Helping Your Inner Child To Heal

“We all have an inner child that represents our earliest experiences and emotions.

This inner child can embody both positive traits (playful, happy, excited) and negative traits (hurt, confused, scared).  If you’re feeling the pain of an inner child that has been hurt, there are steps that can help you begin to heal. Taking the time to reconnect with this vulnerable part of yourself is the first step in a journey towards healing and wholeness. Affirmations such as ‘I love and accept myself’, ‘It’s okay to be me’ or even ‘I will make it through this pain’ can help nurture your inner child and have a long-lasting impact.

11 Things You Can Say to Your Inner Child to Help Them Heal

Repeat them as needed for maximum effect and to feel more whole.

1. I Apologize.

‘Dear inner child, I apologize for the hardships you faced growing up. My actions, such as ignoring or repressing feelings, may have contributed to your pain and for this, I’m sorry.

2. You Are Adored.

‘Dear inner child, I adore you. You may not have felt loved at times when you were little. However, know that you have ALWAYS been loved. I am here to love and support you fully, without any conditions attached.’

3. I Hear You.

‘I understand that you have been trying to get my attention. You want me to hear you and I am here for you. I know that when I shushed you, it must have hurt you deeply and made you feel like your voice didn’t matter. But you do matter. Dear inner child, I am fully listening. What do you want me to know? This is a safe space – please share what’s on your heart with me.’

4. You Didn’t Deserve This.

Tell them, ‘You didn’t do anything wrong and none of what happened to you was your fault. I want to make sure that you know: you did not deserve any of it.’

5. You’re Doing Great!

‘Dear inner child, wow, you did an incredible job! You’re a survivor. Despite feeling scared and alone, you persevered. You’re a warrior and a true hero(ine).’

6. Such Gratitude.

‘Dear inner child, I appreciate you for being so resilient and courageous. Thank you for standing up for yourself, even in the toughest of times.

Thank you for staying authentically you when it was hard to do so. I am grateful for every part of you – the strength and courage, the wisdom and protection.’

7. I Forgive You.

By forgiving yourself, you join many others who have struggled with self-hatred and shame. People often blame themselves for things that they did, didn’t do, or figured were their fault. Let go of this cycle and forgive yourself.

‘Dear inner child, I understand that you made mistakes, but I forgive you. I let go of past regrets and embrace the present. Let’s leave the past behind and live in peace and contentment.’

8. Let’s Work Together.

Reparenting the parts of me that were wounded and nurturing them has increased my connection to my inner child. We are no longer fragmented, but one. Although there may be some occasions when old hurts resurface, I know that we can work through it together.

Through this inner conversation, we can tell each other ‘Let’s figure things out.’ It’s a partnership. Little me wants to be free, happy, have fun, and play. At times, she/he reminds me of that and other times I must encourage him/her to relax and let ‘adult me’ handle things.

So let your inner child know:  ‘We got this!  We are a team!’

9. Your Wants and Needs Matter.

‘Dear inner child, your wants and needs are valid. Stop basing decisions on others, take time to check in with yourself. Your inner child is valuable and deserves to have their wants and needs recognized and met, even if they were neglected in the past.’

10. Release

‘Dear inner child, you can relax and release the past. You can let go and live in the present with peace and happiness.’

11. You Are Enough

Dear inner child, you are always enough. You are so worthy and no matter how you’re feeling, you are enough.’ “


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After thirty years of teaching Inner City, Special Education students and forty-five years of metaphysical studies, I have decided to share my life's philosophical understandings on this wonderful website. For me, everything in my life has been a spiritual experience from being raised in an alcoholic household, to marriage and teaching, and finally caring for an Alzheimer parent. I have sought at least fifteen, personal psychic readings to try and assist me as a wife, teacher and caretaker. I want to share the wisdom that I have gained from following the valuable spiritual guidance from my inner knowing and from heeding the advise of channeled answers from trusted psychics. At almost 70 years old, I am writing, traveling and enjoying retirement in Florida.

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