“You are there now to facilitate the process of balancing the energies for all of humankind, and most of you who are receiving this transmission know that about yourselves. You know that you have taken on that role for humanity. You know that it serves everyone else to not be polarized within yourselves, and as you open your arms wide to embrace it all, you include more. You include more of who you really are, which is Source Energy.
The more of Source Energy you include, the more unconditional love you feel. The more unconditional love you allow to flow through you, the more you act as ‘a being of service’ for the entire human collective. Those of you who are awake are more open. You are more receptive. You are more likely to feel the energies that are coming in and that are already upon you. You are more likely to feel more balanced and at peace within yourselves, and you can spread that around, easily. You don’t have to try. You don’t even have to wonder how to spread it around. It happens by virtue of the fact that you are there, you are awake, and you are open.”
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, danielscranton.com,