Willingness To Change

“Growth is the effect of a willingness to change. Such growth tends to feel like a challenge to the parts not meant to enter the next unfolding stages of your evolution.

Peacefully parting ways with the aspects that accompanied you this far, but cannot venture any further, occurs through a willingness to boldly move forward in life. If you’re unsure how to take such an empowered step forward, it is discovered through the courageous act of surrendering self-destructive behaviors in exchange for more self-fulfilling choices.

You may even ask yourself, ‘Are my choices more rooted in who I’ve been in the past or aligning with a newer version of self I am daring to become now?’

Whether each day feels like a quantum leap into new dimensions of possibility or baby steps toward a life of greater peace and happiness you are learning to be worthy of accepting and receiving, it is all a part of an incredible adventure you are destined to get right — no matter the ups, downs, back pedaling, rises, and falls that decorate your hero’s journey home.”


You Still Have Great Work To Do

You find no difficulty in trusting the Lord with the management of the universe, and all the outward creation, and can your case be any more complex or difficult than these, that you need to be anxious or troubled about His management of you? Away with such unworthy doubting!

Take your stand on the power and trustworthiness of your God, and see how quickly all difficulties will vanish before a steadfast determination to believe. Trust in the dark, trust in the light, trust at night and trust in the morning, and you will find that the faith which may begin by mighty effort, will end sooner or later by becoming the easy and natural habit of the soul.

Your purpose in life – your life’s mission – will be something you love and take great joy in. Joy is a natural expression of one who is fulfilling his or her purpose. What offers you peace? What gives you joy? What do you love to do? All these are clues to the destiny that you’re trying to reach, your life’s mission. Believe in yourself and trust that the universe is in your corner. Reach within, listen to the whispers of your heart, and bring what is within you out into the world. This is how you will begin to manifest and live your wishes and dreams.inspirational quote - end

You Have Chosen To Remember: A Journey From Perception To Knowledge, Peace Of Mind And Joy, James Blanchard Cisneros, p. 47, 246.

Focus On What You Love

“Just as there is mental indoctrination (like in Nazi Germany’s people going along with genocide), so it’s vitally important that a person who chooses to live according to spiritual law continue to fight this telepathic disease of not being telepathically taken over by negativity through sending out love to everyone all the time.

One way to prevent being telepathically hijacked is to keep your mind focused on what you love.  The more you concentrate on what you care about and what feeds your spirit, the more you’ll remain tuned into the same positive telepathic counterparts in the psychic airwaves.  And if you focus on uplifting, heart-based, and loving energies, you’ll telepathically attract these vibrations into your life.

Mentally choosing to focus on love is a powerful weapon against the darkest of telepathic oppressors.”

Trust Your Vibe, Sonia Choquette, pgs. 73-74.