
“Telepathy is an umbrella term used to describe the ability to mentally receive and transmit information from one mind to another internally and silently, or to communicate without physical external speech through vocalization.
Telepathy is the transfer of information between individuals or groups through intelligent energy interaction made between the consciousness or mental bodies that are intending to communicate.
The exchange of information made between parties is not bound by time, space or location and in many cases transcends multiple species languages into the one Universal communication. This can be simply demonstrated through sincere heart felt prayers that are private and later thought to be answered, by revealing specific information or a pathway that is shown to you.
What intelligent force heard the silent prayers through contact being made with you through telepathic communication?  God?  Your Guardian Angels?  Your Higher Self?
These are not random coincidences.”   


“You have to get to a point where you say to yourself my peace is more important, by no longer allowing people to cause chaos and drama to share your journey.
Learn that you are deserving of peace. Start protecting your energy, because you were not created to worry, be upset, or live on edge. Prioritize and cultivate your inner peace by consciously deciding to lose your connections with the people, places, and things that create the noise, distractions, and stress in your life.
You are allowed to decide who you want around you, and who you share your energy with.
This is your path, this journey called life is the only thing that is truly all yours, and ultimately you alone are responsible for the quality of it.
Refuse to feel guilty for blazing a trail of peace and go in the direction of where tranquility is coming from.”

Feeling Good!

“It’s not about personalities. It’s about loving and seeing something to appreciate everywhere and in everyone.

It’s not about how lovable anybody else is.  It’s about, “Am I choosing to see through the eyes of Source/God/dog, who loves and adores everything and everybody 😍?”

“Do I feel good or do I make my point?” After decades of opinions and activism (resistance and need to control), all that contrast brought clarity.  I am now addicted to appreciating.

Feeling good totally rocks! 🎉” 

Carol-Lani Rose

Take Responsibility

“Solving a problem means that we take responsibility for it.  ‘This is my problem.  I will study it.  I will master it. I will take responsibility for it.  I will act to do that which I can do.’

Taking responsibility is not something that is encouraged.  We are encouraged to be victims. We are encouraged to blame ‘them.’  In doing so, we give away our power.  We reject the opportunity to accept responsibility, to identify our complicity in the process, and, by changing how we feel and act, to reinvent our world individually and collectively.”

Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil by Paul Levy . (Wetiko is a Cree Indian term for a wicked person or spirit that terrorizes others.)