Attracting What You Are Thinking

Engaging in silly chatter about another doesn’t truly say anything about them. It just shows unconscious aspects surfacing within your own experience.
We are part of a vast Universe that consists of Divine Laws. There are 50 primary Universal laws. In knowing that, everything that presents itself in our experience can be applied to some form of a Universal Law – if not many in one instance.
One in particular that comes to mind is the Law of One – which states: “Every Soul, living and discarnate, is connected at the level of the collective unconscious, deep within the Higher Self. We are all part of a great energy gestalt called God, and because we are part of God, we are God. It is the goal of the Gestalt to move the energy forward creating more energy. So in living harmoniously we each increase our vibrational rate and intensify the vibration of the entire gestalt, because we are ONE. Everything you think, say, or do effects every other Soul”.
When one focuses on the “lower” aspects of another, which in truth is still an aspect of you, you are only attracting that which you are emitting, via your thoughts, into your experience. Aka: the Law of Attraction.
When we can focus on the Beauty and Love of another, we too attract that level of vibration. If you’re not sharing Compassion or Kindness for others, then there are still aspects within yourself that are being neglected. When we can look past the egoic identities of others, and know the truth of who they are, we at that moment know our truth as well.
All is Love!

What is Mindfulness And How Does It Help Us?

What is Mindfulness?

“Research says that it contains these 3 components:

  • Present-moment attention: The ability to focus on what is happening in the present (beyond your own activities).
  • Nonjudgmental acceptance: Withholding judgment on your experiences, sensations, thoughts, behaviors, and emotional states (rather than agreeing with statements like “I thought some of my thoughts/feelings were slightly off”).
  • Acting with awareness: The ability to focus your attention on your own activities rather than doing things mindlessly or automatically.

What are the Benefits?

The researchers found that these different dimensions of mindfulness were linked to different benefits.

  1. First, present-moment attention was the strongest predictor for increased positive emotions—the more attentive people said they were, the better they felt overall.
  2. Second, nonjudgmental acceptance was the strongest predictor for decreased negative emotions—the more people reported nonjudgmental acceptance in their lives, the less negative emotion they reported experiencing.
  3. Acting with awareness did not predict people’s positive or negative feelings beyond the other two skills.  However, when we’re present in our lives (yes, even for the most “mundane” things!), we may be better able to appreciate our experiences, look on the positive side, and notice the small things. That all becomes harder when our attention is split (e.g., due to multitasking, rumination, or just general mind-wandering). Present-moment attention may also help combat our tendency to give more mental weight to bad experiences than good ones.”

Forward Into A New Reality – Ann Albers & The Angels

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We hear you dear ones, ‘When is life going to get back to normal?’ It is an understandable question. The past few months have been life-altering for many of you. So rather than going ‘back to normal’ we would ask you to consider ‘going forward into a new reality.’ 

‘Normal,’ for many, was an emotionally isolated reality in which texting replaced talking and really conversation. ‘Normal’ for many was stressed, hurried, and out of balance. ‘Normal’ for many meant living in a sort of numb and complacent reality where the daily goals activities became more important than the heart’s dreams.

We know this isn’t true for all of you. Nonetheless we encourage each and every one of you to ask yourselves, ‘Do I want to go back to normal or forward into a reality that is kinder, more loving, and more balanced; a reality that involves deeper connections, more meaningful conversations, and time spent in silence periodically, checking in with my heart to make sure I haven’t forgotten my own desires?’

Do you want to go ‘back to normal’ or ‘forward’ into a reality where you value the quiet helpers in your society? Do you want to go ‘back to normal’ or ‘forward’ into a reality in which taking time to breathe and reconnect with your own feelings is an important part of your schedule? Do you want to return to a planet choked with pollution, or forward into a reality where those who can and choose to work from home cut down and therefore contribute to the planet’s well-being.

Dear ones, we don’t judge what you wish to go back to, or forward into, but we simply suggest taking the time to approach your future with more wisdom, greater awareness, and clear intentions. If you do so you will be happier, healthier, more connected to one another. Best of all you will be more connected to your own bright and beautiful soul.

Don’t go ‘Back to normal’ dear ones. Wish instead to ‘go forward to a world forever changed for the better by the last few months.’ Can you imagine that a few months can alter the course of human history? It can certainly alter the course of your life for the better.

Move forward, dear ones, after having taken the time to ask yourselves, ‘What reality do I wish to move forward into? Who do I wish to be moving forward? What reality do I dream for my world and my family of human beings?’

The questions will bring forth answers from your soul – answers that can shift the course of your existence into a higher and happier reality.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”


“The majority have been programmed from their past experience to expect physical decline. And while it is something they don’t want, they are programmed to expect it. And so, they’re going to get what they expect.


It’s not that what they expect is the reality that everyone lives, but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect.”

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 5/7/03.

Abraham – The Process Of Channeling

Here is a fuller and a more crystal clear explanation of the process of blending with Source energy to produce what’s called “channeling.”

“As Esther puts herself in a place of no distraction and complete allowing, her vibration raises so that she can hear and express the frequency.  Esther is not unconscious.  She is aware of the words as they are being spoken.  She has no sense of what we are going to say before we say it.  There’s no pre-planning.  There are no notes. There is no script.  It’s all live, impromptu, in the moment, in response to what is being asked.”  Abraham-Hicks workshop in Orlando, Florida on March 27th, 2011.

As to the question of who and what Abraham is… This was given in 1999.

“Abraham is not a singular consciousness as you feel that you are in your singular bodies. Abraham is collective consciousness. There is a stream or river of consciousness. As one of you asks a question, there are many, many points of consciousness that are funneling through what feels to be one perspective, (because there is, in this case, one human, Esther, who is interpreting or articulating it) so it appears singular to you. We are multidimensional and multi-faceted and, certainly, multi-consciousness.”  Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Kansas City, MO on 8/29/99