Your Imaginings Can Create Your Life

“The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing. In either case, it is responding. Emotion is your guidance or your response to your vibration. Your emotion does not create. Emotion is your indicator of what you are already creating. As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So, what you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match. The emotion (your Guidance System) is telling you what’s coming.”

Abraham Hicks – Tuesday, March 7th, 2000

Perceptions – Abraham-Hicks

“You are perceptual beings with different vantage points and — it does not matter how much information is given — you cannot see beyond the vibrational limits of where you are standing. You cannot live or see or experience outside of your own individual beliefs.”
Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Dallas, TX on 3/13/99

A Special Second Excerpt from Dr. Walter Busby’s book, THE JOURNEY OF A MYSTIC CHILD

                                  Chapter 2

                      My Beginning

                 My mother’s precious and tiny shoebox baby!

I was born in the depths of the Depression on January 19, 1935. My father and his five brothers were dirt-poor cotton sharecroppers living in tarpaper shacks in Marked Tree, Arkansas. Dad was also the deputy sheriff for Marked Tree. He was over six feet tall and commanded respect with his good looks and John Wayne swagger, a bigger-than-life natural-born leader who, with only a third-grade education, rose to be a construction superintendent. He was also a born-again redneck, with full-blown prejudice and rigid, Neanderthal thinking. His favorite newspaper was the National Enquirer. I both loved and hated him at the same time. My mother told me that although I was a full-term baby, I weighed only three and one-half pounds at birth, so tiny that I fi t into a shoebox. My dad, being a dominant male and a classic authoritarian personality, usually got his way except when it came to Mom’s precious and tiny shoebox baby. I was, of course, her favorite of four children. In 1939, the war got us off the farm and into the city of Memphis. Dad loved to tell the story of how he got a job in construction and was made a foreman within a few days.


We moved to Richland, Washington, in 1942, where Dad worked at
 constructing the atomic bomb plant at Hanford. In addition to Mom and Dad, our family included my big brother, Joe, who was eight years older, my sister Nina, who was two years older, and my younger brother, Don, who was two years younger. Nina and I were always close. Maybe this was because we were born on the same day two years apart. Walter was not a good name for a kid, so Nina started calling me Bubby and later changed it to Buddy, a name that my family has used all my life.
An important event of this period was meeting the incredible woman who was both my third and fourth-grade teacher. The fact that I had her for two years must have been a play of the divine. She was a miracle worker who took a shy and insecure little boy and made him the star of her class. I loved her dearly. I remember being intensely jealous when a man came to get car keys from her and I found out he was her husband.
       I am second from the left in the second row from the bottom.


I reached my magical fifteenth birthday while living in Amarillo, Texas. This was a time of happy memories and a glimpse of the spiritual connection that was coming. The first glimpse of my future life began with my salvation. One of the men who worked for my dad was Guy Barnes. Guy was just about the nicest person you could ever meet. I really liked Guy, but the main attraction for me was his beautiful wife. Every time I was near her, I felt funny inside. I never knew her real name; I just called her Mrs. Guy Barnes. She and her husband were both members of our church, and I loved going because she would be there. She also hosted the Young People Christian Group of which I was an enthusiastic member. One warm spring night, we were meeting at her house when she asked me if I wanted to go sit on the porch with her. My thought was Gee, golly, yes! After we sat down, she took my hand and asked in the sweetest voice, “Walter, would you like to accept Jesus as your personal savior?” She could have substituted the devil for Jesus, and I would have said yes. Still holding my hand, she took me inside and shouted, “Hallelujah, Walter has just accepted Jesus as his personal savior!” Enthusiastic well-wishers who hugged me and patted me on the back suddenly surrounded me. More importantly, I received the personal attention of Mrs. Guy Barnes for the rest of that magical evening. I surely did love Jesus for that! I experienced my first spiritual high during this time in Amarillo. I had spent most of a Saturday with a bunch of guys going house-to-house setting up appointments for a local photographer to take family pictures. The whole bunch of us was now in a movie theater, waiting for the start of a war movie called Retreat Hell, starring Frank Lovejoy. I suddenly felt wonderfully alive and energetic; my body felt as if it was glowing.

During this period, I spent hours in my backyard leaning up against the house stargazing. Although I did not know it then, I now believe I was longing for home. I never liked school, mainly because I was not a good student. So how did I get to be a college professor? My tenth-grade history teacher planted the first seed toward that accomplishment. She loved teaching and often invited students to her house, which was conveniently located across the street from the high school. Nonetheless, she was a demanding and challenging teacher. One of her tricks was to ask questions about little-known facts or events in history. You had to read the footnotes, index, or fine print in our textbook if you wanted to answer these trivia
questions. Because I liked her, I played this game with her and diligently looked for these little tidbits of history. I remember the rush I experienced when I was the only student in the class who knew the answer to the question “What was the XYZ Affair?” Because we moved before the end of the school year, I had to get her signature for my withdrawal slip. After she signed my slip, with a sincere look and voice she told me that I was a very intelligent young man and that I was capable of doing anything I wanted. I would not understand the full truth of that statement until much later in my
life. I hope someday in the spirit realm to thank this wonderful human angel for planting this first seed.


Greenfield, Indiana, was home to the Hoosier poet James Whitcomb
Riley. It was wonderful small town forty miles west of Indianapolis on Route 40. Riley Park, which had a creek shallow enough that you could drive your car through, was one of my favorite places. There are so many great memories surrounding my two and a half years in Greenfield: my first car, my first girlfriend, my first sex, my first
prom, and the first in my family to graduate from high school.
Okay, you want to know about the sex!
Shelby Jean, my first real girlfriend, and I held hands in the back seat of the preacher’s new Chevy as we rode home from Indianapolis after my baptism. The ride back to Greenfield took most of an hour; I wished it could have lasted longer, because I had never been so happy. Our small church did not have its own baptism facilities, so we had driven to Indianapolis to a large church that had a baptism pool. My salvation had happened the week before during the altar call at the Wednesday night service. The preacher had given his best high-spirited, hellfire-and-damnation sermon, the choir was singing, “Jesus is softly and tenderly calling,” and Shelby Jean whispered in my ear, “Jesus wants you, Walter.” Looking right at me the preacher is pleading, “Come forward and be washed in the blood of Jesus
Christ.” With the help of an insistent tug on my arm by Shelby Jean,
forward I came. “Hallelujah, praise the Lord, he is saved!” came the shouts from the congregation as enthusiastic well-wishers quickly surrounded me.  Do you get the strange feeling this has happened before? The glow that I got from being the center of so much loving attention lasted for days. The especially sweet kiss I got from Shelby Jean after walking her home that night is a memory I will always treasure. I was a junior, and Shelby Jean was one grade behind me at Greenfield High School. I thought she looked like the movie star Esther Williams, with her upturned auburn hair, freckled oval face, and full kissable lips. After my salvation, our relationship became
a paradox. On most Saturday nights, after a movie or hanging out at the drive-in restaurant, we would look for a place to make out. I was one of only three students in high school who owned a car, a snazzy 1942 Ford coupe.  I bought this car with $300 of my own money I had saved since I’d begun working at age twelve as a shoeshine boy (among other things). Okay, so I am bragging a little, but I was proud of that car!
                                            My snazzy 1942 Ford coupe
The unwritten rule in those days was nothing below the waist. This was before condoms were easily accessible, and if you were fortunate to have acquired one, it had usually aged in your wallet so long it was useless. After some heavy petting, we ended up dry humping on the front seat. This amorous exchange ended with Shelby Jean crying and both of us feeling disgusted and guilty. We made solemn vows that this would not happen again, but of course it always did! Although our relationship lasted less than a year, it was the catalyst for a lifetime of exploring the wondrous phenomenon of romantic love. (See appendix B for my portrayal of “Romantic Love Is a Sex-Driven Ego Trip.”)
My mother was determined that one of her four children would finish high school. For this reason, she refused to leave Greenfield until I graduated. I had already attended over a dozen different schools as we traveled around the country from job to job, and she sensed another move would be too much. I did graduate, barely, forty-ninth in a class of fifty-two, a modest beginning indeed, for a young man who would eventually become a successful college professor!

The Navy

Without really understanding why, I decided to join the navy. Mom was devastated; she did not want to let go of her favorite little
shoebox baby.  After I left, she went into a deep depression. I needed divine intervention to pass my physical because it would eventually become clear (pun intended) that I was born with a hearing deficiency. I remember someone whispering numbers at me with his hand over his mouth while I guessed the right numbers without hearing them. Boot camp was a shock as I learned quickly there were twenty-four hours in each day! In high school, I took typing because it was easy and taught by a cute young teacher. I passed the course with the minimum of thirty-five words per minute. During the first week of boot camp, the battalion commander asked approximately two hundred fifty recruits if anyone could type. After a pause, I raised my hand and became the battalion clerk. This new status excused me from all but “must-one” classes and activities. This included marching that I was already having difficulty with because of not being able to hear the commands. With the extra free time, I could keep my locker and gear in exceptional shape, which resulted in my recognition as an outstanding recruit. After boot camp, I went to school in Oxnard, California, for a six-month training to be a steelworker in the Seabees (the official name is Mobile Construction Battalion). You may remember a movie called The Fighting Seabees starring John Wayne. The most amazing thing about my experience at Seabee school was that I did so well.

Continue reading A Special Second Excerpt from Dr. Walter Busby’s book, THE JOURNEY OF A MYSTIC CHILD

James Tyberonn – Excerpts from an Article on Planetary Ascension

The Sky is Not Falling / Nay to the Naysayers
Weighing Truth, Wisdom & Discernment 
AAMetatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. …
Rumors and warnings that the end is near have been projected by seers and overheard by kings, sages and sires throughout the fabled history of your planet. The present is no exception.
The jolting nature of any ‘doomsday’ prophecy, in which prediction is haphazardly applied to the kaleidoscope of probability is a confusing & difficult one. On the surface it is an acclamation that naturally draws attention & alarm.  And so this lingering question jags beneath the fearful claim, “Is this real & if so what can I do about this?”
The key, Dear Ones,  is wise discernment. Both the lessons garnered from  ‘Chicken Little ‘ & ‘Peter & the Wolf’ are applicable in this scenario. 
Dear Humans, the Earth is up-shifting, remaking itself, reforming its elements, kingdoms & directional aspects. The planet you humans call home is re-positioning its self in response to a divine purpose & calling. That purpose is the Ascension of Humanity. The Earth & All Life on the planet are undergoing a powerful shift. This transition involves earth- climate & geo-tectonic shifts … and geo-changes involve regional specific (not global) cataclysms.
 The Death-Star Asteroid That Wasn’t
But let us be clear, had humanity not chosen to Ascend, there would have been a global cataclysmic ‘rebooting’. The cataclysmic  ‘probable reality’, would have occurred between 1998 and 2000, in the form of a lethal asteroid impact, resulting in an axial tilt, tectonic super-quakes, mile high tsunamis, flooding amidst mega wind streams & upper-storms.
Of course that potential did not occur, but the knowledge of its potential was embedded in humanity’s subconscious. Indeed, it is interesting to note that as 1998 approached, a series of movies, documentaries and books emerged around planetary destructions due to asteroid impacts, termed the ‘Death-Star’ series in popular & cinematic vernacular.
Up until 1987, the latter, the catastrophic doomsday impact – total rebooting, was the predominate probability.  Indeed, renowned seers from Edgar Cayce to Nostradamus were credited with prophesies predicting major earth changes in cataclysmic quakes and floods in this era.  There were dozens of other renowned seers taking the same stance. Various survivalist groups, religious sects & assorted clusters of people began preparing for the impact by building survival domes & underground facilities stored with food, water & supplies … including your militarys and governments.  
The veracious ‘Cayce readings’ indicated alignments beginning in 1982 thru 1998 would indicate the destruction…but both Edgar Cayce and Dr Michel de Nostradamus went to extremes to state that human will is stronger than any ‘event’ and that the future could be changed.
The Light Measurement & Reality Shift
The light quotient measurement that you refer to as the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987, changed that potential, and replaced it with the Path of Ascension. Indeed the global participation in the high intent global Harmonic Convergence meditation & mediation was deeply perceived throughout the Cosmos in the potent stellar and planetary alignment. This means that for the extraordinary cycle of the intent projection, the earth & humanity were in direct resonant communication with the Divine, and the concentrated power & vibration of the prayerful collated intent transcended the patterning of probability and altered the cataclysmic reboot, for reformation into Ascension. 
And indeed you are on path for Ascension. The global catastrophe will not occur.
Yet the ‘cataclysmic reboot’, although no longer in place, remains worrisome & wearying for mankind. This is understandable, because you humans carry in your collective cellular memories, traumatic recollection of 5 past occasions in which the world rebooted. This is especially burdensome for the billions of Atlanteans on the planet in the present, because you the 3 devastating Atlantean tsunamis & sinking’s are still very powerfully etched in your subconscious.
Soul Contracts & Extensions
Humanity as a species have not forgotten past global cataclysmic events, but you have forgotten that worlds, like time, concentrically overlay, blend in overlap.  Every human born before 1987, has a foot in two worlds … and incarnated with knowledge that a global rebooting was in store as the primary probable reality. Although that probability was changed, the living memory of its probability, is still there.
 In fact, the billions of people born prior to 1982, (when the concept for the Harmonic Convergence began), incarnated with the ‘higher-self’ understanding that the 6th global cataclysmic reboot would likely occur in the 1998-2000 timing, as the dominate probability. That is why so many of the post WWll, the so called ‘Baby Boomer’ generation had major life changes after 1998. Many simply had not planned to live past the probable impact. An extension option was added and activated. For many a new life began in the same biology!  Life partners changed, careers shifted and people relocated. Some of you will intuitively understand what we are sharing, as it directly  applies to your life experience.
Assuming Leadership
It is judicious, appropriate & acutely important for mankind to realize the co-creative ability of collated high intent, and let go of the old ‘iron-clad’ fear of a final destruction. The destruction probability of 1998 did not occur and a total global destruction will not occur in this ‘new earth’ paradigm. You made it so.
But the lingering loquacious fear of a coming doomsday is quite redundant.  The Harmonic Convergence was a magnificent catalyst, a destined benchmark in mankind’s awakening to the extraordinary abilities of co-creation, for it melded mind mellifluously and changed reality.
 It is time for the enlightened among you to not only fully accept the ascension, but to also take active stances, leadership roles, in projecting this valid belief, the veracity of the coming ‘human ascension’. And although, it is understandable that the ‘less aware’ masses still are caught in the over-bleed of the old paradigm, with its lingering  predictions of a global catastrophic ‘end-time’ event on the not too distant horizon. Indeed, such inaccurate garrulous predictions & distorted belief projections are skewed & irresponsible at best, and at worst, can lead others to unnecessary worry, depression, apathy and fear.
Dwelling on fear is destructive…. embedded fear, in a very real sense, can be likened to an emotionally draining virus. 
The Earth is Robust
The earth and all of her kingdoms are undergoing great change in your present time, and are adapting to a new set of dimensional & vibrational circumstances. But it is important that you understand the earth is not weak, nor fragile… rather quite robust. Your planet is amplifying, all life is being modified, intensely so, but changing for the better, and there are no exceptions.
Although there are many well intended souls who wish to ‘save the planet’ from ‘natural disasters, in this specific scenario, your planet Earth does not need saving. The hurricanes, quakes and tsunamis are a requisite ongoing aspect of the earth’s natural cycles. They are necessary for the earth’s electromagnetic balance, and have always occurred. These events will continue, perhaps in greater intensity, as the earth warms, ice caps melt, and waters rise.  Yet these ‘natural events’, and in specific areas, natural disasters, will be regional, and not be globally cataclysmic.
Event Horizon
Let us be clear…. Although the future is a moving target, the planetary ascension has already spawned and birthed, and is thus  firmly fixed in your future. 
That may seem unlikely to some, considering the ongoing chaotic polarization & violence on the planet at present. But what is occurring in the chaos is the requisite purging . All unresolved issues are surfacing, as they must, to clear the way for the new golden age. 
Indeed, the ‘Ascension Horizon is securely in place The Ascension of Humanity is in tow, part and parcel of the graduation, the ascension package….and the latter could not occur without the former. And so be assured that both portions of the singular event horizon, termed the ‘Ascension’, are in place. 
For in the art of co-creation, an occurrence, a goal, an ideal, a future potential is brought into concentrated focus, yields to mass conscious intent & thus  becomes the reality…and even though that event is in your linear future it is solidly in place . So it is with the Ascension, for it is well past the tipping point, well beyond the point of no-return, created via critical mass thought into a fixed experiential destination on the path of time. As we have shared in previous channels, there are key benchmarks along the way, including the Return of Light in 2038 and 2075.
The Ascension is an event horizon. It is only a matter of time before it is reached. Enlightenment occurs one heart at a time. It will be 15 generations before the critical mass of humanity achieve ‘enlightenment’, which from our overview, is in place.
So while the Ascension of Humanity is on path, and will not be altered, it is still, in one aspect, a belief requiring faith. However, especially  for the doubters, naysayers & doomsday followers, the fact that so many date specific ‘doomsday’ predictions over the past 3+ decades were published, but did not occur, justifies deep contemplation, indeed begs for serious review.    
The Usual Suspects
Within the current month, one ‘researcher’ gained a lot of publicity by stating an outer orbit planet would crash into the earth on September 23, 2017 & would bring the end of the world…. a sensational  claim he dubiously justified as being referenced in the biblical book of Revelations.
Archaeo-astronomy & obscure interpretations of religious texts, are in fact, oft the basis of nebulous predictive claims of  end times, cataclysms, tribulation, economic devastation, chaos, rapture, judgement day, wrath of a vengeful God and other such doomsday events.
The Importance of Clarity
The new earth of 2017 and beyond is truly an extraordinary phase of your Duality experience. One in which the sacred merges with the scientific. In the old energy, science omitted the divine and the sacred omitted the scientific. Discernment & wisdom are key as each of you, as ‘Gods in Progress’ must weigh and judge the beliefs you choose.
We tell you that the Ascension is real and on track. And the Ascension involves a magnificent coagulation of events that have come together after eons of sojourns and effort. It is not a haphazard occurrence, rather a created divine event of astonishing beauty and magnificence.
You did not create the Ascension  simply to have all of the creative elements that formed it dissolved in global cataclysm. We assure you that it is in place. 
There will not be a global doomsday event nor chaotic global economic collapse or vast world ending nuclear war.
However, in the realm of free will duality, those that choose to focus & dwell on negativity & fear may well attract an individualized ‘negative fear’ experience or economic downfall in their life, thru the Law of Attraction …for you will attract to self that which you intensely fear. As such, retaining fear is indeed quite detrimental, toxic to both the body and mind. As your Edgar Cayce stated, ‘Fear is the great destroyer’.  
The wise among you must be leaders in co-creating highest good. The Sky is not falling !
I am Metatron with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service and we share with you these Truths. You are beloved!
And so it is…and it is So…,  Excerpts From the New  AAMetatron 
via J Tyberonn Channel

Al Miner’s Journey Home and Back

Al Miner’s wonderful biography is posted elsewhere on this website, . Today, I have discovered a most incredible new story about Al!  You can find it by clicking on  Please read it!

His dear wife, Susan, recounts Al’s new journey on July 26, 2017 during his summer Hospice stay.  Al’s rebirth from death’s door is just astounding!  He is now alive, breathing without cannula and moves with a steady hand. You will be amazed, knowing that the very serious information that comes from this man, Al Miner, is miraculous and needs to be heard and read in these Ascension times!

Al Miner Channels Lama Sing – Here Is That Hour

              “Here Is That Hour” – Posted June 10, 2017

And as you are brought to this Heritage, you will be Awakened. This Awakening will call to you in many different ways. You will begin to see and hear in the manner as do many of the Elders who walk beside the Master and the others, and such as this.

This will be followed by a time that will pass wherein many souls will review their own heritage, their own status (you might call it), and question whether or not they would seek this Freedom, or whether they would prefer to continue to (in a manner of speaking) sort things out for themselves. In the sorting of things out for themselves, it is not meant that you would be abandoned; it is meant that you will have the Right of choice — as always, the right of choice — and in this Right, you will move forward as those who He has called and who bear His Mark. And so doing, you will find the great glory and good cheer of being called forth from the embrace of the Earth to God’s very Embrace. Do you see?

In the calling to God’s Embrace, there is no limit to the potential that awaits you. It is rather that God’s intent for you is to become known, that you will find your Spirit; building a greater strength and Heritage than ever before. And within this strength and Heritage, you will find so much that is awaiting you … not so much in the sense of the material but in the sense of the Consciousness of your being …  your Being.

Lama Sing

            [See the beginning of this post listed by date on The Return,                ]

Divine Order

“I am at peace, for divine order is active in my life.”

“In Paul’s letter to the Romans, I find this reminder: All things work together for good.  It does not say some things work together for good on occasion.  Rather, all things.  Every day, in every way, things are getting better and better because divine order is active in my life.”

Yet there may be times when life is a bit chaotic.  Whenever this happens, I affirm: divine order.  I remember that order is always happening in my life, even if I don’t see it unfolding.

I don’t have to understand every step of the way, but instead trust in God.  My way will be clear in the right time and in the right way.  Divine order is my security, always present because wherever I am, God is.

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”         ~ Romans 8:28

Daily Word – In the presence of pure being, I am free.

“At times, I may view my roles and responsibilities as restrictions or limits on my freedom.  I watch the clock, eager for release to pursue my passions.  In reality; freedom is a state of consciousness I  can access at any time.

I pause for a gentle breath, and feel my heart and mind align.  My passion is to truly be my best self.  I move into the presence of pure being and become aware of the light blazing within me.  All roles that appeared to be masks I was hiding behind now disappear.  Chains of responsibility that I thought bound me dissolve into a series of opportunities to shine.  I revel in the consciousness that I am free to be all that I was created to be, whenever and wherever I choose. ”

“When one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.”  —  2 Corinthians 3:16

A Special Excerpt from Dr. Walter Busby’s book, THE JOURNEY OF A MYSTIC CHILD

                                              CHAPTER 1

      My Spiritual Awakening

                       A Walk in the Garden of Eden

    Everything is alive—rocks, trees, water, flowers everything!                  

I left my house to take a walk on a beautiful spring morning. I had barely got to my mailbox when I was suddenly conscious of another dimension of reality. Although words will never adequately describe this new dimension, I knew with a certainty and clarity that I had never experienced before that everything in our universe was connected and part of the same living energy. Th is experience, which had a surreal quality of timelessness, could have only lasted a few moments since when my normal awareness returned I was still standing in the same spot near the mailbox. I thought, That was fascinating! Since I could not place the experience in my reality, I put it out of my mind and continued my walk. In the days that followed, however, I thought about the experience more and more frequently. A few weeks later, I awoke one morning and knew that something magical had happened. I felt the presence of a divine and heavenly mood………This divine presence was continuous with me for the duration of this magical experience, which lasted almost three months. The following describes the changes in my awareness:

·        A feeling of oneness and love with everyone I met; I could sense his or her inner self and real motives and needs, especially the need for love.

·        A sense that everything is composed of energy and that even inanimate object had consciousness.

·        Awareness there was no random events; that every event and interaction was part of a grand Divine plan.

·        My senses—smell, touch, taste, and sight—were intensified.

      The most significant change was living in the here and now. I was only vaguely aware of the future or of time passing. I recall an experience watching a spider spinning a web in my backyard. I felt oneness with my brother, the spider, as I sensed all life was precious and sacred. Hey, I know you are thinking this sounds like an acid trip. I can assure you, except for a one-time experiment with mushrooms many years into the future, I have never taken LSD or any other psychedelic drug.


“I started this autobiography over ten years ago. While the basic premise has not changed, I have expanded my knowledge of the soul’s journey, thanks to the work of Michael Newton. In his book, “The Journey of Souls,” he describes in detail how we co-create our lives with help from our guides. He acquired this knowledge by conducting over seven thousand hypnotic regressions of his clients’ between-lives experiences. I believe the consistency of his clients’ experiences and the rigor of his methods will convince any open-minded person of the validity of his work. He meticulously recorded these sessions and by careful analysis found the organization and structure of the between-life experience. I believe his excellent research has no parallel in answering the questions of what happens when we die as well as the issues of reincarnation, karma, spiritual guides, channeling, and so on.”  

Dr. Walter Busby’s “The Journey of a Mystic Child” is available from Amazon Books