The Work Of Every Light Bearer

“The Work Of Every Light Bearer All Over The World Is To Unite

I want you to realize and understand as never before the power of your thoughts, and how vitally important it is to watch them. Be in complete control of them and do not allow them to control you.

So let your waking thoughts be ones of joy and gratitude, of peace and harmony, of love and thanksgiving.

Start by counting your blessings and giving thanks for each and every one. As you lift up your thinking and go forth with those thoughts, your whole being is filled with light and you help lighten every dark spot as you come to it.”

Eilene Caddy, Findhorn Foundation,

Allowing New Perception

“Whenever you feel tension, stress, distress, judgment, or disquiet, it’s only a service. Think of a little bell going off: ‘You are attached to old perception.’ Be grateful for the service of this little bell.

Hear it when it is a little bell, and heed its message: ‘It’s time to pause in a moment of willingness to allow old perception to pass away.’ Look at the beautiful gift for all that you usher in when you simply pause in willingness many times each day–at the least disquiet, at the least discomfort. Simply pause to allow the old to pass away. What a beautiful gift for all. Rejoice. Celebrate as you do this work.

You have been perceiving what you prefer to perceive. Yes, this is an outrageous statement, according to the ego. Let us observe, however, that ego does not exist. It is a figment of imagination that has been raging, yes. But it has never been real. That is why you can look upon it in quiet and in peace. We take this moment of quiet and peace. We pause. And then we look.

We look upon the world ‘out there.’ You do not see light and love reflected back at you everywhere and through everyone yet. We ask for you to own something completely. If you own this thing completely, it paves the way to allow the shift. Own completely that it was your preference to see disorder and disarray. It was your preference to see phantoms of innocence as opposed to guilt, ghosts of aggressors, and victims. It was your preference, and they came at your request. They weren’t ever real, but the illusions came at your request. If you can own your request for illusion, then you can allow illusion to pass away.

If you need to continue to pretend that you are an innocent victim of an illusion that came at your request, then the illusion can’t pass away. It has to stay in obedience to your wish for an innocent victim role within the illusion. But you are prior to the illusion. You cannot be subject to it when you rule it. You can order the illusion to calm, and after you order the illusion to calm, you can allow it to pass away. You don’t pass away. The illusion passes away when you are ready to allow it to do so.

Pass away. Passing away. Passing away is a good thing! It returns you to your Self. You don’t pass away. You allow the illusion you requested to go. That is all. You remain the same beautiful love you have always been.

Insanity has been a game you have been playing. No one dragged you to the game. You came willingly, and you stayed willingly. Your willingness is very, very powerful. Allow your willingness to shift in the direction of Home, and you will see that victimhood has never, ever been actual. It was only an illusion that came upon the scene at your request.

When you feel any disquiet or stress, your willingness is pointed in the direction of going further into the game, pretending it is real, pretending it has power over you. We guide you out of the game, your direction firmly set toward Home.

We invite you to the realization that all lack of value is fictional, and all value is present and alive in the unified Self right now. Therefore, there is no need to go on a hunt for value or lack of value. There is no need to label value or lack of value. Instead, you may rest. You can rest in what you Are. And as you do, you are carried past all of the frights of the game. As you are carried past the frights, you begin to see the lights. The frights never were, and the lights are a reflection of what is Real.

Feel what is Real. Trust what is Real. And follow what is Real.

We bless you. We keep you. We carry you. And we rejoice in you. We give thanks that this is so forever.”

For more wisdom, go to


Wondering About Our Perceptions

“Essential Meaning of perception –

1. the way you think about or understand someone or something
2. the ability to understand

or notice something easily.  (She shows remarkable perception.)          3. the way that you notice or understand something using one of your sense visual/spatial perceptions”

The above definition is from the dictionary but have you ever thought about what perception is really all about?
Does perception happen only within the normal limits of the physicality of our 5 senses?  Or does perception really begin with our mind’s interpretation of our physical reality?

Do perceptions take the form of mental constructs when our mind judges our observation?
As we age, we have various experiences.  The experiences are different.  But maybe we group them into categories. Each of us DECIDE to label those as good or bad or neutral based on our physical reactions and previous experiences.
Inside our physical “knowing,” we sense more…  Did a mental image of what happened to us trigger a preconceived concept about ourselves, life, and people?
So we may have lumped that assessment into this or that idea grouping.
In times of inner quiet, our intuition (our higher self speaking to us) allows new knowing.  Our perceptions may change. What we thought was “as solid and real as cement blocks” becomes like clay.  Moldable clay can be formed to look differently.

So what I am considering here is the power of one’s higher self to change our perceptions if we allow it.  Let that idea simmer in your head for a while.  A new possibility lies dormant within you.
Is it possible that our perceptions are really skewed?
Is it possible that what we remember … didn’t happen exactly the way we think it did?  Just a thought…

Look For The Spark In Any Situation

“In every change that takes place, look for the very best, look deep within and see the good that is coming out of it.

It may not always be easy to see it straight away, but never give up until you have done so. There is usually a tiny spark of light even in the darkest of situations, so look for it until you have found it.

I work in very mysterious but wonderful ways to perform My wonders. A seemingly impossible situation can change in the twinkling of an eye. Where there has been complete resistance and negativity, the whole situation can change overnight.

A nation or an individual may see the error of their ways and decide to let go and let Me take over.

Therefore never accept any situation as impossible for you are about to see the most astounding things take place.

Eileen Caddy,

Hold The Intention Of Peace

“Look past the surface of this situation and see the underlying truth: that everyone involved is a child of God filled with love.  By focusing upon this truth, you trust loving behavior and solutions.

Even though appearances may seem otherwise, trust that a higher wisdom is in charge.  Love is the only power that exists, and its light shines away any seeming darkness.

Hold the intention to look for examples of this light within yourself and others, and you’ll have more light in your mind, heart, thoughts and life.  This knowledge is the foundation of peace.”

Doreen Virtue, 2004.