When something hurts us, our first reaction is to move away from them. The ancients say, “We should bless the experience.”
When something hurts us, our first reaction is to move away from them. The ancients say, “We should bless the experience.”
Michael Beckwith is the founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, a spiritual community which today counts a membership of 9,000 individuals who study and practice New Thought–Ancient Wisdom. He was one of the featured teachers in The Secret and has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Live.
In this 5-minute extract from his training on Consciousness Engineering with Vishen Lakhiani, Michael Beckwith explains his model of Life Visioning.
“I had two near-death experiences (NDEs) that showed me my future and during the integration of those experiences I was able to see the potentials of what lies ahead for our world and humanity. I will briefly share the portions of my veridical (truthful) experiences that dealt with the future and then relate the communication I received about potential struggles and possible solutions. I would like to challenge the audience to look at the bigger picture of the world we live in today, realizing that only a few environmental disasters could push our already stressed social, political and economic structures into a very serious condition. The governments of the world could not support their citizens and communities in the ways we have come to rely on. Yet, the spiritual community embodies the qualities to overcome these challenges. Also, through my connection in social media I have found there is hope in the message that spiritually transformative experiencers (STErs) around the world are conveying. I will share the ways given to me to circumvent these dire conditions and begin to deliver support that will reduce the stressors before a crisis occur.”
This inspiring talk was presented at the IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies) 2012 Conference, Aug. 31-Sept. 2, in Scottsdale, AZ. He explains how we’re getting ready to become a heart centered, loving community.
Ronna Herman channels Archangel Michael. She has been to Kryon Conferences for many years. http://www.ronnastar.com/
“To be alone is really the greatest miracle.”
Changing Childhood Programming
Osho has spoken on many occasions in his talks about the mystic and spiritual teacher George Gurdjieff (1866-1949). This is an excerpt from a talk in which Osho shares some important insights on dealing with anger.