The Pleiadians On Sexuality

“Sexuality and an abundant loving relationship can be profound and take you into other worlds, revitalize your body and remind your body of its most idealized patterns.

Using sexual expression to regenerate yourself rather than degenerate yourself is the ideal you will pursue.

Sexuality involves dealing with hormones. Sex excites the very core of your cells. The light encoded filaments become entwined with one another as in a magnet. The energies all line up and face the same way. When you become sexual and you and another individual are lined up in one direction, this dance starts your hormones.

You are like the north and south poles. Your bodies turn into magnets. When you and another individual achieve a heightened state of electromagnetic force, you pull on one another.

You create a balance between each other. When you get really good at this, you will not even have to touch each other as you can create this web of love between you. It is through this force field that your inner bodies arise and go into other worlds.

We think sexuality is one of the most exciting gifts that you have been given and we want to guide you further along this journey.

So that you can have a better time on earth, love yourself and love the earth. They are one and the same. Include every part of your body in a talk about sex. Make a commitment to accept every area of your body and to draw a partner to yourself who will honor every area of your body.

Know that your partner will be wanting and willing to be into this glorious part of your god/goddess force. You will inherit the blue print of every person with whom you have sex. So you have not only your own stuff to deal with but theirs, as well. When your body comes together with another’s, your chakras are stirred and your kundalini is moved. If your kundalini is only moved into your lower 2 chakras and it is not a full body infusion, you can have hooks into the other person’s auric field and they can have hooks into yours. This is why it is important to be very selective about who you’re going to have sex with. Make sure, if you are going to go for it, that you have some kind of bond and commitment and that you plan on working things out. Because in this day of accelerated time and sped up energy, you can take on everything from someone else.” 

Wayne Dyer on Meditation

“Perhaps the most elusive space for human beings to enter is the gap between our thoughts. When you attempt to clear your mind, usually the act of clearing your mind only leads to more thoughts.

After all, thinking about what it would be like to be in the gap between our thoughts…is just another thought. Have you observed the following at times? Usually we stay on one thought until another one takes over, leaving very little unused space. The spaces between our thoughts are brief, and seldom does anyone wonder what it would be like to have fewer thoughts, or what we’d find in the void between them. But the paradox is obvious. 

Rather than expanding that space between, we move on to more thoughts. So why should we concern ourselves with entering the elusive gap?

Because everything emerges from that gap — the void.

We get an inkling of why the gap between our thoughts is such a vital concept to grasp, and yes, to enter regularly, when we consider the following:

The place of “no thing” is where all that is “some thing” comes from.

We need the void of nothing in order to create something.

Habit 1: Observe the Silence Between the Notes

“It’s the silence between the notes that makes the music” is an ancient Zen observation, which clarifies this idea. Imagine, if you can, music without pauses or silent spaces. Without the pauses for silence, the music would be one infinitely long note of noise. What we call music would be impossible.

This is true for all of creation, including the world that you wish to create for yourself. Creativity itself is a function of the gap.

St. Paul said, “… that which is seen, hath not come from that which doth appear.” No, indeed, it comes from the emptiness, the void, the space in between. In the silence between our thoughts, we find the possibilities of creative genius and spiritual awareness that elude us when we remain attentive only to our run-on thoughts.

Habit 2: Think of Thoughts as Things

Think of thoughts as things, which need silence between them to attract and manifest new forms into life. Two bricks can’t be fastened together to form a wall without a space for mortar. The mortar itself is comprised of particles, which require spaces to allow them to become mortar.

Our thoughts are the same.

They require a pause between them to give life to what they represent separately. This is the gap, and it’s a space that allows us to build, create, imagine, and manifest all that we’re capable of creating with those thoughts.

Habit 3: Observe Your Thoughts, But Don’t Describe Them

It’s a place of ecstatic peace and serenity. I can’t describe the gap.

Why? Because to do so is to leave the gap and revert to what is either in back of it or in front of it. I know the bliss I feel when I’m in the gap, but the moment I contemplate that bliss, I’m out of the gap. I think of the gap as God’s house, since God is the omnipresent, invisible force that is in all of creation.

Habit 4: Dissolve Your Boundaries

In every drop of human protoplasm, there’s a “future-pull” that allow the physical journey to progress. The entire material-world journey is all in that microscopic drop of a seedling called our conception. It came from the no-where, shows up in no-where, and is heading back to no-where.

It’s all a question of spacing.

There’s something analogous with our thoughts as well. Within us is the almost unfathomable power to enter the gap between our thoughts, where we can commune silently with God and bring to life the same creativity that we see in the world of nature — of which we’re an integral component.

That’s right.

We’re just as much a part of the miraculously creative panorama of nature as the flowers, the sunsets, the seedlings turning into palm trees, the changing of the seasons, and everything else. It’s being outside of the gap, and listening only to the ego that keeps us from living at the level of being able to manifest.”

From “Getting in the Gap” by Wayne Dyer

True Patience

“What true patience is, is knowing that you want it and knowing that it’s coming and actually enjoying the unfolding along the way. Understand that you never get it done. So you might as well be patient. You never get it done, because every time you want and receive, you also receive a new perspective from which to want. Life is a constant unfolding of new desires and then a constant alignment to those desires.”  Abraham Hicks – 8/30/97

Contrasting Experience is Only Part of Life’s Buffet

“We want you to enjoy the contrasting experience, just like you enjoy the contrasting buffet. And we want you to reach the place (and practicing Virtual Reality will help you to gain this confidence) that whenever you’re in front of a buffet that has so much that you do like to eat, as well as some that you don’t like to eat, you don’t feel frustrated that there are things there you don’t want to eat. You don’t feel compelled to put them on your plate and eat them; you just pick the things that you like. And the Universe of thought is the same way. You can choose from it the things that you like.”

Abraham-Hicks, 6/29/02


“Unity author and poet James Dillet Freeman wrote, ‘I have been alone under the sky when suddenly I was one with all the beauty and wonder and glory of the world.  The sky was not hight enough, the horizons were not wide enough to hold my heart.’
My intention today is to recognize beauty and goodness, to be in awe of God’s creation.  Whether walking on a crowded sidewalk or strolling along a country lane, I look for signs and wonders.

The dandelion poking through a tiny crack in a sea of concrete represents the power of life in all things.  The wheat growing in a field will become bread to feed the multitudes.  Life truly is a wonder, and my heart is full of gratitude and awe.”

“God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.” – Genesis 1:31,

You Are Born Of The Stars

‘The Universe is a place of Celestial Beauty. The stars and comets streak across the fabric of forever. You are born of stars, and from the stars you reached out into the Universe on shining wings. The cosmic winds floated you to this earth and you chose to become flesh in this world. Star fallen, changed and re-birthed. The stardust and magic turned into flesh, bone, and awareness. Learning what it means to be fragile when you have been omnipotent. Learning to love when love was all of eternity. We are all creatures of grace who have forgotten our Source of Power. Nothing in this world, no sorrow no joy, can take away our birthright. You were born from the light, you ARE the light, you will return to the light when you leave this world. Look in the Bright Mirror of Your Soul and see what you really are.’                              Author Unknown from Janie Sindall, UK Healer and Channeler

You Deserve Your Good Thoughts

“The person that needs to do something is not that person. The person that needs to do something is you! Some of those people in your life do not deserve your good thoughts. In other words, “They are bad. They are evil. They are wrong! They are inappropriate. They do not deserve your good thoughts,” and you stubbornly are not going to give them any. They may not deserve your good thoughts. But you do. You deserve your good thoughts about them. This is what the Art of Allowing is. It’s allowing my own Well-being.”

Abraham-Hicks,  3/9/01

The Universe is Responding to You

“Your world, present and future, is directly and specifically affected by the signal that you are now transmitting. 

The personality that is You is really an Eternal personality, but who you are right now and what you are thinking right now is causing a focusing of Energy that is very powerful.  This Energy that you are focusing is the same Energy that creates worlds.  And it is, in this very moment, creating your world.”

Abraham-Hicks’ “Ask and It Is Given” Calendar

New Inspiration

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You live in a one room schoolhouse there upon your earth. There are spiritual graduates, and spiritual kindergartners. There are star students, and there are those who skip class entirely. There are kind students and bullies. You are all in school together. You are all family.

So what do you do when you witness violence on your news… or in your own lives? How can you reconcile the fact that every soul carries within them the light of God, and yet there are some who hurt, kill, and devalue other life? Dear ones, we know it is not easy to be upon the earth right now. It is a time of grand and glorious change, a time when emotions are bubbling up in human hearts, sometimes with volcanic proportion.

The beauty of this time is that so many of you are finding new passion, inspiration, or a desire to release the past. The sad side to this movement is that there are more who “coming unglued” as you say, and hurting others out of their own unbearable pain. All are family. Even those who kill, hurt, and devalue others are family. They are lost, but they are still part of you. They need your prayers.

Those of you who are parents know that you would love your children even if you didn’t like them. You would see their light and potential even if they chose not to live in that light. You would believe in their capacity for good even if they never acted upon it. You birthed them. You have seen them as pure, innocent babies. You know who they really are.

Can you imagine dear ones, this is how God and your angels sees each and every one of you? We seen the innocent, pure light of the Divine within each and every one of you.

So what about those who kill others, as in the case of recent shootings. “How do we see them,” you ask? “What happens to their souls? Where is the justice?” We hear your cries for truth.
We see the truth of these souls. We see their sensitivity to life, their pain, despair, and their desperate cries for love. We see their sense of abandonment, frustration, and even rage. We send them extra love. We attempt to gently steer them into kinder situations, kinder thoughts, and kinder realities, but still they have free will. When we see that they are going to use their free will in a violent way, we do our best to guide and protect all in their path, according to their soul’s design and choices.

The heavens are mobilized, dear ones, before each and every disaster – natural or man-made. There are legions of angels there to assist.

Some souls who die in the path of the rage-full ones have agreed to leave the planet to inspire compassion, societal, or family change. Some souls who die at the hand of the lost ones, signed up for a shorter experience of life. Some souls in the path have simply ignored their guidance, and when presented with the moment of choice that every soul has to stay or go, they say, at some level of their being, “I choose to go home.” This is hard to imagine when you don’t remember the bliss of heaven, but once you have, we reassure you there is no fear of death whatsoever. Quite the opposite, we often have a hard time helping souls whose time has not come to return to earth!

Meanwhile, what happens to those souls who are in such pain that they stir up great pain and darkness in the world? It varies, dear ones. Some of them die clueless and refuse to go into the light because they don’t believe love exists. These lost souls reincarnate time and again, wreaking havoc until at long last someone prays fervently enough for their soul to hear and feel worthy of love. Some of them die and wake up in transition. They go into the light, see, and feel in their life review all the pain they’ve caused. These souls want to make up for the pain. They often want to come back and serve humanity, or some of them erroneously believe they must come back and suffer to “pay for their sins.” God does not require payment. God wants all to be healed.

So pray, dear ones, not only for the victims of the hurting soul, but even more so for those who are committing such atrocities on your planet.Pray for their healing, their awakening, their return into the light. Pray that when they die they will know they are worthy of God’s love so they can be healed. Pray also for the souls who didn’t know enough to go into the light..

”Heal and uplift all hurting souls. Bring them into the light of your love. Bring home the lost, the weary, the sad, the angry, the wounded, and help all be uplifted as we collectively move into greater light.”

The lost ones hear your prayers. If enough people think them worthy of love, sometimes that is enough for them to shift and receive the love that is, and always has been, waiting for them. You – through your prayers and your commitment to love – can bring them back home.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels,