Love Arises In You – Osho

“Love makes no conditions, no ifs, no buts. Love never says, ‘Fulfill these requirements, then I will love you.’ Love is like breathing: when it happens you are simply love. It does not matter who comes close to you, the sinner or the saint. Whosoever comes close to you starts feeling the vibe of love, is rejoiced. Love is unconditional giving – but only those are capable of giving who have.

One of the most mysterious things about man is that he goes on giving things which he doesn’t have. You go on giving love and you don’t have it in the first place, and you go on asking for love from others who also don’t have it – beggars begging from beggars.

Love first has to happen in the deepest core of your being. It is the quality of being alone, happily alone, joyously alone. It is the quality of being a no-mind, of being silent. Contentless consciousness is the space, the context, in which love arises in you.”

Osho,  The Guest, Talk #5

Your Thoughts Are Like A Ride You Create

“Every thought is a bus you get on. Every thought gives you a ride through what appears to be real and causative.
When you are looking out of the window of the bus, you see many things, and you react to those things.
Those things appear to be separate from the bus, but the bus is the causative factor. The bus you are on–the thought you have accepted–is the cause of your experience.
What you see outside the bus is an effect of the bus. What you experience is caused by thought. What you experience is not caused by perceived separate elements in a fantasy.
What you experience is always caused by thought.

When you realize this, you begin to pay very close attention to thought.

You always have a number of buses from which to choose.
As long as you place any value at all upon egoic thought, you will seem to have this choice. There are many different rides you can take.
There are only two kinds of buses, however–fantasy and Reality.
If you don’t feel good, you have boarded a bus marked “fantasy.” Rides on fantasy buses are always uncomfortable and painful, and it is an important part of your awakening to realize this.
You start out believing that the pain and discomfort you are experiencing come from the separate and distinct elements you see while looking out the bus window. But the bus window is a screen, and what seems to cause your pain and suffering from outside is being projected from within the bus itself.
You learn over time that it is very important to choose your buses well.
The bus marked “fantasy” stops when you are willing to allow it to stop. Your mind controls the fantasy bus. As soon as you realize what is happening, and you truly want to get off, the bus stops. You cannot be victim to what a fantasy bus shows you because your mind controls the bus. It starts and stops at your command.
Even when it looks like you are stuck in a situation you can’t change, the bus marked “Reality” will show you how all perceived things work together for good.
The Reality bus will always show you a clear and light-filled path through terrain once considered impassible. You begin to notice that it matters not what pictures each bus shows you. The pictures are just flickering images, and they have no power.
The difference is in how you feel. You always feel anxious and tense on a fantasy bus, and you always feel deep peace on a Reality bus.
We are always by your side as you learn the power of the mind, allowing fantasy buses to stop, and boarding the bus that will carry you in peace.”

Always Choose Courage – Osho

“I know fear is natural! But don’t get caught by it. Leave it aside. Move in spite of it. Always remember: the difference between a courageous man and a coward is not that the courageous man has no fear and the coward has fear – no. That is not the difference. Both have fear! in the same proportion. Then where is the difference? The difference is that the courageous man goes in spite of the fear, and the coward stops because of the fear. Both have fears!
If you can find a courageous man who has no fear, then how will you call him courageous? He will be a machine, not a man. Only machines don’t have fear. But you don’t call machines courageous. How can you call a machine courageous? Courage simply means that something is happening in spite of the fear. The fear is there, the trembling is there, but it is not stopping you, you are not being blocked by it. You use it as a stepping-stone. Shaking, trembling, but still you go into the unknown.
Both possibilities exist in every human being! Fear and courage. All will depend on which you choose between the two. Never choose fear. It cripples. It paralyzes. It destroys you without giving you a chance of resurrection. Courage will also destroy you, but that destruction is very creative – it will give you rebirth.
Fear and courage, both destroy – but fear simply destroys. The seed simply goes rotten. When you sow the seed of courage in the soil, then too it dies – but it doesn’t go rotten. It dies…it dies into a new phenomenon. A sprout comes up.
Courage will kill you as much as fear, but fear will simply kill you without giving you a new life. Courage will give you a new life. Choose courage – always choose courage.”

The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health

“Humans experience an array of emotions, anything from happiness, to sadness to extreme joy and depression. Each one of these emotions creates a different feeling within the body. After all, our body releases different chemicals when we experience various things that make us happy. Each chemical works to create a different environment within the body. For example, if your brain releases serotonin, dopamine or oxytocin, you will feel good and happy.  In contrast, if your body releases cortisol while you are stressed, you will have an entirely different feeling associated more with your body kicking you into a survival mode.

What about when we are thinking negative thoughts all the time?  What happens when we are usually thinking positive thoughts? Maybe sometimes we are not emotionally charged to either a positive nor negative thought.  Let’s explore how these different emotions affect our body and life.

Positive vs. Negative

Is there duality in our world? Sure, you could say there is to a degree, but mostly we spend a lot of time defining and judging what we consider as positive and what we consider as negative. The brain is a very powerful tool. As we define what something is or should be, we begin to have that result play out in our world. Have you ever noticed, for example, that someone driving can get cut off and lose their temper, get angry and suddenly they are feeling negative, down and in a bad mood? Whereas someone else can get cut off while driving and simply apply the breaks slightly and move on with their day as if nothing happened. The same experience… yet one person sees it as negative while the other doesn’t.  So are things innately positive and negative? Or do we define things as positive and negative?

Eliminate Perceptions As Much As Possible

After thinking about it for a moment you might realize that there are, in fact, no positive or negative experiences other than what we define as such. Perhaps our very perception of an experience or a situation has the ultimate power to determine how we will feel when it’s happening and how our bodies will be affected.  Maybe we should work toward moving beyond our definitions of each experience. We could, instead, move into a state of mind or awareness or consciousness where we simply accept each experience for what it is and use it as a learning ground for us.  But since we may not be there yet, it’s important to understand how certain emotions can affect our health.

“If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” ~ Hippocrates

Mind Body Connection

The connection between your mind and body is very powerful and although it cannot be visually seen, the effects that your mind can have on your physical body are profound. We can have an overall positive mental attitude and deal directly with our internal challenges to create a healthy lifestyle. Or we can have negative, self destructive thoughts and not deal with our internal health issues. It is possible to even cloak our health issues with affirmations and positivity without finding the source of our health problems. Doing this can create an unhealthy lifestyle, as well. Why is this?

Our emotions and experiences are essentially energy that can be stored in the cellular memory of our bodies. Have you ever experienced something in your life that left an emotional mark or pain in a certain area of your body?  It’s almost as if you can still feel something that may have happened to you? It is likely that in that area of your body you may still hold energy released from that experience. Below is an interesting chart that suggests some possible body areas where various emotions might affect you.

When you have a pain, tightness or injuries in certain areas, it’s often related to something emotionally that you are feeling within yourself. At first glance, it may not seem this way because we are usually very out of touch with ourselves and our emotions in this fast paced world. However, when I’ve had chronic pains in my back, knees, neck or shoulders, nothing in a physical sense ever healed the pain.  It was when I dealt with the emotions behind the pain that I found real improvement. I know this because I spent time and money going to health clinics seeking help. Even though I wanted and believed I would get better, something wasn’t being addressed still. The more I noticed my thought patterns and emotions throughout my body, the more I felt those health issues loosen up and the pain go away.

When we get sick or we are feeling a lot of tightness and pain, often times our body is asking us to observe ourselves to find peace once again within us and our environment. It’s all a learning and growing process that we don’t have to judge or fear.

You Have The Power

Davis Suzuki wrote in The Sacred Life, that ‘condensed molecules from breath exhaled from verbal expressions of anger, hatred, and jealousy, contain toxins. Accumulated over 1 hr, these toxins are enough to kill 80 guinea pigs!’ Can you now imagine the harm that you are doing to your body when you stay within negative emotions or allow unprocessed emotional experiences to stay throughout the body?

Remember, you have all the power in you to get through anything life throws at you. Instead of labeling with perception the concepts of negative and positive as it relates to each experience you have in your life, try to see things from a big picture standpoint. Ask yourself, how can this help me to see or learn something? Can I use this to shift my perception? Can I clear some emotion within myself?

Realize something and accept it’s affects on you emotionally, whatever it may be.  Instead of simply reacting, slow things down and observe. You will find you have the tools to process emotions and illness quickly when you see them for what they are and explore why they came up. If you believe you will get sick all the time, and believe you have pain because it’s all out of your control, you will continue to have it.  It’s time that you realize the power and control that you have over what you might attract within your body.” – “A grassroots organization created in 2009, CE is now one of the world’s most popular alternative media, production, and community outlets that gives readers an opportunity to reshape their everyday way of thinking. CE’s content ranges from full-length articles, to videos, to live events, all of which share one common goal: to raise awareness about how our world functions, and to encourage conscious change that moves beyond it.”

There Is Nothing To Worry About

“Life Will Always Be Working Out for Me. . .

I like understanding that things are always evolving, and while there are many things that could be better where I am, it is not really a problem because ‘where I am’ is constantly changing to something better. I like knowing that as I look for the best things around me where I am, those things become more prevalent in my experience.

It is fun to know that things are always working out for me, and as I watch for the evidence of that . . . I see more evidence of that every day.”

Abraham Hicks, Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08