
“In my experience, a greater problem than that of learning an awareness of others’ boundaries and when and how to respect them, is the problem of choosing and setting our own boundaries.  When I was still in the practice of psychotherapy, it seemed to me that at least half my patients had what I came to call drawbridge problems.

I would say to them, “All of us live in a castle. Around the castle there is a moat, and over the moat there is a drawbridge which we can lower open or raise shut, depending on our will.” The problem was that my patients’ drawbridges did not work very well. Either they were laid open all the time so that virtually anyone and everyone could amble into their personal space, prowl around, stay as long as they liked, and do whatever harm they would– or else their drawbridges were raised shut and stuck so that nobody and nothing could penetrate their isolated solitude. Neither case was benign.

These patients lacked freedom and the flexible response systems that are such a dramatic characteristic of mental health.  For instance, I knew a woman who would sleep with every man she dated, which left her feeling so degraded that she would then cease dating altogether.  It was a veritable revelation for her to learn that there are some men you don’t want to let in through

your front door, some you might want to let in through your front door and into your living room but not into your bedroom, and some you might want to let into your bedroom.  She had never considered that there might be– might need to be–at least three different ways to respond to different men in any given situation. Nor had she perceived that she had the power to make such discriminating choices, to draw a line to establish and protect her boundaries.”

M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled and Beyond, p. 189-190.

Seeing Perfection

“Hold The Picture Of Perfection In Your Consciousness

Do not be satisfied until you can see that perfection in everything that is taking place. See beyond the immediate turmoil and muddle by holding the picture of perfection in your consciousness, for without that inner picture you would be unable to create perfection out of chaos and confusion, and beauty and harmony out of barrenness.

Even if the vision of perfection is but a fleeting one, know that once you have seen it in that inner state of consciousness it is there and will remain there until it has been manifested in form.”

Guidance from Eileen Caddy,

Attracting What You Are Thinking

Engaging in silly chatter about another doesn’t truly say anything about them. It just shows unconscious aspects surfacing within your own experience.
We are part of a vast Universe that consists of Divine Laws. There are 50 primary Universal laws. In knowing that, everything that presents itself in our experience can be applied to some form of a Universal Law – if not many in one instance.
One in particular that comes to mind is the Law of One – which states: “Every Soul, living and discarnate, is connected at the level of the collective unconscious, deep within the Higher Self. We are all part of a great energy gestalt called God, and because we are part of God, we are God. It is the goal of the Gestalt to move the energy forward creating more energy. So in living harmoniously we each increase our vibrational rate and intensify the vibration of the entire gestalt, because we are ONE. Everything you think, say, or do effects every other Soul”.
When one focuses on the “lower” aspects of another, which in truth is still an aspect of you, you are only attracting that which you are emitting, via your thoughts, into your experience. Aka: the Law of Attraction.
When we can focus on the Beauty and Love of another, we too attract that level of vibration. If you’re not sharing Compassion or Kindness for others, then there are still aspects within yourself that are being neglected. When we can look past the egoic identities of others, and know the truth of who they are, we at that moment know our truth as well.
All is Love!