Intuition Is Spiritual Attunement

” ‘Will you explain intuition?’ once inquired someone.

‘Yes, I can explain it in one sentence — the prompting of the spirit,’ replied the guide.

‘Intuition is the means by which the spirit becomes aware of itself; it outpaces the processes of normal earthly reasoning.  Intuition accomplishes at lightening speed what normally you would reach after much deliberation.  Intuition is that  process of attunement during which you receive that prompting which you would reach after much time and thought on the same subject.

Then, above all, is the cultivation of the spirit itself which can be accomplished in the quietness of the individual, where he can learn to attune themselves to all that power that is round and about him; where he can learn to harmonize his mind with the great minds of the larger life; where he can learn to become a better receptacle for the inspiration and wisdom, for the knowledge and truth, for all the learning that is awaiting him from the infinite storehouse, the Great Spirit.’ ”

Silver Birch Anthology – Wisdom From The World Beyond, Edited by William Naylor, p. 74-75.

A Powerful Manifestation Exercise

“In his book, The Moses Code, James F. Twyman reveals how nearly 3,500 years ago, Moses was given the secret for attracting everything that human beings have ever desired.  Twyman reveals how the Moses Code can be used to create miracles in your life . . . and in the world.

What do you want to attract in your life?  You may choose to start off with something small or go after your heart’s desire. It’s totally up to you, since the Moses Code doesn’t recognize levels of difficulty. It treats everything the same—as extensions of God and, therefore, something that you deserve. You’re also an extension of God, so it’s logical that you’re entitled to whatever you request.

Write it down on a piece of paper, and keep it in front of you so you can clearly see your goal. Now go to a place where you can relax and be alone. Once you’re alone and relaxed, take a deep breath.

With your eyes open, look at the sheet of paper in front of you and say out loud: ‘I AM THAT.’ Exhale as you recite these words, and then as you inhale, continue by saying, ‘I AM.’ The sound will be different because you’re reciting the second phrase on the in breath. Repeat this circular breathing and speaking as you stare at what you’ve written down. It’s important to feel the emotion of  ‘already having’ what it is that you’re asking for.

When you breathe out, saying ‘I AM THAT,’ you’re claiming that you’re one with the desired state or object. This claim is actually a statement of truth. In fact, you aren’t separate from anything; you’re an aspect of the all-pervading life of God. You’re one with God, so you’re one with all things that are also one with God. Does this make sense?

Perhaps not to your logical mind, but your soul understands this statement all too well, and that’s why the Moses Code works. It’s as if you’re finally acting upon the knowingness of your soul instead of your mind, which sees everything as separate and alone. Your soul, however, views everything as intimately connected to its source.

When you inhale, saying ‘I AM,’ imagine that this is God’s response to you, claiming and accepting the thing you desire to draw into your life. You say to God: ‘I AM THAT,’ and God answers: ‘I AM.’ When you say, ‘I AM THAT,’ to God, God doesn’t answer you, saying, ‘You are.’ The Creator replies, ‘I AM.’ In other words, God is saying through you: ‘If you claim it, then I claim it, too, for we are one!’ ‘I AM THAT I AM’ now becomes a single statement rather than two. It is God speaking to God, and God answering God. And what would God give itself? Everything!”

The Moses Code, James F. Twyman,

Relax More Often

“When faced with challenges or problems, relax before you jump into action. Breathe. Escape to your inner paradise as we’ve guided you or, if you prefer, choose any other method of relaxation that works for you.

Many still think that relaxing is just a way to temporarily escape the ‘real’ world. We in the heavens view it as a way to attune yourself to a world that is more real than the one that your physical senses perceive. Relaxation allows you to naturally tap into the world of energy and good feelings – a world of incredible love, wonder, peace, serenity, harmony, order, and joy that lives just beneath the surface of all you perceive.

Relax more often. Allow your vibration to rise naturally, and therefore draw to you a better and kinder future, all the while enjoying deep peace, and serenity in the here and now.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”


“Dignity is something innate in every person.  It deserves to be acknowledged and recognized.

So often we make judgments about someone because of how they look, or talk, or behave.

And many times such judgements are negative and wrong.  We have to look at another persona and think, ‘They are just like me. They want what I want — to be happy.’

When we look at others and see ourselves, we want to connect and help.”

James R. Doty, MD,

Miracles Come From Divine Laws

“So-called Miracles Are Simply My Divine Laws Being

Never accept anything second best. See the very best and manifest it.

You will see this demonstrated more and more each day. You are beginning to understand My Divine Laws and are seeing them put into practice all the time.

I know all your needs and all your needs are being met before you even realize them yourself.

‘By their fruits ye shall know them’; that is exactly what is happening here.

You are living a life and the fruits are there for all to behold. Miracle upon miracle is being brought about. These so-called miracles are simply My Divine Laws being demonstrated.”
