Take Positive Steps Forward

“We acknowledge it is easier to manage our day-to-day activities and create our desired future when things are going our way. But life has a way of throwing us curveballs. We have all at one time or another experienced life’s little disappointments, unexpected issues, as well as short and long-term stresses. At times life seems to be going in a completely wrong direction and we need to take measures to turn this around and follow a path that is more in line with our soul’s calling.

Most of us would like to have a greater element of control in our everyday lives. Yet if everything was completely within our control, we would lose something very special, that magic moment and the possibility of serendipity.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”—Serenity Prayer, Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr

As noted in this prayer, there are some things in life that one cannot control. Know what these are and accept them (serenity). Recognize that these may be a part of your plan, lessons, or experiences on Earth even if you cannot understand the reasons why (wisdom). And then, turn your focus toward that which you can control and take positive steps forward (courage).”


Take A Change For The Better

“The secret of making something work in your life is first of all, the deep desire to make it work; then the faith and belief that it can work; then to hold that clear, definite vision in your consciousness and see it working out step by step, without one thought of doubt or disbelief.  Your positive attitude is vitally important to anything you undertake in life.  When you are determined to do something wholeheartedly, perfectly, and do it with love the results are bound to be wonderful.

Start right now to do everything that has to be done with that right attitude and see what happens; when you see everything working out in true perfection never fail to give thanks.  For the gratitude keeps the door wide open and enables more and more to work out in your life.

It is when you start taking things for granted that all the joy goes out of life and the door begins to close.  Then the best thing to do and do it quickly, is to stop and take time to count your blessings, realize how mightily blessed you are, and then give thanks.  This works like magic in everyone’s life.

Why not try it next time life begins to appear dull, uninteresting, and boring, and see what a transformation it will make in every way?  The sooner you realize that life is indeed what you make it … the more quickly will you behold the right results and your whole attitude will take a change for the better.”

Footprints on the Path, Eileen Caddy, p. 25 -26.

You Are Beloved By The Heavens

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There’s not a single one among you who is not beloved by the heavens. You as courageous souls who are expanding the invisible love into physical form. We never criticize or condemn you. We never tell you that your feelings are ‘wrong.’ You are all working very diligently upon your earth to bring more love into your lives and the lives of those around you. We see you through the eyes of love and compassion only. 

So many of you, however, are so very hard upon yourselves. You learned to base your thoughts about yourself on the thoughts of others. Even when no one else is around, you frequently judge yourself by the criteria you have been taught. You have learned the ‘criteria’ that ‘make’ you a good person, a worthy person, or an acceptable person.

We can say this with certainty:

  • You are all good souls, even at those times when you forget.
  • You are all worthy of love. That is not something you earn. That is something you are.
  • You are all OK as is, regardless of who you please or do not please, how you look, think, act, or behave. There will always be those doing ‘better’ and those doing ‘worse.’

These, dear ones, are facts accepted by all in the heavens. When you live in the light of the Divine, you realize that the criteria human beings impose upon one another are superficial, capricious, and unnecessary.

Start today, dear ones. Catch yourself when you judge or criticize yourself, and change it. Talk to yourself the way you’d talk to your dearest friend. As surely as you learned self-judgment, you can learn self-acceptance, one choice at a time. If you are tired, rest. If you are passionate, chase your dreams. If you need comfort, wrap a blanket around yourself, give yourself a hug, and have a cup of tea.

Honor the Divine within, dear ones, rather than making others your God. In a given moment, you are who you are, and that is OK. You are always good, always worthy of love, and always OK being exactly who you are.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”


A Lot Of Fulfillment

“You don’t have to figure out what the one thing is that you’re supposed to be doing and then stay on that track forever and ever-more. But rather, go within on a regular basis and check in and feel for what the impulses are for you in any given moment in any given day and follow through as best you can. You don’t have to wait for an invitation from the universe, but you might get signs, you might get breadcrumbs and synchronicities that are telling you, ‘Yes! You are right. Move in that direction. It’s okay. It’s safe to follow your bliss.’


Sometimes you experience doubt so that you can then choose to believe in yourselves and in the ability that

you have within you to follow through with something. You see, it also doesn’t have to be something you knew that you were going to do from a very young age, because you were meant to explore this realm, and through a series of experiences, understand better what appeals to you, what makes you tick, what lights you up and brings you the most joy. And you can discover that at age seventy, and it’s okay.

There’s no one way you are all supposed to be, or one timing at which you are all supposed to discover that. You have all that you need within you to know what it is to move towards and to follow through with that knowing. If you need more confidence in yourselves, look for examples of others who have done it.

Stay positive, and ask the universe to give you those examples, to give you that anecdotal evidence that you can move in the direction you seek to go at any point in your life, and you can have a wonderful experience doing it. That is our suggestion to you; this is not something we are telling you you must do, but we know that you will find a lot of satisfaction and a lot of fulfillment when you do.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



2025 – The Year Of The Snake

“We move from the past Chinese Year of the Dragon of 2024 into the current Year of the Snake of 2025.

The Chinese Snake is the sixth animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Each year is associated with a specific animal, which is believed to influence the characteristics of the people born in that year.

The Earth now embodies the archetypal qualities of the Year Of The Snake listed below. The Earth moves through the shadow of previously hidden mysteries by shedding the layers of intrigue and corruption that have been hidden from its people. The serpent energy provides us with the medicine needed to awaken humanity from a deep slumber!
Here is an overview of what the Year of the Snake represents:
1. Wise and intelligent: Snakes seek knowledge and understanding.
2. Cautious and Prudent: Snakes carefully plan their actions.
3. Mystery and Intuition: The Snake’s activities will be revealed.
4. Resourcefulness and Adaptability: Snakes will find ways to adapt to their hidden actions being discovered.
5. Transformation and Renewal: The Snake’s ability to shed its skin symbolizes transformation and renewal. This is associated with personal growth and the ability to leave behind old habits or situations. Hope for changes can be seen.
6. Protection and Healing: No fear as God is in control.