and raise the energy quotient of yourself and the world.

Then, what you give out comes back to you. By keeping your vibrations high, you are more likely to attract those positive, motivating people and situations into your life.  It is the Law of Attraction at work!

A vibration is simply that energy, positive or negative or neutral, that you are made up of.  It is believed, that if we focus our energies on truth, our personal vibrations hum on a higher plane consequently making our own energies brighter as well as the energy surrounding us.  Learn to be truthful and true to yourself. Doing this regularly will keep your energy vibrations high!

Giving to someone else (without expecting anything in return) shifts your thinking from ‘I don’t have enough’ or ‘Woe is me’, to ‘I have more than enough to give to others.’  In the same vein, being kind (as opposed to being mean) puts you at a high vibration. If you gossip or treat others badly, your vibration will suffer.

Lastly, connect with nature and those who have touched your heart, cultivating a feeling of love wherever and however you can, instead of disconnecting. We can turn off our phones and look at the stars with our loved ones.  If we consciously live more in rhythm with nature, the earth, and the planets, we will be more deeply feeling our purpose and vibrating at the higher vibrations of joy, appreciation and love.”

Make Room For The New

“Cast all the old aside to make room for the new. How can you expect to usher in the new if you insist on holding on to the old.
Make room, make room, and have a good spring clean from time to time and see what there is you can cast forth of the old and never be tempted to hold on to anything which is not of the very highest.
This needs to be done with thoughts and ideas as well as material possessions. Don’t just throw out the rubbish, but also those things, which clutter up the mind and stop it from expanding.
Take time to go through your material possessions 
as well and sift and sort what you have and cast out anything, which you do not use. It is right to have all that you need, but again let Me remind you not to hoard. It 
is far too easy to accumulate and then wonder why you feel burdened and bowed down and can’t move forward and upward.

Be still and take time to sort yourself out from time to time and don’t imagine because you have done it once it is for all time. Things crowd in so easily and so quickly, there has to be a constant clearing away of the old to make room for the new.”

Eileen Caddy, Findhorn Foundation

A Few Helpful Pointers – Ann Albers

“Here are a few pointers to help you manage your vibration in a world where it is all too easy to feel anxious and unsettled.

1. Embrace the Serenity prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference

– Reinhold Niebuhr

The angels once told me that the number one cause of stress and anxiety is trying to control what we cannot.

2. Trust your guidance

Your guidance works no matter what the world is doing. If you breathe deeply, state your intentions for each little phase of life, as you go, and pay attention to your feelings, you can sail through chaos with grace and ease.

Your guidance knows the perfect way and perfect times for your intentions to be fulfilled.

3. Choose your thoughts rather than letting them choose you

When your thoughts shift to anything that doesn’t feel good, slowly but surely, one thought at a time, choose thoughts that feel better. This takes practice, self-discipline and a willingness to break out of old stuck thought patterns, but the rewards are immediate, better, feelings.

Choose one thought at a time.  Envision peace, love and choose to remain true to yourself.  Be love … so that a grander and kinder plan unfolds, no matter what we witness. Breathe. All is well in the bigger picture and these chaotic ripples on the surface of humanity are eventually going to call forth a kinder, more peaceful and loving world in the future.

Love you all!”
Ann Albers,