The ego says, “There’s one person out there and they will complete you.” Then you are seeking salvation in separation! That core belief is “without you, I am nothing.” Marianne Williamson tells how “The Course In Miracles” explains how to have oneness with God, feel complete, and also have a romantic partner.
Category: Heart Opening Videos
“Love Is The Weapon Of The Future” Video
Proof Of Reincarnation Video – Brian Wiess and Oprah
Proof of reincarnation by world famous scientists, proof that soul, reincarnation and God is a truth, clippings copyright by the respected parties. Courtsey : Dr. Brian L Wiess, Oprah Winfrey, Alba Weinman, Noam, Manoj & team, Dr, Gopalakrishnan, Bhagavatgita etc.
February Energy Update – Lee Harris
February is the last month of the past seven years of clearing! Now we are receiving more Light and less of the heavy energies. We are being invited into an era of higher harmonics now. February will manifest more elevated love and abundance for us!
Gregg Braden – How To Harmonize Heart And Brain Video
We process information very, very quickly through doing this!
Dr. Bruce Lipton – Thoughts Become Chemistry
Marilyn Banks’ “Positive Meditations For A Positive Life”
Bashar – The Seven Neutral Needs
3:56 minutes beginning with this… “Many times what you want might often be the product of what you’ve been taught to believe you need that may not actually be what you really need in life. This is what you NEED to remember. It doesn’t matter what happens, it only matters what you DO with what happens.”
Loving Kindness Meditation (Short Version)
“Transmissions for ascension and spiritual awakening. Also affirmation tracks to increase your light quotient and expand your consciousness.” – Steve Nobel
Great Interview With Darryl Anka Who Channels Bashar
Your Higher Mind communicates with you, telling you your best direction to go! Learning to trust what you prefer! What you put out is what you get back, negative or positive. In life, we are learning to transform reality. We are powerful creators!
Next, he explains this age we are in where multi-dimensional, parallel versions of Earth are splitting farther and farther apart in these times.