Doing Good For Others

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”   (Matthew 25: 35-36)  “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”    (Matthew 25: 40)

Kryon Teaches In Depth How to Properly Communicate With Your Cells…

Published February 28, 2017 – “This is one of the most informative channelings from Kryon we could find discussing how to communicate with your cells. Delphi University – Georgia 2014 ‘Cellular Communication.’ ” (At 25 min. hear the best!)

Echhart Tolle’s Most Powerful Video on Spirituality and Happiness

Echhart Tolle teaches how to become the consciousness that experiences without interpretation.  Wonderful helps for meditation!  “You are bigger than your thoughts!”  “Suffering implies a story that ‘a little me’ is suffering.”  “Be at one with the present moment because that is the only place that life can be found.”

Laarkmaa – A Pleiadian Group Channeled Through Cullen Smith and Pia Smith Orleane

Conversations with Laarkmaa : A Pleiadian View of the New Reality

9780996783507For the first time in history, a Pleiadian group has invited a human couple to join an interplanetary team to assist in human evolution.Laarkmaa is a loving group of Pleiadians who are dedicated to the evolution of humanity. Cullen Baird Smith and Pia Smith Orleane, acting as Ambassadors to the Pleiadians, bring Laarkmaa’s inspiring and heartwarming messages of hope, love, and peace to all who are willing to listen. Smith and Orleane share Laarkmaa’s wisdom from public gatherings and recorded conversations about the illusion of time, the future of technology, our innate ability to heal ourselves, and information about who is here to guide us through these auspicious times. These conversations bring revelatory insights about human emotions, telepathic communication, and our own divinity. The Pleiadians tell us that we have a choice in changing the course of our own evolution. Will we make the right choice?




Braco – The Croatian Healer – See Schedule for 1/26-27 below

braco-index2Welcome to Braco is here for everyone to offer fresh happiness, hope and help through his live streamed gaze. This experience is defined by people in many countries as one of loyal goodness, distinctively natural and simple, yet profound in its enriching and loving effects on lives.

Important Video about Braco

Encounters with Braco are not related to any specific religion or a church. They are open to everybody equally, independent of religion, race or ideology.

Only adults (18 years or older) and pregnant women up to and including their third month of pregnancy may attend a live streaming event.

Braco makes no promise to heal; he does not give any diagnosis and does not provide any treatment. Participation in live streaming is not a replacement for medical consultation. Medical advice and/or prescribed therapies and treatments should be continued and followed for the duration your medical practitioner recommends before/after participation in live streaming.

Schedule – Live streaming from Croatia

January 25, 2017 – Every hour from 11am – 5pm EST

January 26, 2017 – Every hour from 11am – 1pm EST