10 Ways to Accomplish Your Soul’s Purpose – Mike Dooley and Tracy Farquhar

1. Listen to Your Intuition, or Inner Voice.
This voice is the direct line of communication to your higher self, or your soul self, which holds the knowledge about who you really are and why you are here… Your intuition will be the voice of your inner passions, desires, and gifts… Learning to pay attention to this inner voice is one of the best ways to discern your purpose, allow yourself to be guided by your inner longings, and give yourself permission to feel whatever it is that you need to feel.

2. Embrace and Honor Your Talents and Gifts.
If you don’t believe you have any, go back to your childhood. What did you love to do? What absorbed your attention and kept you occupied for hours on end?… Do you feel the need to fit the cultural conditioning that states that only those talents and gifts that can earn money or land you long-term employment are worthy of expression?

3. Find the Lessons and Gifts in All Experiences.
In order to truly embrace the path that you have chosen for this incarnation, it is important that you understand that each and every day offers gifts of learning, growth, and evolution… If you are, at any time, feeling an urge to make a change or find a higher path, listen to the urge and investigate the implications of it. Often the universe will create a sense of disquietude or dissatisfaction in your present position so that you are motivated to continue forward.

4. Write and/or Journal.
Expressing your innermost feelings, thoughts, and desires in a diary or journal is an excellent way to get better in touch with your true authentic self and to understand where some of these seemingly unusual urges are originating… We suggest that you write down your dreams, hopes, and desires, along with your greatest attributes, skills, and talents. See if you can read your entries back in a sort of detached way… What type of self-expression would be best for this person?

5. Be Gentle with Yourself.
See mistakes and so-called wrong turns simply as ways to address what brought you to that place… This is the journey you envisioned at the time you decided to map out your present incarnation; the desire for things to be easy and to avoid missteps comes from misplaced expectations about what your life is meant to be. Allow yourself to fall, but be vigilant in seeing the value in what you deem to be failure, as this is where you will truly grow and ascend, should you allow it.

6. Avoid Comparison.
As you navigate the constantly changing tides of your journey, it will often appear to you that others have it easier, or that they are better at steering their ships. Understand that this is often a fallacy… Your influence on others is not limited to those times of great success; in fact, it is in those times of rising above what you deem as failure that you most inspire those around you. Setting standards or expectations based on what you think others are doing is greatly limiting your own experience, and only believing what you see is limiting the depth of your vision.

7. Have Fun.
While there is a serious nature to the work of being an incarnated being in the physical world, we would like to challenge the notion that those activities that are purely playful or simply for the pure pleasure of the individual are trivial, unimportant, or unnecessary… These experiences are not only gifts to you, they are designed to create a collective consciousness of gratitude and value to this incarnate experience that is so much greater than any of the challenges also inherent in it…

8. Do Not Follow the Beaten Path.
Even if your life’s trajectory takes you on a somewhat traditional path of education and career, find ways to be an innovator, to stretch boundaries, and challenge well-worn systems… push past the fear of judgment, as this is where the true innovators, inventors, radical thinkers, and spiritual leaders have been leading the way to an advancement of culture, science, and social systems…

9. Do Not Be Afraid to Ask for Help.
While it is true that your life’s journey is an individual one, the idea of a collective consciousness dictates the need for cooperative acts of creation… Find those with whom you most resonate energetically, and you will find the power of that collective force to be one that can create without limitations.

10. Ensure That Love Is Part of All You Do.
Every act that has the energy of love brought into it is strengthened, enhanced, and made divine in all its aspects… There is no limit to the ways that this love can be expressed in your world; experiment with new ways to expand and deliver this love in all reaches of your energy’s scope, as this is what is at the core of your being and the heart of your existence in all its forms.

This article is an excerpt from the new channeled book by Mike Dooley and Tracy Farquhar, From Deep Space with Love – See more at: http://www.tut.com/article/details/465-10-ways-to-accomplish-your-souls-purpose/?articleId=465#sthash.7yhrdCNd.dpuf






The Confusing Times of 2017

When we see the many challenging things taking place around the World, it is obvious that this is a very confusing and sometimes frightening time. In many instances it looks and feels like no matter how hard we try things seem to be getting worse. I know that is very disheartening and many people feel hopeless and helpless when confronted with all of the adversity occurring on this planet. But the good news is in spite of outer appearances things are NOT getting worse, quite the contrary.

This phenomenon is happening because there is an unprecedented Awakening taking place within the hearts and minds of Humanity. People everywhere are beginning to remember that they are not just their fragmented and fear-based human ego. They are a beloved Son or Daughter of God who is on Earth during this auspicious time for a reason.

There is a powerful stirring taking place within the Divinity of every person’s heart. This is causing people to remember that they have an important mission to fulfill and that they have come to Earth to accomplish a critical facet of their own, and Humanity’s, unfolding Divine Plan. Some of the people may not yet remember the specifics of their mission on a conscious level, but the prompting in their heart is causing them to go within and to seek answers.

When we go within to seek answers, the floodgates of Heaven open in response to our questions and our heartfelt pleas. Sometimes we do not realize this because we fail to take the time to listen for answers to the questions we are asking. Nevertheless, our prayers are always heard and they are always answered. Every single day, the Awakening taking place at this time is inspiring literally BILLIONS of people to go within and to reach out to God or a Higher Power in one way or another.

With every request, the Light of God flows through the Divinity within the heart of the person making the request and floods into the person, place, condition or thing the person is asking God to help. The Light of God penetrates into everything that conflicts with that Light and pushes it to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into its original perfection. This is why it appears as though things are getting worse. But once that negativity has been healed and transmuted, the Light of God will then fulfill the highest good of whatever the person is requesting.

Things only seem to be getting worse because we look at the outer world and we can easily see the horrific negativity being pushed to the surface at a mind boggling pace. What we do not see, however, is the incredible Light of God that is pushing those confusing and painful things to the surface. The important thing for us to KNOW is that this greatly intensified purging would not be occurring if it were going to cause more harm than good. This accelerated purging is happening because Awakened Humanity is remembering that WE ARE THE ONES who have either deliberately or inadvertently miscreated these painful things sometime during our Earthly sojourns. And we realize that WE ARE THE ONES who are responsible for transmuting these gross mutations back into Light before we can cocreate the lives we have been longing for since our fall into separation and duality aeons ago.

Within the embrace of God’s Divine Grace and the intervention of our I AM Presence, we have all agreed to experience the intensity of this purging process, because we know that the faster the negativity surfaces the sooner we will be able to transmute it back into Light. Then the way will be cleared, so that we can cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth tangibly in our lives. Those are the exquisite patterns of Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.



Trying to Control

th-11Attempting to Control Others Attracts More to Be Controlled… It is easy to understand how you would come to the conclusion that your path to feeling good is through influencing or controlling the behavior of others. But as you attempt to control them (through influence or coercion), you discover that not only can you not contain them – but your attention to them brings more like them into your experience. You simply cannot get to where you want to be by controlling or eliminating the unwanted. 

—Abraham—  Excerpted from: The Vortex on August 31, 2009


Thoughts Attract


My Every Thought Is Attracting Its Vibrational Essence… Whether you are thinking about wanted things or unwanted things, you are still sending out a “request” to attract more things like the subject of your thought. And all things that happen to you – all people, things, experiences, situations that come to you – come in response to your Vibrational invitation.

Noticing how things are turning out for you is one very clear way of understanding which Vibrational requests you are emanating, because you always get the essence of what you are thinking about, whether you want it or not.    —Abraham — Excerpted from: The Vortex on August 31, 2009


Eileen Caddy’s Daily Guidance for Friday, May 5

“Look at the abundance of nature, of the beauty all around you, and recognize Me in everything. How many times during the day as you walk to and fro do you look at the wonders all around you and give thanks for everything? Much of the time you are in such a hurry you miss a great deal and fail to absorb these wonders and beauties which would lift and refresh your very soul. It is a question of opening your eyes and being sensitive and aware. Start right now becoming more and more aware of the things that matter in life, the things that gladden the heart, refresh the Spirit and lift the consciousness. The more beauty you absorb, the more beauty you can reflect. The more love you absorb, the more love you have to give. The world needs more and more love, beauty, harmony and understanding, and you are the one to give it forth. Why not open your heart now and do it?”    www.findhorn.org

I Am Responsible

370a461daa28ad28126adae5738835c8“I am responsible. Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life.  Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.”                       — Walter Inglis Anderson

An Opportunity… Long to be a Minister or Life Coach?

If you’ve felt the call to become a minister or a life coach, why not do both?

This is your chance from James Twyman, who is the NY Times bestselling author of fifteen books, has recorded over eighteen albums, and has produced or directed six films. Three years ago James founded The Academy of Soul Manifestation, a two-year program on becoming a Soul Manifestation Coach.  He has been invited by peace organizations and even the leaders of countries to Bosnia, Iraq, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Syria and many other countries to initiate world synchronized meditations while battles raged around him. Each time millions of people participated, and miracles have often followed.

 “In a month, we initiate the first class of The I AM Institute combining the seminary program we’ve been running for over 12 years, and our Soul Coaching program which has been active for three years. For the first time we’ve combined the two programs into one amazing two-year experience. 
Here are a few of the details that will help you decide if this program is for you:
  1. We will begin our lessons in the first week of June.
  2. The first year is focused on the nuts and bolts of being a Peace Minister and Soul Coach. You’ll receive an email each Sunday with the recorded lesson for that week. It will include a thirty minute lesson from the Seminary and a thirty minute lessons from the Academy, as well as a very short connecting lesson which I’ll be recording each week. That gives you the best of all worlds – the wisdom we’ve been sharing through the Seminary for over a decade, the Academy lessons which have been shared for several years now, and a lesson I’ll record that brings you into the present moment.
  3. You’ll be assigned a Soul Coach to help you navigate through this powerful awakening. You will meet at least once a month with your coach.
  4. You’ll be able to join the entire group with a live conference call each week. I will lead the calls and we will often have special guests who will share.
  5. There will be other opportunities to join through book study groups and small pod groups which you’ll be assigned to.
  6. Each year we will have a retreat which you’ll be encouraged to attend. At these retreats we will have our graduation and ordination ceremonies for those who have qualified.
  7. The second year of the program is focused on completing a peace project that will launch you into your ministry.

Here’s the BEST News:

For the next week (May 2 – 6, 2017)  you’ll qualify for 50% off the normal tuition. You may also qualify for 0% interest financing, so there’s no reason you can’t follow your dream of being a minister or a Soul Coach.

Send an email to jamestwyman33@gmail.com right away if you want to take advantage of these discounts. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR PHONE NUMBER

The class is filling up very fast so don’t hesitate. You would not be reading this email if you were not ready. You have been called to SERVE. Will you say YES? There are still many parts of the program we can’t go into in this email. We want to give you the chance to hear directly from the person who will be working with you week after week, our friend Judy Kelley. She will be the administrator of the program.

I’m thrilled to invite you to join us for the next two years. This will be a grand adventure!”

James Twyman
