The Power You Have

You have the power to communicate with trees, with animals, insects, with the air, with the Earth, you can create rain where water is needed!
You can communicate with everything because everything is connected to you.
Do you think ancient ancestors did the rain dance by asking their ancestors? NOT!.
They made it rain, their will, desire and power brought rain.
You also have this power, you can also communicate with your ancestors and ask them to guide you, they are waiting for you to do this.
Ask your Spirit to reveal what you want to know.
Today we are in a moment of synchronicity, when you plan something and everything goes according to plan, this is synchronicity, ask for guidance and you will be answered.
You are a Wonderful Being. If several beings come together to send love and healing to a sick person, what do you think will happen?
You have immense power, don’t be afraid to communicate, all that energy is inside your solar plexus waiting for you to release it!
Even though it’s not what you’ve been taught and you’re afraid to change your beliefs, your mental patterns, even if the dogma tries to block you out, it’s time to get out of the box of thoughts that build your illusory “reality”.
INVESTIGATE! You have the power to heal and heal yourself, don’t let the fear of what they say deprive you of your powers.
Enough! Be free! Break the chains that bind you once and for all! Shine Shine!
You are a Master of Light, you create your reality, you are the new human, use your power, fill Gaia with light!
Bring light to all who need it, live as a teacher who is who you really are.
Tell me which teacher said you can’t?
Who says you are a sinner?
Who threatened you with false hell?
Who cursed you for the simple fact that you were born?
Realize, you are the “I AM” energy!
Break the chains dear ones, your cosmic name is known beyond the veil and you are immensely loved and protected by an army of light that does not rest helping you in your transcendence to the Higher Realms of Consciousness.”
Yanis Fontal

At This Turning Point

“At this turning point for humanity, I take heart in Cayce’s counsel: ‘Be GLAD you have the opportunity to be alive at this time, and to be part of that preparation for the coming influences of a spiritual nature that MUST rule the world’ (2376-3)

May you likewise take heart in spiritual truth, find strength and courage in your practice, and demonstrate the love that holds us all in Oneness.”

The Gifts of Gratitude

“The blueprint for how to handle inconveniences and disappointments is to stay grateful in all things, which, of course, is different than being grateful for all things. This is a lesson we’ve all been learning over the last couple of years as the world and our lives have been changed so drastically.

Many of those recent changes have been incredibly difficult—and even devastating.  It can be hard to look at the tougher circumstances of our lives and find even a single thing for which to feel grateful. But that’s all the more reason to try.

At the very least, in the face of adversity, we can give thanks for the strength to endure dark times and for the faith to believe in brighter days ahead. When coping with loss, we can feel grateful for the comfort of our memories and the support of family and friends. And when called to acclimate to unfamiliar and unwelcome circumstances, we can be grateful for the gifts of creativity and adaptability that allow us to lead ourselves into a new way of living.

The more grateful we can be for these indwelling gifts, the more easily we will be able to call upon them when we need them most. We’ll always find things to be grateful for, of course. But with the practice of mindful attention, we’ll also be able to feel that gratitude in all things and soar far above that which might have kept us down.”

Rev. Teresa Burton, Daily Word Editor

Get Hold Of The Feeling Of It

“There are no happier people on this planet than those who decide that they want something, define what they want, get hold of the feeling of it even before its manifestation.

Then, joyously watch the unfolding as, piece by piece by piece, it begins to unfold. That’s the feeling of your hands in the clay.”

Abraham Hicks, 8/18/01


You Are Here To Complete Your Mission

“Many highly evolved people who have come to the planet at this time experience disgust, concern, sadness, and more at the sorry state of affairs they discover here.  For them, the desire to escape and go back to God is sometimes overwhelming.

If this describes you, if you have this desire (for escape) you are here to assist the transition of the planet.  Your discomfort serves as a driving force to help the world.  Many of you incarnate into difficult situations to stop the drama.  Many of you have been told by guides that ‘the abuse stopped with you.’

It usually means Earth is not your true home, and along with this come the desire to ‘go home.’  That desire is normal, but if this is you and you long to ‘go home,’ it may also mean that you are not doing your work.  It’s hard. Darn. All you have to do is step up to your work (your mission), and that desire vanishes.

Why do you feel this way?  Because you are so plugged into God … that being here (existing) is physically painful.  The antidote to that pain is to do your work, serving others in some way.  By the way, we are not talking servitude here but service.  Your discomfort stems from either not doing our mission or believing you cannot do your mission.

Maybe you’ve not figured it out yet, but that’s how it shows up.

If this is you, try this simple prayer, “Dear God, show me how much I am loved. Help me to find and complete my mission.”

Waking Up In 5 D – A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation, Maureen J. St. Germain, p. 58.


The Wounded Child

“The ‘wounded child’ within each of us contains the damaged or stunted emotional patterns of our youth, patterns of painful memories, of negative attitudes, and of dysfunctional self-images. Unknowingly, we may continue to operate within these patterns as adults, albeit in a new form.

Fear of abandonment, for example, becomes jealousy.  Sexual abuse becomes dysfunctional sexuality, often causing a repetition of the same violations with our own children.

A child’s negative self-image can later become the source of dysfunctions such as anorexia, obesity, alcoholism, and other addictions as well as obsessive fear of failure.  These patterns can damage our emotional relationships, our personal and professional lives, and our health.

Loving oneself begins with confronting this archetypal force within the psyche and unseating the wounded child’s authority over us.  If unhealed, wounds keep us living in the past.

To discover and love ourselves is the essential key to finding the happiness that we are convinced lies outside of ourselves but that spiritual texts remind us is only found within.  Too many people are frightened of knowing themselves, convinced that self-knowledge would mean living alone, without their current friends and partners. While the short-term effect of self-knowledge may well cause changes, its long-term developments — fueled by consciousness, not fear– will be more fulfilling.

We begin the formidable task of getting to know ourselves by discovering our emotional nature — not in relation to anyone or anything, but in relation to ourselves alone. This is the only way to empower your heart.

With or without anyone else playing a primary role, a person needs to know: What do I like?  What do I love? What makes me happy? What do I need for balance?  What are my strengths?  Can I rely upon myself? What are my weaknesses? Why do I do the things I do? What makes me need the attention and approval of others?  Am I strong enough to be close to another person and still honor my own emotional needs?

The path to the empowered heart will demand great effort.  As you identify your wounds, have someone ‘witness’ them and their influence upon your development.  Identify the good that can and has come from your wounds.  Take on the challenge of forgiveness.  Finally, live in love, appreciation and gratitude. In the language of Jesus, ‘Leave the dead and get on with your life.’ And as Buddha taught, ‘There is only now.’

By discovering who you are, you will discover what your heart needs. The only path toward spiritual consciousness is through the heart.  That truth is not negotiable, no matter what spiritual tradition one chooses as a means to know the Divine.  Love is Divine Power. ”

Anatomy Of The Spirit – The Seven Stages of Power and Healing, Carolyn Myss, PhD., p. 202- 217.