The Via Dolorosa: All 14 Stations of Christ’s Path to the Cross

See a professional video about the Via Dolorosa – Christ’s path to the cross. It shows a detailed account of all that happened, plus all the sites where they took place.  Bible scriptures are read at each station.  By

Biophysicist discovers new life after her near death experience: Joyce Hawkes

Joyce Hawkes, PhD is a biophysicist and cell-biologist turned healer. Honored with a National Achievement Award for her work with the effects of environmental pollutants on fish cells, a post-doctoral Fellow with National Institutes of Health, and elected to the position of Fellow in the American Association for Advancement of Science for her research work. Following a near-death experience, Joyce changed careers and embarked on an extensive exploration of indigenous spiritual and healing

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The Spiritual Importance of the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is referred to as our “third eye.”  By the age of 12, it is calcified and hardened.  By adulthood, it has atrophied through lack of use. Fluoride is a toxin and accumulates in the pineal gland where it reeks havoc.  Fluoride is in rat poison and our toothpaste.  It is most healthy for us to eliminate fluoride and processed foods from our diet. Also, outdoor activities, eating less sugar can help to revitalize it.  More information and a toning exercise is given in the video below.

Doreen Virtue’s Message for April 3-9, 2017 Video


“Doreen Virtue holds three university degrees in Counseling Psychology. She was clairvoyant as a child, and had many profound spiritual experiences as she was growing up.

Doreen was raised by a Christian spiritual healer mother and a self-employed writer father. She is still a Christian and loves the Lord with all of her heart.

Doreen worked as a psychotherapist specializing in healing eating disorders, until her life was saved by divine intervention on July 15, 1995 during an armed carjacking. After this experience, Doreen focused solely upon researching and teaching about divine intervention. Doreen is the author of over 50 books and 25 oracle card decks, on the topics of angels, fairies, healthful living, vegan eating, and spirituality, published in 38 languages globally. Doreen traveled worldwide giving workshops for the past 25 years. She now creates online workshops, and spends her time with her family, animals, and practicing yoga. Doreen has appeared on television and radio worldwide, including Oprah, CNN, Richard & Judy, Coast to Coast AM, and The View.”

Darryl Anka speaks about Channeling “Bashar”

“Meditation is a channeling state.  To channel, change the frequency of your brain to tap into different consciousnesses.  The Gamma state of channeling can be reached by everyone.  No ‘possession’ happens, ever.  Interestingly, Bashar is one of Darryl’s future lives.  Bashar comes from a more advanced civilization.”