Meditation In 4 Steps

1. Find a Quiet Spot.

Meditation is a practice where you get super focused on your breath.

The first step is to find a relaxing and quiet spot to practice meditation. You can sit with your legs crossed on the floor if you choose. Keep your back straight, yet relaxed. If sitting on the floor is difficult, sit in a comfortable chair or lie down.  You simply want to feel relaxed and not have any distractions around.

2. Concentrate on the Breath.

Take two to three deep breaths.

Inhale deeply and slowly, focusing on the air going into your lungs. Then exhale slowly while concentrating on the breath leaving the lungs, while relaxing every muscle in your body.

You want to really focus on letting go of all stress while you focus on the inhale and exhale. Once you have taken your deep breaths, continue to focus on your inhale and exhale as you breathe naturally.

3. Let Go of Thoughts.

One of the reasons you concentrate on your breathing is because when you do this, by default you are not focusing on thoughts running around your mind.

You think even when you don’t want to! As you keep your attention on your breathing, your thoughts should decrease.

However, it’s normal for thoughts to arise at times. Simply witness and acknowledge the thought, and then let it go. You can even imagine the thought dissolving, floating away, or washing away down a river.

4. Introduce a Mantra.

A mantra is a word or phrase that tends to be positive.

In meditation, you can concentrate on and repeat a mantra, as it may help you stay focused. Some people just repeat ‘Thank You.’ Also, ‘Om’ is a common mantra that is used, but there are many others.  Om is said to be the sound vibration of the universe. Do a little research to see what kinds of mantras appeal to you.”


Om Soham “I am connected to the Infinite Source” Meditation

So Hum is derived from Sanskrit and literally means “I am That”. it means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. As we meditate on this, we realize that we are all one, we have all come from one Infinite Source, and a part (Ansh) of that infinite source is present in all of us. We are all connected. “You are the same as I am” OM is the sound of the universe.

Om Soham ~ I am the universe, I am part of it, I am connected to that Infinite source.

Meditate To Free Yourself From Your Ego

“The Ego is not who you really are.
The Ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing.
Your social mask thrives on approval.
It wants control, and it is sustained by power because it lives in fear.  The most effective way to become free from the grip of the ego is to directly experience that non-local reality or the ‘One’ as you call it.
The One is a universal consciousness that is embedded within the conscious mind of each individualThis is the God Within.
You have to step outside the realm of the ego completely to extricate yourself from it. Any techniques that are limited to feelings, imagination, intellectual understanding, or will power that aim to free you from the ego, are all still within the field of the ego, and therefore those mental components do not have the ability to transform the very basis of one’s identity beyond the ego power, because it lives in fear.”
The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success: A Practical Guide To The Fulfillment Of Your Dreams, Deepak Chopra.