The Secrets Of The Pineal Gland

Ancient traditions knew of the gifts of this tiny area of the brain. Early cultures knew that the pineal played a role in spiritual development and communication with spiritual beings.  It is thought that this gland is the seat of the human soul!   David Wilcock and others report on the abilities of this incredible gland and its key role in our great consciousness awakening.

Ho’o pono pono Forgiveness Video

We are in Aries energy until mid April. Aries energy can make us feel impulsive, rash, and quick-tempered. Aries energy is a testing ground for us right now. Rather than react to situations with anger and frustration, be they personal or world situations, stay calm.  Much healing will emerge if we respond with forgiveness.

Ho’o pono pono is a transformative Hawaiian act of forgiveness. Speak it to your own body.

“I’m sorry!
Please forgive me!
I love you!
Thank You!”

The True Meaning of Mindfulness – Jon Kabat-Zinn

“Mindfulness is a buzz word in spiritual circles, well documented as a potent way to not only cope with, but excel in life.  With the vast health benefits of this practice, we are all attempting to bring greater mindfulness into our workplaces, our daily life and our homes.

Jon Kabat-Zinn is a well known author, spiritual teacher, professor emeritus of medicine and the creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Centre for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He pioneered a meditative approach to treating pain and depression, that is used all over the world today.

Here he discusses in 2:20 min. what mindfulness and meditation are really about – the answer may surprise you!”