You Determine the Quality of Your Life!

0d8400a5c2e2d049839f90f90ab24192“There is a belief that says, ‘Things don’t exist until I say it’s so.’ ” What if all is already created and you are desiring something that already exists?

“We have the option of determining the quality of the journey. Your choices determine the quality of your journey. Your life plan will unfold perfectly. Will you have the miraculous or the not so wonderful?”

Matt Kahn 10-17

Music’s Influences

th-46Someone asks about music and how it can take you back in time to a previous situation.  Abraham said, “If you had alignment then, you like reliving that and like hearing the music that you enjoyed then. Then if you hear a song that you don’t like, it disconnects you. It did in the past and does now. Music is interpreting another level and a pure vibration.”  September ’16


Enjoy Your Age

growing-meme13Abraham said in Sept. 2016, “How you feel now is important! In your joyful now, age is too limited for you. Anyone talking about those things is not in connection. They are too limited. Don’t engage in the age question. Change the subject! Say, ‘I feel even with you in that regard.’ All are in the same situation on the boat of life and all is fair. People use age to pinch themselves off.”

The Voice of Oneness

10509597_322895227888864_522732406042322836_n   THE VOICE OF ONENESS #5  by Teran with Sulara who lives in Kihei, Hawaii.   Christmas Day, December 25th, 2016

Yes, Mele Kalikimaka! We greet you on this day of joyous celebration, this day of Love as many celebrate the manifestation of Love into the Earth as exemplified by the life of Jesus the Christ, the man who embodied the Christ Spirit, the spirit of Love. In many places on the Earth and here in the heavens, spirits are gathering to share in Oneness, Love, Joy, Peace, and Compassion together as One Heart.

Today I, Teran, and my spirit family of Love are gathered in these realms celebrating this sacred time and our Oneness with our Brother Jesus as One Heart, the heart of the Creator. May you dwell in the peace within your heart of hearts this day and every day.

As the energies of transformation and awakening are building, we come to comfort you and to encourage you to gather together in community to celebrate Light, to celebrate Love, to celebrate Peace. It matters not what is happening in the world around you which may be reflecting the tumultuous energies present in the Earth and in the hearts of whose who have forgotten their true connection to the Divine, Mother-Father God, All That Is. The violence so prevalent in parts of the world is the reflection of the loss of connection with the true spirit of Love and Oneness.

Continue reading The Voice of Oneness