The Wisdom Of Mary Magdalene

“It is important to note, that the teachings of the apparitions, the canonical Gospels, and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene all agree on this point.  As long as our peace is dependent on any kind of external reality, it is not Peace; as long as our love for others and for the world is dependent on attitudes and feelings toward us, it is not Love.

To the extent that our life depends on the material circumstances and conditions that constitute us, it is not yet Life.  It is still within the domain of the outer person, who is destined to fall in ruins.  It is still within a universe that is subject to the laws of entropy and daily decay.

Only within our true being do we find Reality, a Life, a Knowledge, a Love, and a Peace that are not dependent.  These are the Son of Man, who is also the Son of God.

This Reality is both who we are, and what we must become.”

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Jean-Yves Leloup, p. 71-72.

My Prayer For You

May you always know Love
Knowing that you are Love,
The Sacred Light that shines within.

May you witness the Miracle
That surrounds you in every moment
And know that you are a Miracle.

May you be lifted from any heaviness
Sitting in your heart
And be wrapped in the arms of Angels.

May you celebrate the Joy
Of waking to a brand new day
And stand in the One Light of Love.

May you take each breath with Gratitude
For all the gifts that you’ve been given
And for the gift that you are.

May you come to understand
That All that is true
Lives inside of you.

May you be Blessed by All That IS
And live in the magnificence
Of who you are.

~ D ~

Dear Men – A Poem By Karen Star

“Dear men…

She knows you crave to make love
She understands it tops your to do list…
And she desires to make love too
And she desires to make love with you

But first a woman needs to FEEL
As if you love ALL of her being
From head to toe
Inside and out…
The best and the worst
Every expression that makes her unique

It is not enough that you told her yesterday
Or you are sure she felt it last week
Every new moment is a blank slate
Intimate connection is foreplay 24/7
And if she isn’t feeling it from you
Her heart cannot surrender into love

She wants to know
You desire all forms of intimacy…
Meaningful conversation
Emotional depth
Spiritual growth
Sexual exploration

Because each enhances
Expands and grows your connection

She needs to feel safe in your arms
Without judgement
Without criticism
Without control

She wants to travel in tandem
North, South, East and West
Growing together in every direction

And rising in love…
With you

She wants you to kiss her soul
Not just kiss her lips
She wants you to yearn for her essence
Not just yearn for her vagina
She wants you to hear her thoughts
Not just hear her groans
And she wants you to open her heart
Not just open her legs

And the only way she can feel this…
Is if you still want to connect with her
At those times she doesn’t feel like making love

When you still accept her
When you still honor her
When you still revere her
When you still love her

When you move in closer
Instead of moving away
When you stay present
Instead of showing dismay

When you still want to be with her
And just look into her eyes
Because that is enough
In any moment in time


There are many reasons why
She may not feel like making love…
But whatever those reasons are…

She is choosing to honor herself
And she needs to know
You honor her too

So please don’t close your heart to her
Open it wider to embrace her
Exactly as she is…
All of her

The beautiful irony is…
That when a woman feels this connection from you
When she knows without a doubt
That you love her for exactly who she is
On any given day
Sex or no sex…

When she feels you are there to give
Not just for what she can give you…

She feels so loved
And cherished
So seen
And heard…

That she wants nothing more…
Soon enough
Than to make sweet love with you …

A man she can respect
Honor and adore

Karen Star 

As You Perceive It

“You are building the world around you, via the way you see the world.

Welcome happiness, welcome a safe path, welcome unconditional love. Create your surrounding the way you want it to be.

Build your bubble, build your sanctuary around you to protect you from those lower level vibrations. Brave awakened souls, this is the time you’ve been preparing for. Self work, self love, holding light in your heart will change everything. 🌟” ~

A Girl in the Universe

There Are Two Emotions: Love And Fear

“Love and fear. All positive emotions come from love.  All negative emotions emerge from fear. From love flows happiness, contentment, peace, and joy. From fear comes anger, hate, anxiety and guilt.

We are living in a time of uncertainty, anxiety, fear, and despair. It is essential that you become aware of the light, love, power, and strength within each of you, and that you learn to use those inner resources in helping others.

There are dreams of love, life, and adventure in all of us. But we are also sadly filled with reasons why we shouldn’t try. These reasons seem to protect us, but in truth they imprison us. They hold life at a distance. Life will be over sooner than we think. If we have bikes to ride and people to love, now is the time to service your own and others’ growth”

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross