Restoring Peace Within

“During the day, if you practice walking meditation, each step brings you back to the present moment; each step enables you to touch what is beautiful, what is true.  And in this way, after a few weeks of practice, joy will become something possible, you will be able to undo many knots within yourself, and you will be able to transform negative energies into joy and peace.

The Buddha said this: ‘The object of your practice should first of all be yourself.  Your love for the other, your ability to love another person, depends on your ability to love yourself.’

If you are not able to take care of yourself, if you are not able to accept yourself, how could you accept another person and how could you love him or her?  So it is necessary to come back to yourself in order to be able to achieve the transformation.”

True Love – A Practice For Awakening The Heart, Thich Nhat Hanh, p. 41-42.

How To Change Your World

“Until you are honest with yourself and become consciously aware of yourself, you cannot honestly relate with others;

you will project upon them your own fears and prejudices.  You cannot afford to help them because you have too many insecurities within yourself.

Now, you form the physical reality that you know, individually and en masse.

To change your world you must change your thoughts.

You must become consciously aware of what you tell yourself is true every moment of the day… for that is the reality that you project outward.

Seth Speaks, Jane Roberts, p. 475.

Edgar Cayce’s Advice For A Balanced Body

Be consistent in the eating. Eat at regular times…

Have regular hours for arising; as regularly as possible for relaxation; as regularly as possible for retiring.

Have regular periods for relaxation as to walks, as to physical exercise, as to mental relaxation… 

These will make for a much more evenly balanced attitude for the body.”

Edgar Cayce Channeling, Association for Research and Enlightenment, Virginia Beach, Virginia, ECRL 257- 96

Honor And Accept The Now

“The greater part of human pain is unnecessary.  It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life.

The pain that you create now is always some form of nonacceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is.

On some level of thought, your resistance is some form of judgment.  On the emotional level, it is some form of negativity.

The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment, and this, in turn,

depends on how strongly you are identified with your mind.

The mind always seeks to deny the Now and to escape from it.  In other words, the more you are identified with your mind, the more you suffer.

Or you may put it like this: the more you are able to honor and accept the Now, the more you are free of pain, of suffering — and free of the egoic mind.”

The Power Of Now – A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment, Eckhart Tolle, p. 33.