A Few Helpful Pointers – Ann Albers

“Here are a few pointers to help you manage your vibration in a world where it is all too easy to feel anxious and unsettled.

1. Embrace the Serenity prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference

– Reinhold Niebuhr

The angels once told me that the number one cause of stress and anxiety is trying to control what we cannot.

2. Trust your guidance

Your guidance works no matter what the world is doing. If you breathe deeply, state your intentions for each little phase of life, as you go, and pay attention to your feelings, you can sail through chaos with grace and ease.

Your guidance knows the perfect way and perfect times for your intentions to be fulfilled.

3. Choose your thoughts rather than letting them choose you

When your thoughts shift to anything that doesn’t feel good, slowly but surely, one thought at a time, choose thoughts that feel better. This takes practice, self-discipline and a willingness to break out of old stuck thought patterns, but the rewards are immediate, better, feelings.

Choose one thought at a time.  Envision peace, love and choose to remain true to yourself.  Be love … so that a grander and kinder plan unfolds, no matter what we witness. Breathe. All is well in the bigger picture and these chaotic ripples on the surface of humanity are eventually going to call forth a kinder, more peaceful and loving world in the future.

Love you all!”
Ann Albers, www.visionsofheaven.com

Self Care Is Self Love

“Self care is self love.
Sometimes self care looks like saying no to a person or a situation, sometimes it looks like staying off social media, sometimes it looks like spending time in nature, sometimes it looks like sleeping or resting all day, sometimes it looks like a warm bath or a swim in a pool, sometimes it looks like eating less dense foods, and other times it looks like eating dense heavy foods, sometimes it looks
like reviewing where you are using your energy and rerouting that energy to something entirely new that is in alignment with who you truly are in the now moment.
Self care is saying yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no.
Self care is always in alignment with your soul and never compromises your soul’s highest path which will be the highest path for self and humanity as a whole.”
Jen Jen Reynolds

The Wisdom Of The Heart – Osho

“Common sense carries fragments of knowledge. It knows that the people who are compassionate, people of heart, have a certain wisdom which is not knowledge, a certain insight, a certain intuitiveness which cannot be taught. They can see things, feel things. They are sensitive to things which are not available to the mind. So people start thinking that there are possibilities of the heart having wisdom.

But they don’t know that the heart is your emptiness. And out of your emptiness a clarity, a transparency arises which can see things which you cannot intellectually infer. This is wisdom.

To make it complete, it has to be said, ‘the wisdom of the empty heart.’ The heart, as the physiologist knows it, is just a blood-pumping system. Out of your heartbeats no wisdom can arise. Have you ever felt any wisdom arising from your heartbeats? Has any doctor ever heard some wisdom while checking your heartbeats through his stethoscope? This heart is not the one we mean when we are talking about the emptiness of the heart.

Actually, we are talking about throwing away all the contents of the mind. Then, the no-mind itself becomes your heart. It is not a physiological thing. It is your no-mind – no prejudice, no knowledge, no content. Just purity, simple silence, and the no-mind can be called the empty heart. It is only a question of expression. What you want to choose, you can choose: the wisdom of the empty heart, or the wisdom of no-mind – they are equivalent.

When you are in deep meditation, you feel a great serenity, a joy that is unknown to you, a watchfulness that is a new guest. Soon this watchfulness will become the host. The day the watchfulness becomes the host, it remains twenty-four hours with you. And out of this watchfulness, whatever you do has a wisdom in it. Whatever you do shows a clarity, a purity, a spontaneity, a grace.”

Osho, The Buddha: The Emptiness of the Heart, Talk #2

Back To Love

Each time I fall into a dark hole
I come back to love
When the tyrants of fear
Bang on my door in the night
I come back to love
Even when the whole world
Seems doomed
I come back to love
When I fail, or fall, or miss the mark
I come back to love
When the righteous ghost within
Tells me it’s all wrong
And it really shouldn’t be like this
I come back to love

This love I come back to
Is a refuge not a hiding place
It’s a place where everything is allowed
All the dark thoughts
And terrible feelings
Where fear is not rejected
And failure is accepted
This love says
I open even to this
For love is the deepest acceptance
Of what is.

– Kaviji,

Image by Pezibear from Pixabay