Help slow the mind down by counting as you pay attention to each breath. A Counting Breaths meditation by Stop, Breathe & Think and Mind Body Awareness Project. Narrated by Micah Anderson. See our free mindfulness meditation app at
The pineal gland is referred to as our “third eye.” By the age of 12, it is calcified and hardened. By adulthood, it has atrophied through lack of use. Fluoride is a toxin and accumulates in the pineal gland where it reeks havoc. Fluoride is in rat poison and our toothpaste. It is most healthy for us to eliminate fluoride and processed foods from our diet. Also, outdoor activities, eating less sugar can help to revitalize it. More information and a toning exercise is given in the video below.
“Doreen Virtue holds three university degrees in Counseling Psychology. She was clairvoyant as a child, and had many profound spiritual experiences as she was growing up.
Doreen was raised by a Christian spiritual healer mother and a self-employed writer father. She is still a Christian and loves the Lord with all of her heart.
Doreen worked as a psychotherapist specializing in healing eating disorders, until her life was saved by divine intervention on July 15, 1995 during an armed carjacking. After this experience, Doreen focused solely upon researching and teaching about divine intervention. Doreen is the author of over 50 books and 25 oracle card decks, on the topics of angels, fairies, healthful living, vegan eating, and spirituality, published in 38 languages globally. Doreen traveled worldwide giving workshops for the past 25 years. She now creates online workshops, and spends her time with her family, animals, and practicing yoga. Doreen has appeared on television and radio worldwide, including Oprah, CNN, Richard & Judy, Coast to Coast AM, and The View.”
“Meditation is a channeling state. To channel, change the frequency of your brain to tap into different consciousnesses. The Gamma state of channeling can be reached by everyone. No ‘possession’ happens, ever. Interestingly, Bashar is one of Darryl’s future lives. Bashar comes from a more advanced civilization.”
“There is nothing that comes to you that does not come on the powerful, well defined, always accurate, always fair, basis of Law of Attraction. Nothing ever comes to you that isn’t about that. But we want you to know, you have the choice in every moment to define how you want to feel. If your desire to feel good is strong enough, you will always find a way to come back into your power.”
The Apostle Paul embodied one more time after his lifetime in Jesus’ period―as the great mystic and miracle-worker known as Saint Hilarion. Today the ascended master Hilarion guides and inspires scientists, healers, musicians and those dedicated to truth.
Who Are the Ascended Masters?
The ascended masters are our elder brothers and sisters on the spiritual path. Having balanced their karma and fulfilled their unique mission, they have graduated from Earth’s schoolroom and ascended back to God in the ritual known as the ascension.
These masters are a part of a vast brotherhood of spiritual beings and angelic hosts who work with mankind for the betterment of life on Earth. The Great White Brotherhood is spoken of in chapter seven of the Book of Revelation as the great multitude of saints “clothed with white robes” who stand before the throne of God. (White refers not to race but to the white light that is seen in the aura of the saints.)
These enlightened teachers have emerged from all races and nationalities, from all walks of life and all religions. Many are familiar to us, having walked among us throughout the ages. Others are ancient beings of light, unrecorded in human history, whose names long ago have become secondary to the flames they bear. Whatever their origin in the vastness of our Father’s universe, they all share a common light– a light they desire to share with mankind who are seeking the Truth they bear.
Among these saints are Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, Jesus Christ, Saint Germain, Moses, Melchizedek, Mother Mary, Saint Francis, Kuan Yin– and unnumbered and unnamed loving hearts, servants of humanity who have returned to the heart of God.
This Brotherhood works with earnest seekers and public servants of every race, religion and walks of life to assist humanity in their forward evolution.
Hilarion is a master of healing and truth–he serves on the fifth of the seven rays of God. When we come into the knowledge of the ascended masters, we come into an awareness of defining the path back to the Source, and we find that it can be walked over seven rays of the Christ consciousness that emerge from the white light. The seven color rays are the natural division of the pure white light emanating from the heart of God. The subdivisions of the wholeness of Christ are the blue, yellow, pink, white, green, purple and gold, and the seventh, violet rays.
Master Hilarion is the healer. This is the green ray of the doctors, scientists, healers, musicians, mathematicians and those consecrated to Truth in all its forms. Hilarion works with all of these, and he can assist us in drawing down the abundance that we need to fulfill our mission in life. He also assists us in developing truth or clarity in spiritual vision.
From “Hilarion The Healer: Spiritual Teachings From…” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Gregg Braden learns first hand what a “Feeling Prayer” is all about when a Native American prays “the feeling of rain coming into his world.” To pray “for rain” would have suggested a lack or a negative effect coming. Instead, feel the feelings of what you want to happen!
Ahh, almost St. Patrick’s Day! Here’s a story about the existence of nature spirits, such as leprechauns or elves! (In Irish mythology, a leprechaun is a type of male faerie said to inhabit the island of Ireland.)
In 1962, Eileen and Peter Caddy with their three children, left Cluny Hill Hotel in Northeast Scotland, where they had been working as managers for nearly six years. Led by Eileen’s inner voice, the family of five and friend, Dorothy Maclean, pulled a thirty foot caravan trailer to nearby Findhorn Bay Caravan Park. They needed food and started a garden. Through Dorothy, they learned about the divas or nature spirits that lived in the garden. Amazingly huge vegetables and flowers grew there that attracted many people to come visit Findhorn! Eileen’s inner vision told her that we all have “the God Within” for guidance. “See my hand in everything,” her guidance told her. “I am guiding and directing the work in this place.” See the video below for more!
Findhorn’s co-creation with the angelic and elemental realms was described in Dorothy Macclean’s book, “To Hear the Angels Sing,” She writes about communicating with angels, saying, “I had never set out to learn to talk with angels, nor had I ever imagined that such contact could be possible or useful. Yet, when this communication began to occur, it did so in a way that I could not dispute. Concrete proof developed in the Findhorn garden, which became the basis for the development of the Findhorn Community. The garden was planted on sand in conditions that offered scant hospitality and encouragement for the growth of anything other than hardy Scottish bushes and grasses requiring little moisture or nourishment.
However, through my telepathic contact with the angelic Beings who overlight and direct plant growth, specific instructions and spiritual assistance were given. The resulting garden, which came to include even tropical varieties of plants, was so astonishing in its growth and vitality that visiting soil experts and horticulturists were unable to find any explanation for it, and eventually had to accept the unorthodox interpretation of angelic help.”
Richard Coates lived in Findhorn for 25 years and said, “In the early days, we were famous for our 42-pound cabbages, which we don’t grow these days. Well, I haven’t seen any lately. We’re told that this was necessary as a demonstration of the power of the people and an example of what we could achieve by cooperating with the nature realms.”