Wanted and Unwanted Challenges ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have acquainted ourselves with the experience of your hardest challenges in life. We have noticed how they come up and how you generally approach them. What we are accessing for you are some suggestions as to how you can avoid creating these challenges for yourselves in the first place and some ideas on how to approach the challenges that already exist in your lives.

Sometimes you create a challenge for yourself because you want to prove that you can overcome it. This is something you do quite subconsciously. You think that the bigger the challenge, the better the rewards and accolades once you are past it. Sometimes you create a challenge for yourself because you believe that the world works in a certain way. Some of these challenges are about fitting in with the rest of your fellow humans, who are struggling.

Now, there is nothing wrong with a good challenge. In fact we see them as quite beneficial to you, but here is a challenge that we believe serves you. Let us say that you want to have the experience of traveling to another part of the world and seeing a sacred site. Let us say that you want to have some beautiful and magical experiences on that trip. Now let us say that you have not enough money to buy the plane ticket, and even your credit cards are maxed out.

You can challenge yourself to get there anyway and to have the experiences you want to have. That’s a challenge that you want to face, that you can draw more energy through you to face, and that you will feel a sense of accomplishment once you get past it.

Creating challenges for yourself subconsciously are usually not the kind that you actually want to face and get past. They are the challenges of limitation. If you have one of these challenges in your life right now, rather than kicking yourself for having created it in the first place, we suggest that you rise up to face it. We suggest that you notice how you got to where you are and that you decide that you are going to exceed the limitations that you imposed upon yourself to get into that particular challenge.

You do so by drawing from the energy that is available to you at all times, and that is also how you face the challenge of getting to where you want to go and experiencing what you want to experience in spite of conditions that suggest you will not be able to. So we encourage you to face the challenges that are in front of you now and create some consciously that you will enjoy meeting and overcoming.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com

Scientific Proof That You CanTrust Your Smart Heart (With A Video To Explain This)

Second Brain Found in Heart Neurons – Trust your Gut Feelings

Updated on March 2, 2018 by Juliette Kando FI Chor
Sue Adams profile image

Dancer, choreologist (movement notator), author on fitness and health and Fellow of the Benesh Institute at the Royal Academy of Dance.

The idea of transplanted cellular memory emerged as early as 1920 in the film “Les Mains d’Orleac” written by science fiction writer Maurice Renard. A second brain in the heart is now much more than an idea. Prominent medical experts have recently discovered that many recipients of heart transplants are inheriting donors’ memories and consequently report huge changes in their tastes, their personality, and, most extraordinarily, in their emotional memories. Today new science is testing the theory that the heart is involved in our feelings. So what have they discovered so far?

Discovery of Case Studies

Amazing new discoveries show that the heart organ is intelligent and that it sometimes can lead the brain in our interpretation of the world around us, and in the actions we chose to take. A large number of case studies were enough to prompt some scientists to look differently at the heart and test old theories that the heart is involved in our feelings and emotions. Since cardiac surgeon Christian Barnard’s first successful human heart transplant in South Africa in 1967, heart transplant recipients have had intriguing experiences, so strange and out of character that they seek to meet the families of their donors to find out what is going on. Could they have inherited certain behavioral and character traits through cellular memories stuck in the heart of their donors?

Meeting Donor’s Family

Upon meeting their donors’ families, the heart transplant patients’ hunches were confirmed: the new personality traits had indeed been passed on from their donors. Families of donors often tend to bond with a recipient of an organ donated by their departed loved ones. They, in many ways, recognize and like the recipient, almost as if a part of their lost one was, somehow, still alive.

Not just a pumping machine?

The Little Brain In The Heart

Neurologist Dr. Andrew Amour from Montreal in Canada discovered a sophisticated collection of neurons in the heart organized into a small but complex nervous system. The heart’s nervous system contains around 40,000 neurons called sensory neurites that communicate with the brain. Dr. Amour called it “the Little Brain in the Heart”. It has been known for many years that memory is a distributive process. You can’t localize memory to a neuron or a group of neurons in the brain. The memory itself is distributed throughout the neural system. So why do we draw a line at the brain?


The following facts are only a few of the many cases reported as evidence of something new and extraordinary happening to heart transplant recipients: They seem to take on the likes and dislikes of their donors.

A gentle, soft-spoken woman who never drank alcohol and hated football got a heart from a crashed biker donor and turned into an aggressive beer drinking football fan.

Her new heart wants to play football
Her new heart wants to play football | Source

A lazy male couch potato received a heart from a stuntman. He inexplicably started training fanatically for no apparent reason until he became a true athlete.

A 47-year-old Caucasian male received a heart from a 17-year-old African-American male. The recipient was surprised by his new-found love of classical music.

What he discovered later was that the donor, who loved classical music and played the violin, had died in a drive-by shooting, clutching his violin case to his chest.

A man who could barely write suddenly developed a talent for poetry.

turned poet

Most Amazingly…

An eight-year-old girl who received the heart of a ten-year-old murdered girl had horrifying nightmares of a man murdering her donor. The dreams were so traumatic that psychiatric help was sought.

The girl’s images were so specific that the psychiatrist and the mother notified the police.

Using the most detailed and horrid descriptive memories provided by the little girl, the police gathered enough evidence to find the murderer, charge him, and get a conviction for rape and first-degree murder.

Scientific Evidence

Possible Explanations

Doctors now attempt to explain why organ recipients are hosts to donors’ memories and emotions, also known as “cellular memories”. While a handful of scientists are skeptical and dismissing this strange phenomenon as post-surgery stress or reaction to anti-organ rejection drugs, there are also a growing number of experts who believe cellular memories are indeed transplanted from donor to recipient with organs.

Nothing Mystical, Pure Science

Other medical experts offer different explanations, but all agree that it is not so much mystical as it is science, and a science that needs further exploration.Professor Paul Pearsall and Professor Gary Schwarz got together.

Professor Gary Schwartz says that “Feedback mechanisms are involved in learning. When we talk, for example, about how the brain learns, we talk about what we call neural networks in the brain. It turns out that the way a neural network works is that the output of the neurons feeds back into the input of the neurons. And this process goes over and over again. So long as the feedback is present, the neurons will learn. If you cut the feedback, there is no learning in the neurons.”

Mind is Not Just in the Brain

Dr. Candace Pert, a pharmacologist at Georgetown University believes that the mind is not just in the brain, but also exists throughout the body. This school of thought could explain such strange transplant experiences. “The mind and body communicate with each other through chemicals known as peptides. These peptides are found in the brain as well as in the stomach, in muscles and in all of our major organs. I believe that memory can be accessed anywhere in the peptide/receptor network. For instance, a memory associated with food may be linked to the pancreas or liver and such associations can be transplanted from one person to another”.

Feedback Memory

“The implication is that it’s important for the neurons to have the feedback for the learning to take place. By extension, any system that has feedback is going to learn. We learn to shoot a ball into a basketball net by getting feedback about whether we are accurate or not. We learn to speak by getting feedback about whether we’re accurate or not. And so consequently, any system, any set of cells that has feedback mechanisms in a network is going to learn the same way that neurons learn. That’s what is called feedback memory.”

Love and Emotion

A heart transplant is now a routine operation. The heart has been seen for centuries as a symbolic organ associated with love and emotion.

Scientific research today clearly shows that poets and great scholars throughout history have been right all along. The heart has intelligence and plays a particular role in our experience of emotions.  hubpages.com

(Read more about the heart-brain connection which brings you more intuitive abilities in Resilience from the Heart: The Power to Thrive in Life’s Extremes by Gregg Braden)

Prof Stephen Hawking, British Physicist, Died Today

On Stephen Hawking’s death today, he will find out if all he believed about God and the Universe were true!  He wrote, “Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.”

Stephen Hawking’s story is a paradox: he did not believe in miracles, but at age 72, doctors said he was one, exceeding the life expectancy of a person with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

An inspiring quote of Stephen Hawking is …

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up!”


Wayne Dyer Explains How To Be An Inspiration To Others

“Just as we’re all students throughout life, we’re all teachers. In fact, we learn best by offering what we desire for ourselves to as many individuals as we can, as frequently as we can.

Spiritual teachers have raised the vibrational frequency of their daily life to a point where they’re able to provide inspiration to others merely by their presence, and this is the standard to which we need to aspire. It isn’t necessarily a scholarly undertaking—there are no lesson plans or report cards for the kind of teaching I’m writing about. Rather, I’m talking about the things we can do each and every day to inspire our fellow humans.

— Work on becoming more peaceful, and start noticing how you’re perceived by others. Practice daily meditation to become more peaceful, and then watch as others who previously engaged you in confrontation are less inclined in that direction. Decide for yourself that you’re an emissary of peace and that that’s precisely the energy you’re going to radiate wherever you go. By lifting your thoughts upward so that they resonate with the peace that divines your origination, you’ll automatically become a person who inspires others to do the same, without having to adopt any new strategies and with an absence of “effort” on your part.

— Actively work at reducing your inclinations to interrupt others with an I reference in conversations. Just “stifle yourself,” as Archie Bunker used to say. Make a concerted effort to be silent when you’re about to interrupt. See the words stifle yourself flash on your inner screen, and remind yourself at that moment that you inspire by listening and encouraging, not by self-reference or sermonizing.

— Before speaking, consult your inner “truth barometer” and resist the temptation to tell people what they want to hear if that feels untrue to you. People do respect those who are willing to speak their truth, and even more, to live the truth they feel. This kind of person inspires me by being aligned with our place of origin, which is, of course, pure honesty. You can be this inspiring kind of a person by abandoning your need for approval and replacing it with authenticity and integrity.

— Let everyone you meet know that there’s one thing about you that isn’t up for discussion: You are going to live your passion, and there’s absolutely no room for compromise on this point. Carry yourself proudly and show your enthusiasm in all of your waking hours. Be passionate about all of your activities, and keep reminding yourself that you will never elect apathy or ennui. Never! By refusing to concede this point, you’ll become a model for others to live out their lives in-Spirit. When I speak to audiences, I’m always aware that by my being in-Spirit and conveying this vibration to them, I’m offering everyone there an opportunity to do the same for themselves. When beginning speakers ask me for advice on how to become an in-demand lecturer, my answer is always the same: “Talk from your heart authentically and be enthusiastic.” Passionate, truthful communication is always inspiring.

— Practice being generous as often as you can. Promise yourself to extend some kind of unexpected generosity to someone, preferably a stranger, every single day for two weeks. This will not only help you develop a habit of giving, but you’ll also discover how wonderfully inspiring your generous nature feels. The more you practice being charitable, the more you’ll impact others in an inspiring way. By letting others know that you’re willing to give of your time as well as your possessions, you’ll serve as an inspirational model. Who isn’t inspired by those who’re willing to share their time, money, and possessions? We name cities (San Francisco) for such people and we nominate them (Mother Teresa) for sainthood… you too can inspire by being a benevolent soul.  dyerwisdom@email-hayhouse.com

How Do You Know? Sanaya’s “Upheld” Post

“ ‘How do you know you are connecting with the spirit of a loved one and not with the devil?’ asks a man beside you on an airplane, and we shared with you just the right answer which is intended for all to hear:

‘The result of that connection was a healing.  The result was greater love.  That is all that matters.’  In answering thus, you gave no power to the existence of lower thought-forms.  You held the light.  This is the key.  Others have been told what to believe, and they teeter precariously between hope and fear.  Those who focus upon and hold the Light know themselves as a projection of that Light.  There is no need to defend, no need to argue.  There is only Light.” suzannegiesemann.com

Turn On Your Light

“You stare at a lamp that is turned out.  How lackluster it seems.  It no longer stands out.  It seems to not serve its purpose, but there is something you know about it that serves a purpose quite well.  That lamp is connected to the source.  The potential is within it to show its light.  With one small adjustment, the flip of a switch, its full potential is expressed.  From darkness to light in an instant.  This analogy serves you well.  Do you see the similarity?  Be “conscious!” With this very word, flip the switch in your awareness and turn up the light within you.

You are always connected to your Source.  The Light does not go out within.  Now share your light with others so that they may realize your potential to love.”

Suzanne Giesemann.

There is No One Right Way ∞The Creators


“We provide you with tools that you can use, but you do not need to use. For you are the ones who get to decide how you go about shifting. It is not as if there is one way to do it, and you all must find the right way, and then you must follow the steps as they are laid out in the correct order, for so many minutes per day, and for so many days in a row. We know that this is how you go about changing many things in your lives. You have your exercise routines and you have your other regimens that are designed to get you to a certain place.

And that is all well and good. There is nothing wrong with that. You are setting aside time for something, and you are focusing in a way that supports what it is you are wanting to do. And when it comes to your shift in consciousness, you were not given a road map by your teachers in school. So this is new territory for you. Let us say this to you about where it is you are and where it is you are going.

Whatever it is that is in front of you in your lives is there because it is a necessary component for you to make this shift in consciousness. You are not only born equipped with the tools necessary to make this shift, but you are constantly being given scenarios, people, relationships, bosses, children, and so on, that are in your lives to help you. There is something about those people, those circumstances that are triggering you in all the right ways, that are moving you in the right direction.

So even though it may seem that you are taking steps backwards in your lives, that is only because you have something left to do. And there is nothing wrong with any of it. So relax and know that there is nothing for you to figure out. There is no secret formula for you to find. There is only the living of your lives and the choice to do so, consciously.”danielscranton.com

Think About What You Want Repeated

“People often believe that because something happened, and because it is a fact or true, that it should be focused upon, and therefore kept vibrationally active. And so, many people keep many things active that do not serve them.

If we were standing in your physical shoes we would not keep something active in our vibration just because it had happened. We would only keep things active that we want to repeat in our life experience.”

Abraham-Hicks,  2/15/14

Enhance Your Life Experience ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have discovered that the fastest way for you to enhance your life experience is to stop whatever you are doing and be more present with it. We have noticed that humans are eager to get to some future moment that will be better than the one they are currently in, and this actually holds you back because there is no way to offer a vibration from the future.

You can only offer a vibration from the now moment. The more deeply you connect with the now moment, the more you are able to appreciate about it. The more you are able to take in with your five senses, the more you can feel yourself moving through that experience. And that is the way to enhance every moment that you are lining up for yourselves as well.

This journey is ultimately about you. It’s not about getting to the perfect life or to the fifth dimension, or to outer space. It’s not about getting anywhere. It’s about becoming, and the process of becoming for all of you is anchored in the present moment and it is anchored in experience.

The only way for you to evolve is through experience, and when you rob yourselves of a large percentage of the experience you are having by not giving it your full attention, you also slow down that process of evolution that you are all so excited about. So please hear us when we say that the now moment is where it’s at.

And the quickest way for you to sink more deeply into the now moment is by taking a deep breath. By taking a deep breath, you immediately align all of your bodies – your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic. They all align because the breath solidifies your existence in the now moment.

Be willing to explore what is right in front of you with the curiosity of a child and with no expectation. Simply be with what is and see how your experience of it transforms right before your eyes. And as your experience transforms, so do you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”