The Earth is Ascending into a Higher Dimension

homeless+dog+black+white“I should add that work like yours, finding caring families for homeless dogs, is helping to strengthen the entire light network.  Those animals who had been living in fear or deprivation no longer are emanating the negativity that their former circumstances were causing.

I know you feel guilty because your primary interest is helping dogs even though you see great need elsewhere for assistance, too.  You are inspired to do what you are doing just as others are inspired to relieve human suffering or preserve endangered species or clean up the environment.  All these types of assistance are invaluable in preparing Earth for her ascendance into a higher dimension.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 75, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward

12 Reasons Why Old Souls Have Such A Hard Time Finding Love

12 Reasons Why Old Souls Have Such A Hard Time Finding Love

1. They have a strong sense of identity

They know who they are, which means they also know – specifically – what they do and do not want in a partner, what works and what doesn’t. While this is fantastic in terms of being able to choose wisely, it ultimately diminishes their pool of prospects pretty significantly.

2. Left unchecked, their hyper-intuitiveness can wreck relationships.

Often prone to overthinking because of how deeply sensitive they are, their capacity to worry and make assumptions can break relationships that don’t have a perfectly strong foundation.

3. Many are in the throes of twin flame relationships.

They’re attached or are with people who are not their “forever” people, rather, intense connections they’re meant to learn, and rapidly expand, from.

4. They often have a greater purpose that must be attended to first – one that love would distract them from.

They usually have to accomplish quite a bit on their own before they find love – this is because old souls love deeply, and completely. To be given love too soon would keep them from the other important things they are here to do.

5. They will not settle for anything less than soulmate love.

They require a lot more than just a surface-level, “average” relationship. They absolutely will not settle, and sometimes, that means biting the bullet and being alone for longer than what’s “average” as well.

6. While many people can bring them passion, few can bring compatibility.

 Because they feel so deeply and others find them so fascinating, it’s easy for them to find infatuation, but to be with someone who is truly their best friend, deepest confidant *and* lover is a challenge.
7. They’re less inclined to go out and meet people in modern ways.

Even if they have nothing against online dating, it doesn’t always come naturally for them, nor does finding a random hookup at a bar or being set up blindly seem appealing.

8. They’re natural healers, and often attract people who need help, not love.

And that attraction is reciprocated. There’s almost nothing that feels better to an old soul than being able to help someone who truly needs it. However, at some point in time, it’s crucial for them to realize that they have to choose a partner, not a student, or a charity case.

9. They dislike the “game.”

Dating is inherently exhausting to an older-spirited person. Feigning disinterest for the sake of looking “cool” or knowing which faux pas other people find off-putting (how long after the first date do you text again?) isn’t instinctive to them, and can stress them out more than they ever find it “fun.”

10. Their standards are sky-high.

They expect a lot from themselves, so likewise, they expect a lot from their partners. While this is a great thing, it’s another quality that has to be kept in check: it’s more important to be able to accept the qualities that aren’t deal-breakers than it is to just write a person off because they’re imperfect.

11. They have baggage.

People who developed their inner selves quickly did so for a reason: they had to cope, they had to grow, or they had to learn from some challenging experiences that life set up for them. While this is a great thing on its own, unresolved issues can often re-manifest in close relationships.

12. They feel fear as intensely as they feel love.

The degree to which they love something is proportionate to how much they fear losing it, or not being “good enough” for it. They don’t just love intensely, they feel everything else intensely, too, and sometimes, that gets in the way of the really good things in front of them.

By Brianna Wiest of

Latest Assessment of Humanity by the Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We take great pride in letting you in on our latest assessment of humanity. You have turned a corner and have begun to shake yourselves free of the idea of oppression and persecution on your world. There has been a spiritual uprising within enough of you who recognize that no one outside of you can make you a victim, and that realization within each of you who has awakened is enough to tip the scales for humanity.

When you are able to see another as acting on your behalf, when you are able to see the other as a co-creator, that’s when you know you have moved past the need to co-create an experience of oppression. You lift the veil and you see yourself in the mirror staring back at you. You see that the game you’ve been playing is not with the reptilians, or the anunnaki, or even the illuminati. It’s not with the corporations, the banks, or the politicians. The game you’ve been playing is with yourself.

And when you wake up to this knowing, when you understand that there is no one out there who can control your destiny, that’s when you loosen up enough to allow in all of the energy that you’ve been summoning as you’ve been playing that game of being the victim. Now is the time for you to receive all that you’ve been asking for, and it’s as simple as taking your attention away from the idea of the oppressor and the idea that anyone in your life can keep you from what you’ve been summoning.

There is a shift occurring for all of humanity because of those like you, and when the majority of people on the planet are also ready to receive what they’ve been summoning, you’re going to have a monumental shift in the way that you deal with each other economically. You will no longer experience hierarchies, persons of authority or massive amounts of power.

You will experience equality, and harmony, and freedom. All of that is what you’ve just turned the corner towards, and now, as we have said, it’s just a matter of opening yourselves up to receive it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Energy Wave hitting and Transforming each of us – Jenny Schiltz

“Whew! Can you feel that energy wave that is really hitting us? As usual, we seem to be all over the place with how it is making us feel – both physically and emotionally. This energy is transforming us, not only physically but mentally, preparing us for what is to come. Our job is to simply allow the process to take place and do our best to find peace and joy within.

The big thing for me has been joint aches. They started a few days prior to the energy hitting as some of us seem to “pre-wave”. My neck, shoulders, and elbows really ached and then the next day it was my hips, knees and ankles. Thankfully the joint pain has passed, but what hasn’t is this sense of being a caged tiger. I feel this excitement running through my body, but it has an anxious undertone to it. I am finding I just want to be outside and in the sun. Movement is also really important and while it is hard to think of moving when your body aches – it can really help move the energy THROUGH you.

Others are experiencing exhaustion, bloating (which is just so much fun), headaches, back pain, flair ups of chronic issues and lots of ringing in the ears. Anxiety and depression are common during such energy acceleration as are bad dreams. You are simply clearing deep, deep programming. Some are even clearing apocalyptic timelines. Don’t attach to whatever is coming up, simply watch it arise and then let it go. When we attach to it, we don’t allow it to leave and in fact we create cords to whatever “it” is, firmly keeping it with us.

I was told that this energy blast is making us all more susceptible to outside energy influences. This can be the television, social media, all electronics and even people. However, it works both ways and we are just as susceptible to the energy influences of the wind, the sun, plants and most certainly laughter. Allow how you feel emotionally to determine what is right for you. For some watching a movie is perfect and for others going for a walk soothes the soul.

I know many of you are tired and want this to end. I won’t sugar coat it and say that it is going to end anytime soon, because it’s not. However, we get stronger, the body upgrades, we grow and we learn and that eases things. Those just beginning this process are being affected by things that someone who has been “at this” for a while doesn’t even blink an eye at. The key is to take a step back and see how you have grown and changed. Allow this knowledge to give you strength to keep going.

The heart chakra and solar plexus are being nailed at the moment and we are being asked “Can you step into your power and remain in your heart?” So we are being shown areas where we have not been able to do this, where we must correct and adjust our lives. We are being shown where we still hold judgement, lack, insecurity, and doubt. Become the observer and take note of what is being shown  as if you are seeing someone else’s life – that way you can see what needs changing, adding to or needs walking away from without judgement.

Sending you all so much LOVE and SUPPORT as we continue on your journey. Serious thank you to all who share this work. It means the world. <3  Jenny

A New Earth

“The New and Old Testament speak of the collapse of the existing world order and the arising of “a new heaven and a new earth.” We need to understand here that heaven is not a location but refers to the inner realm of consciousness.  This is the esoteric meaning of the word, and this is also the meaning in the teachings of Jesus.  Earth, on the other hand, is the outer manifestation in form, which is always a reflection of the inner.  Collective human consciousness and life on our planet are intrinsically connected. “A new heaven” is the emergence of a transformed state of human consciousness, and “a new earth” is its reflection in the physical realm.”  Eckhard Tolle, “A New Earth.” p. 23

Gifts for You from Other Lifetimes

Screen-Shot-2017-03-05-at-9.55.55-PM-400x248“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

When you are ready to pay homage to all of your lifetimes of experiences, then and only then are you ready to accept yourself as you are today. The person that you are today is unique. That is true. But the person that you are today is part of a much bigger story, and that is the story of your incarnational cycle.

All other versions of you that are out there in these other lifetimes have a gift to give you. They offer you wisdom from their experiences. They offer you skills and abilities that they have honed. They also offer you the emotional amplification that you sometimes experience when you are having one of your moments in this lifetime. The emotional amplification is a result of a stockpiling of traumas.

Now when you see all of these other versions of you in these past lives as giving your gifts, you then begin to accept the whole of who you are. If instead you see them as the versions of that are responsible for the karma that has been inflicted on you in this lifetime, you are playing the victim. And while it can be fun to blame a you that you can only experience through memories, it is not the way. It is not the way to get you to where you want to go.

Continue reading Gifts for You from Other Lifetimes

Freedom Has Three Meanings

“The first, freedom from, is a reaction. The second, freedom for, is revolution. The third, just freedom, is rebellion. It is present-oriented. The first is political, the second is poetic, the third is mystic, religious.

What do I mean when I say just freedom? Neither for nor against, no past, no future, just being here, now, just living moment to moment with no ideology, with no utopia.

The real sanyasi, the real mystic, is not against the past, is not for the future. He is so utterly absorbed by the present that he has no time, no energy, for the past and the future. This is how the rebel is born.

The rebel is the most beautiful phenomenon in the world. Buddha is a rebel, so is Jesus; Atisha is a rebel, so is Kabir. These are rebels. You will misunderstand them if you think of them as if they were revolutionaries; they were not. Neither were they reactionaries. Their orientation is totally different, their orientation is now, here. They don’t live for any ideal, and they don’t live against any ideal. They don’t have any ideas; no ideology exists in their consciousness.

The sheer purity of this moment—they live it, they enjoy it, they sing it, they dance it. And when the next moment comes, they live the next moment with the same joy, with the same cheerfulness. They move moment to moment, they don’t plan ahead.”

Osho, “The Book of Wisdom,”

We are All Vibrational Beings

We are all Vibrational Beings. You’re like a receiving mechanism that when you set your tuner to the station, you’re going to hear what’s playing. Whatever you are focused upon is the way you set your tuner, and when you focus there for as little as 17 seconds, you activate that vibration within you. Once you activate a vibration within you, Law of Attraction begins responding to that vibration, and you’re off and running — whether it’s something wanted or unwanted.

Abraham Hicks – August 18th, 2002