“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So if you’re feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not an ending.”
— Neale Donald Walsch
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have observed that many of you are creating the timelines for yourselves that are ideal from your perspective, and we can see you moving closer and closer to these timelines. This is the perfect timing to be engaged in such creative work, because you are supported by the energies that are upon you. You are more supported in creating something new at this time than you are in creating some rehashed, ideal, third-dimensional existence.
In other words, you are moving forward, not backwards. So in order for you to align with the energies that are moving you forward, you must be willing to go to places you have not gone before. We are talking about vibration here. We are talking about getting out of your heads and into the vibrational field you want to be in.
Your heads are capable of telling you about all of the wonderful things that you have seen here on planet Earth in all of your lifetimes, and you can conjure up a pretty good experience for yourself through what you have seen, what you have done, what you have heard about, but what will absolutely knock your socks off is the unknown that you are creating.
To create with vibration takes you beyond everything that you’ve experienced thus far in the physical and everything that you’ve ever wanted to experience as well. Now, the fifth dimensional energies that are upon you are nudging you in this direction. They are attempting to free you from the limitations of your minds and to nudge you into the unknown field of yet-to-be-experienced vibration.
And then all you have to do is surrender to the process, because you could not possibly imagine how you are going to come to the timeline that you’re creating. You cannot imagine because it’s something that you haven’t experienced, and you haven’t heard about yet.
Soon enough, however, you are going to start to hear about experiences that others are having, unexplainable experiences, experiences that go beyond imagination, beyond thought. This is what we see you all reaching for as you construct your ideal version of the fifth dimension and you continue to inch your way towards it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
As you already know, we are here in service to humanity, and we are happy to be of service to you. You may have noticed that we don’t come down from the ninth dimension and land ships on your world in order to do something that will be of service to all of you. It is with our words and through our energetic transmissions that we assist you.
Now, we see so many of you looking for a calling, or a purpose, so that you too can serve humanity. You want to help, and we want to help you. We want to help the helpers by letting you know that with your words, with the energy that you transmit, with your kindness, your compassion, and your ability to listen, you are helping. You are of service.
We would love to see more of you acknowledging yourselves and then going out and having a good time. We would love to see more of you playing instead of worrying about what it is that you can do to be of greater service. It is your energy, your presence, and your intention that helps humanity more than your actions ever could.
When you do for others, often you do out of a sense of obligation or even pity. Now, when the opportunity presents itself for you to do something to be of service, we absolutely encourage you to do so. But what isn’t serving you is sitting around thinking about what you can do to be of service when the opportunity is not right in front of you.
When there doesn’t seem to be anything that needs to be done by you, then take that as a clue. Remember, you are creating your own reality, and if you want to create an opportunity for yourself to be of service through action, you will. In the meantime, we suggest that you utilize your free will and your ability to act to go out into the world and do the things that give you the greatest amount of joy. Do the things that raise your vibration.
And then when you do find yourself face to face with someone who could use some cheering up or who could use someone to inspire them, you will be there. You will be there offering a higher vibration because you weren’t worrying about how you can help.
Once you decide that you are enough, and that your presence here on planet Earth at this time is serving the collective, then you can let go of this need to find some grand project that will last years and years, and then you can relax and enjoy your life. By doing so, you will be emanating a higher frequency, and that is something that will help every single person on the planet.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Every thought that you give your attention to expands and becomes a bigger part of your vibrational mix. Whether it is a thought of something you want or a thought of something you do not want, your attention to it invites the essence of the thought into your experience.
Each of us gets to have our own perspective from which we desire or prefer, and Source Energy answers every single one of us. There’s no shortage of Source; there’s no shortage of answers; there’s no shortage of substance. There’s no shortage of all of the stuff or non-stuff that any of us wants – there’s no shortage of it. It expands proportionately to our ability to desire it.”
—Abraham— May 03, 2004
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have observed the bringing forth of more energy from your heart centers in a substantial number of humans in recent weeks. As you know, you are receiving energy from various sources, and that energy is pushing out that which is of a lower frequency, giving it the opportunity to either raise its frequency or move along.
However, the energy that you bring forth to match that energy that’s coming from outside of you is what you ultimately have control over and an infinite supply of. So you are getting triggered in many ways, and some of the ways in which you are getting triggered feel very nice. As you keep up with the energies that are around you, you have a new, more Divine experience of self. And that energy activates within you abilities, knowledge, and the capacity for even more love and connection.
So what we are observing in humanity is very good news. We ask you all to acknowledge what you are accessing, and we invite you to feel it. Feel the flow of energy from the infinite Source, as it activates you and as it gives you the upgrades that you desire and that you are ready for. Feel this energy as a creative force, and a force to be reckoned with. Let yourselves bask in it, and most of all enjoy what you’re bringing forth.
Enjoy what you have accomplished and what you are still moving towards. You can all feel into the excitement that this is creating within the collective as you notice that a tipping point is accomplished. You are your own saviors. You are doing it all from within, and you are readying yourselves for so much more, as the energies outside of you continue to bombard planet Earth and open new gateways and possibilities.
As all of you come together to become the human collective that ascends to the fifth dimension, you will continue to feel the energy that you bring forth from your heart centers guiding the way.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com
This turmoil cannot continue indefinitely, but there comes a point wherein those energies which are not in alignment with the good health of the planet and all those upon her must implode on themselves, so to speak. Mother Earth will shake and rattle; there will be burning and flooding and upheavals all across the globe in those places that are not supporting the honoring and blessing of Mother Earth and all of life.
There comes a breaking point in the abuse that Mother Earth will accept and reflect as hearts and minds need to be opened to the truth that Love is the answer. The violence, greed, competition, and fear breed only chaos, violence, and destruction. There comes a point, very soon now, when these changes will be brought in order to effect the change that is needed and so longed for.
Those who are guided by Love and their own hearts have nothing to fear. You will be safe, you will be protected. While you may be inconvenienced as these changes occur, follow your hearts and your guidance, and all will be well. For those whose hearts and minds refuse to be opened to the truth of Oneness with all living things, there will be chaos, hardship, destruction, challenge, and the opportunity to leave the planet to begin again as the lessons have not been learned or heeded. All are given the same opportunities to choose Love over fear, kindness and compassion over violence, truth and justice over dishonesty, and Oneness over separation and competition.
There is a great gathering in the heavens of those of the Light, at the ready to serve all of those whose armor is cracked by the coming events and to serve all those who choose the Light over darkness. There will be a split, a great rent in the heavens, an energetic earthquake, so to speak. And those who choose the darkness will no longer be able to continue to abuse and defile Mother Earth and all of life upon her.
Those who choose Love will be called into the Light and a new reality upon the New Earth, one in which Love, compassion, peace, and joy fill the heart and rule the New Earth.
What can you do to be prepared? Go into your heart, where the only true peace and safety abide. Love yourself, blessing yourself with all the love and kindness that you deserve as a child of the Goddess, created in Her image. Open your heart, mind, and soul to receive the gifts that are offered and needed to move forward into this new reality based on Unconditional Love and the understanding of Oneness, the interrelationship of all of life, where cooperation, Love, compassion, and unity are the new foundation for the New World. Know that you are responsible only for yourself and your joy, treating self and others and all of life with care, kindness, honor, and respect.
These upcoming celestial events bring the energy of change, much needed change which is necessary to create the reality for which you long. Be strong, and gather with your spiritual families to wait out the storms, strong in your unity, supporting a New World founded on the choice for Love. Love heals all things and is the answer to every question. Know that you have the strength, the courage, and the angelic support to move through these events and these changes, protected and safe from the storms.
The Love of the Creator within your hearts is the safe harbor. Your choice to live a life based on Love, peace, Oneness with all of life, truth, honesty, cooperation, and compassion light the way into the New Earth. We here in the heavens are at your side and in your hearts, sharing this journey with you as your guides to the New Earth and to that shift into a new existence. There will also be many on the Earth guiding you, supporting you, reassuring you, and serving as beacons of Light. You are and will be guided and protected.
Know that you have chosen to be a part of this Great Awakening, and it is to be looked forward to with an attitude of joyful anticipation and celebration – nothing to be feared. The more you connect with the Love, the peace, and the joy within your own hearts, the smoother will be the sailing into the New World which you yourselves have asked for and are assisting in creating.
Stand together as One Heart, unified by your choice to be Love, act in Love, seeing these events through eyes of Love and knowing that all is perfect and in alignment with the highest and best for each one, dictated through your free will choices. You may choose freedom and fly on the wings of the Creator’s Love, or you may choose to remain with the familiar. There is no judgment, there is no right or wrong.
Embrace yourself, fill and surround yourself with the Love that you are as a son or a daughter of the Creator. So many gifts and blessings lie ahead for those who choose to release fear and move ahead in faith of the perfection of the events that will separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.
Along with our presence, our Love, and guidance through the events ahead, know that all of Nature and all of the elements are supporting you, loving you, and showing you the way. Listen to the song of the wind, the melody of the sweet song of your feathered friends as Mother Earth and all of life upon her join you in Oneness at this magnificent time of the Great Awakening.
All of life is supporting you for your choice to claim who you truly are, co-creators with God/Goddess. All of life is rejoicing and celebrating this opportunity to be as you were created to be, at one with All That Is, at one with Love, joy, and peace which is your inherent right as a child of God. For that Love, that joy, that peace, that heaven for which you long all reside within your own heart. You have only to claim this truth to make the world which you desire a reality.
We are with you on this magnificent journey of Love and Oneness, of claiming all that you are as a co-creator with Mother-Father God. Have no fear and be of good cheer. ReJOYce that the time of the creation of the New Earth is here, just around the corner. All that you have to do is choose Love.
We will continue to be your Voice of Oneness, supporting and loving you and guiding you from the darkness into the Light of your own heart, the heart of God. And so it is.
Hey Ho See, we are One, Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.
Go into that place of peace within your own heart with faith and joy, and it will be smooth sailing into the New Earth, where your spirit will soar upon the wings of Love.