Category: Spiritual Writings
What You Consistently Think About
Your Every Thought
“Your every thought, word, and deed sends a ripple into the human pond of human consciousness.
Your negative energies are weak ripples that do not travel far.
Your positive energies are powerful ripples — transmissions of love from the Source itself that you allow to flow freely through you.
When you say a kind word to another, you allow the Source to flow its love through you to that person.
When you acknowledge yourself, you allow the light within to bubble up to the surface and shine more brightly.
When you feel a tiny bit of compassion for anyone, especially someone who annoys you, in that moment, you are granting the vibration of mercy to all.
You are never insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant to the One.Your smallest choices have a powerful impact on the field.
Your Love, dear ones, can help and assist in elevating all beings.
So, rather than feeling powerless to change your world, realize that you change the world in every moment.”
The Role Of Synchronicity In Your Life – Short Video
“Synchronicity is a concept that refers to meaningful coincidences that occur in our lives. It is a term coined by the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who believed that synchronicity is a manifestation of the collective unconscious.
In simple terms, synchronicity is when two or more events occur at the same time, seemingly by chance, but with a deeper meaning or connection. Jung believed that synchronicity is a way for the universe to communicate with us, sending us signs and messages that we need to pay attention to. These signs can come in many forms, such as repeating numbers, unexpected encounters, or even dreams.” @WisdomNuggets
What Is Synchronicity?
Vibrate High
“We are constantly interacting with an environment full of entities with their own vibrational frequencies. Our equilibrium is affected by everything we come into contact with. Over time one’s core frequency and vibration can be altered depending on the consistency of the exposure to these vibrational frequencies.
Brian Rose of KIYA Longevity stated in a recent study that people in good physical and emotional health have a higher vibrational frequency than those with altered health, and stress, who are experiencing more negative emotional states. Studies have shown a correlation between human mood and physical health to sound and vibrational frequencies. One conducted by the National Library of Medicine showed chronic exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields resulted in poor quality sleep, depression, and reported feelings of stress and anxiety. Physical effects of ELF fields at 60Hz, such as those created by low-tension power lines, correlate with a higher risk of cancer. These are examples of the negative effects on the body and mind.
When your ‘vibration’ is low, according to holistic and spiritual perspectives, it generally means you are experiencing negative emotions like stress, anxiety, fear, or sadness. With these emotions, you can begin to manifest disharmony, more negativity, and a potential decrease in your overall energy and well-being.
In a low vibrational state of tiredness, nervousness, tension, or rage you might feel drained, sluggish, and more susceptible to attracting negative situations in your life like accidents or being ill. Sickness has a vibration of 5.5 hz and it does not seriously exist above 25.5 hz. This is why we have to vibrate high even if it’s for a short period of time. For instance, we can improve our vibration by stopping constantly watching the news. Hearing negative news reports can lower your vibration to cause you ill health or more fearful problems.
A low vibrational state might attract more negative experiences and people into your life. Even choosing to go to a lower vibratory place can have the effect or lowering your vibration, The frequency of the Earth is 27.4 hz but there are places that vibrate very low like hospitals, shopping centers, bars, nightclubs, jails, subways, and old office buildings, etc.
Here are some examples of negative feelings and their resulting vibrations;
Pain 0.1 to 2 hz
Fear 0.2 to 2.2 hz
Irritation 0.9 to 6.8 hz
Noise 0.6 to 2.2 hz
Pride 0.8 to hz
Abandonment 1.5 hz
Superiority 1.9 hz
Instead, choosing to be truly thankful raises your vibration to 150 hz!
Feeling compassion for someone also brings you up to a 150 hz vibration and higher. Loving your neighbor and feeling universal love for mankind accelerates you to a 205 hz vibrational state. Practicing gratitude, positive affirmations, and optimistic thinking can help elevate your vibration.
Listening to uplifting and soul-soothing music – Smiling – Meditating – Painting – Singing – Dancing – Enjoying Life – Being with Positive People – Practicing Self-Love – Enjoying Nature – Feeding on food that the Earth gives us: seeds-grains-cereals-fruits and clean water – will help us vibrate higher!