The Law Of Attraction

“I see myself in perfect health. I see myself in absolute prosperity. I see myself invigorated with life, appreciating, again, this physical life experience which I wanted so very much as I decided to be a physical Being.

It is glorious to be here, a physical Being, making decisions with my physical brain but accessing the power of the Universe through the power of the Law of Attraction.”

Excerpted from The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on 7/1/06

Qualities Of The Ego

“The ego is always on guard against any kind of perceived diminishment. Automatic ego-repair mechanisms come into effect to restore the mental form of ‘me.’

When someone blames or criticizes me, that to the ego is a diminishment of self, and it will immediately attempt to repair

its diminished sense of self through self-justification, defense, or blaming. Whether the other person is right or wrong is irrelevant to the ego.  It is much more interested in self-preservation than in the truth.  This is the preservation of the psychological form of ‘me.’

Even such a normal thing as shouting something back when another driver calls you ‘idiot’ is an automatic and unconscious ego-repair mechanism.

One of the most common ego-repair mechanisms is anger, which causes a temporary but huge ego inflation.

All repair mechanisms make perfect sense to the ego but are actually dysfunctional.  Those that are most extreme in their dysfunction are physical violence and self-delusion in the form of grandiose fantasies.”

A New Earth – Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose, Eckhart Tolle, p. 214-215.

Not a Matter of Believing

“Trust.  We cannot emphasize this enough.  There is a greater intelligence guiding you that will guide you to fresh insights, answers to questions, comfort, and courage when needed if you will trust that it exists.

This is not a matter of believing in God, believing in angels, and the like.  Believe what you will if it is helpful but notice when you are limiting yourself.

This Power that flows through you and animates you does know what is best for you. Harness it through intention.  Some might call that prayer.  Trust the Power that is you at a higher level to have the bigger picture.

You are so very loved.”

The Daily Way, Suzanne Giesemann,