Romantic Love – Marianne Williamson Video

The ego says, “There’s one person out there and they will complete you.”  Then you are seeking salvation in separation!  That core belief is “without you, I am nothing.”  Marianne Williamson tells how “The Course In Miracles” explains how to have oneness with God, feel complete, and also have a romantic partner.

Bashar – The Seven Neutral Needs

3:56 minutes beginning with this… “Many times what you want might often be the product of what you’ve been taught to believe you need that may not actually be what you really need in life.  This is what you NEED to remember.  It doesn’t matter what happens, it only matters what you DO with what happens.”

Great Interview With Darryl Anka Who Channels Bashar

Your Higher Mind communicates with you, telling you your best direction to go! Learning to trust what you prefer!  What you put out is what you get back, negative or positive. In life,  we are learning to transform reality.  We are powerful creators!

Next, he explains this age we are in where multi-dimensional, parallel versions of Earth are splitting farther and farther apart in these times.