Ronna Herman channels Archangel Michael. She has been to Kryon Conferences for many years.
Category: Heart Opening Videos
Osho Speaks on “How to Be Happy Alone”
“To be alone is really the greatest miracle.”
Deepak Chopra – Soul of Healing Meditations
Dr. Bruce Lipton – How to Rewrite Subconscious Mental Programs
Changing Childhood Programming
OSHO: If Somebody Creates Anger in You
Osho has spoken on many occasions in his talks about the mystic and spiritual teacher George Gurdjieff (1866-1949). This is an excerpt from a talk in which Osho shares some important insights on dealing with anger.
Kryon Speaks About These Times and Healing
“You come in with a family. Families do not shift together. Some of you have had difficult decisions to make. The energy you find yourself in at this moment is not easy.”
“Making the Connection” Meditation from Suzanne Giesmann
Beautiful 5 Finger Qigong Meditation
Five Finger Qigong Relaxation Exercise – a popular seated qigong meditation exercise for reducing anxiety and invoking calm. Enjoy!
Kryon on How to Handle These Times
“You are so concerned with the Earth and what’s happening, that you walk around depressed! Your depression is not helping anyone. God is joyful! The things that you worry about will be faster settled if you spread the word of joy! Don’t watch the news any more… You have a bright future.”