Each Soul Is Absolutely Free To Choose

Guidance received by Eileen Caddy from the Findhorn Foundation, England.16730486_10154435032361242_3635010495222026433_n  “How can I work in a heart and mind already full of old conceptions, old habits, old molds? All must be emptied out and a great cleansing take place before the new can be poured in to take its place. The emptying out of the old is not easy for many souls especially when they try to cling on to some of the old and refuse to let go. No one can make them let go, each soul is absolutely free to choose – but let Me make it crystal clear to each one of you that there is just no room for the old in the new. Therefore if your desire is to move into the new, you will have to let go of all the old that would hamper you and hold you back, and when you are thus freed you can advance with nothing to hold you back. I need you free and unfettered.”

Your Story


“As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.

There is no physical body, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought.”

—Abraham — August 31, 2008


Today is Earth Day!

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

There has been a surge of energy rising up from within the core of the Earth. It is making itself available to all of you. Its purpose is to support you, to help you feel more connected to Mother Earth. Its purpose is to ground you and to open you up to all of the energy that your planet provides for you. It does so freely. It does so because your planet loves you.

She is your mother. She is your collective consciousness in physical form. She is the oversoul of humanity, and she is also a guide, supporting you, loving you, giving you everything that you need to survive, and asking nothing in return. Now that the surge of energy from the core has reached the surface, you can expect to feel a difference when you are making a conscious connection to Mother Nature and Mother Earth.

You are galactic mutts, with DNA and genetic material from all over this Milky Way. However, you were born here on planet Earth, and she has given you life. She has given you physical form, and she has cared for you all of your days in all of your lifetimes. When you acknowledge the power of that connection that you have to your planet, you feel more alive, you feel more secure, and you feel uplifted, even though your feet are planted firmly on the ground.

Her nature is to love, to give, and to be that support that is always there for you. We understand that you have lots of other things to attend to in your lives, but we recommend that you give some thanks, some praise, and some love to this Earth of yours. When you do, you will resonate more with that surge of energy that has risen from the core, and you will use that energy to propel you forward on your journey, to give you everything that you need. And you didn’t even have to ask for it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com

This Buffer of Time to Clean Up Your Thinking

th-57“This is always true: What I think and how I feel, and what manifests, is always a vibrational match. But here’s the big kicker: What manifests isn’t manifesting instantaneously. So, you’ve got all this buffer of time leeway that makes you sloppy… If you thought a negative thought and a brick would instantly fall on your head every time, you’d clean up your thinking. But you’re not here to be punished about your thinking. You’re here to use your thinking—and your focus—to create.”     —Abraham Hicks — May 07, 2005


You Have Help!

Screen-Shot-2017-02-12-at-10.09.42-PM-400x251“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.  When you are arranging your schedules and you are thinking about the time you have to complete certain tasks, you may wish to call upon the helpers that you have in order to lighten your load. If you are willing to accept help from above, there is plenty of it to go around. If you want to experience more ease in your life and less struggle, then we invite you to call upon the help that is already there.

You often feel as humans that you have to do everything yourself, and you also feel that by doing everything yourself, you are proving yourself to be good and worthy of rewards. But you see that’s not really why you’re here. You’re not here to prove yourselves to anyone or anything by accomplishing as much as you possibly can.

Continue reading You Have Help!

Jenny Schiltz, the Channeler

Jenny Schiltz is a channel, a wayshower, ascension guide and shamanic healer. She can communicate with other dimensions and help you to know what needs to be done within to remember your soul and connect with your highest self. Her main role is to empower you to become the walking master that you have forgotten that you are. She has one on one healing sessions and is trained in soul retrievals to help bring home all the parts of the soul that may have become lost due to the density of this incarnation.

As a child, Jenny could see and communicate with other beings and elementals. This ability was fostered by her grandfather. He passed when Jenny was 8 and in her attempt to find others to share her experiences with she was met with fear and disbelief. She shut down her abilities and locked them away deep within herself. While she was always interested in spiritual things, she did not allow herself to reconnect, instead she believed that she had to rely on others.  She spent much of her life repressing her natural abilities, living a life that was considered normal.  Not honoring who she was left her in poor health physically and mentally.

She reopened her gifts by healing her inner child and working on the fears and doubts that plague so many healers. She connects with all levels from earth bound spirits, elementals, guides, and angels to the Galactic Councils. She uses this gift to bring messages to the awakening world.  She brings this gift into her personal sessions, workshops and teleseminars. To further help others heal she became a shamanic healer skilled in extraction and soul retrievals.

Jenny is a mother of 3 wonderful children who have kept her very busy and grounded during all the changes taking place within and to the collective as a whole. She feels that coming from this prospective allows her to understand the diverse aspects of going through a spiritual awakening while maintaining a foot in the world around her. She offers practical advice and understands the demands that can be placed on a soul in transition. She also understands the cost of not honoring our true self and calling and uses that information to assist others in reconnecting with their highest aspect. She strives to teach through empowering each person to be their own master, their own healer. She works in depth with the guides, angels, and masters and helps to facilitate the clearing of blocks, unwanted energies and to heal the chakras. She is also guided to perform upgrades and activations.   Each session is individual and tailored to what a person needs in this moment on the journey to becoming a fully realized and embodied soul.   http://jennyschiltz.com/about/

Edgar Cayce’s Astonishing Vision of The Last Supper


Edgar Cayce’s Astonishing Vision of The Last Supper
Edgar Cayce Vision of the Last Supper: “The whole robe of the Master (Jesus Christ) was not white, but pearl gray – all combined into one – the gift of Nicodemus to the Lord.” 
(Cayce describing the group of those disciples gathered…) “The better looking of the twelve, of course, is Judas, while the younger is John – oval face, dark hair, smooth face – only one with the short hair. Peter, the rough and ready – always that of very short beard, rough, and not altogether clean; while Andrew’s is just the opposite – very sparse, but inclined to be long more on the side and under the chin – long on the upper lip – his robe was always near gray or black, while his clouts or breeches were striped; while those of Philip and Bartholomew were red and brown.”
“The Master’s hair is ‘most red, inclined to be curly in portions, yet not feminine or weak – STRONG, with heavy piercing eyes that are blue or steel-gray. His weight would be at least a hundred and seventy pounds. Long tapering fingers, nails well kept. Long nail, though, on the left little finger. (He is .. ) Merry – even in the hour of trial. Joking – even in the moment of betrayal.”
The sack is empty (and now..) Judas departs. The last is given of the wine and loaf, with which He gives the emblems that should be so dear to every follower of Him. Lays aside His robe, which is all of one piece – girds the towel about His waist, which is dressed with linen that is blue and white. (He begins to wash the feet of the disciples) He Rolls back the folds, kneels first before John, James, then to Peter – who refuses.  Then the dissertation as to ‘He that would be the greatest would be servant of all’.”
The basin is taken as without handle, and is made of wood. The water is from the gherkins that are in the wide-mouth Shibboleths that stand in the house of John’s father, Zebedee.  And now comes (he says)  ‘It is finished’.”
“They sing the ninety-first Psalm – ‘He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust’. He (Jesus Christ) is the musician as well, for He uses the harp. (Then)  They leave for the garden.”
Jesus was arrested in the Garden….
Edgar Cayce Readings ©  1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation –

About Jesus – A Matthew Message

91aBJPRpTML._SL1500_“Jesus is not a resident of Nirvana.  He has the power to visit here in etheric body, to instruct, to nurture and heal, but he doesn’t remain long at any one visit.  He is everywhere in lighted space throughout this universe, although not known by the name Jesus–or Emmanuel, his given name.  Although he often is referred to on Earth as Jesus Christ, Christ is not pat of his name, but rather designates his Christed beingness.  Christ is not a proper name.  It means “being one with God,” and it is just as correct to say “Buddha the Christ” as it is to say “Jesus the Christ.”

Jesus is a creation of God and the Christed energy, that is most pure, loving and high angelic station closest to Creator.  The Christed energy is supremely respected and is all-powerful throughout this universe.  Jesus’ influence, benevolence and inspiration are needed in higher echelons as well as here, and they are very greatly needed on Earth.  His message as perceived there is so limited that it is a dreadful travesty because his abilities in evidence of God’s power and love are so much more profound than are attributed to him.

That same God fragment who embodied as Jesus has incarnated in other Earth lifetimes throughout human history.  One such personage was Buddha, whose followers have kept his message more intact than Christianity’s adherents have kept the message of Jesus.  Other embodiments of the Christed energy have appeared in human form in other planetary systems, but not in the same religious leader status as Jesus and other major personages of Earth religions.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 123-4, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward

The Kingdom of God is Within


My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source… There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.  —Abraham— Excerpted from: The Vortex on August 31, 2009