Category: Heart Opening Videos
Deepak Chopra Meets The Dalai Lama – Video
Societies’ problems are discussed on February 11, 2019.
“Want Abundance? It’s Vital to Receive” with Ron Baker
“People are typically afraid to receive. It could not be more important. There are so many things to say about it. From hundreds of years ago, the statement said, ‘It is better to give than to receive.’ However we need to be able to receive for a healthy balance in life.” Learn more by listening to Ron Baker’s video.
7 Chakras Healing Chants for Meditation
Reincarnation Proved
Dr. Brian L Wiess, author of “Many Lives, Many Masters,” and Oprah Winfrey discuss death, reincarnation, the soul and prayer on Super Soul Sunday.
Abraham Hicks- General Wellbeing Meditation
Meet Yourself: A User’s Guide To Building Self-Esteem – Niko Everett
“How many little and big things do we do and say every day to run away from ourselves? We feel we’re imperfect, unloveable or like we don’t stack up. Yet, if we actually stopped and met ourselves, what would we find?
Founder of Girls for Change, Niko Everett, has helped many young teens transform their communities, and themselves, by holding up a powerful mirror. In this engaging talk, Niko demonstrates how anyone–from boys and girls, to grown men and women–can transform their self-esteem.”
How To Dissolve Disappointment – Matt Kahn
This is a live 2-12-19 call with Matt acknowledging the audience until 1:18 min.
“Your soul knows the secret of co-creation. It knows you want positive vibrations and what you desire. As soon as you come aware of how you want to feel, the soul tells the universe, ‘I want to feel _______ more often.’ However, the universe is trying to raise our consciousness. This focus goes beyond easing our egos.”