Prayers From A Course In Miracles – 432HZ Video

“I selected some life changing prayers from A Course in Miracles and set them amongst rain sounds and music at 432 Hz for optimum transformative potential. You can listen whilst you sleep or at any time of day for a reminder of your true self, the divine in you, the great I am, your truest essence.

From ACIM: Do not abandon Love. Remember this; whatever you may think about yourself, whatever you may think about the world, your Father needs you and will call to you until you come to Him in peace at last. In deepest truth, in greatest Love, I hope this serves you.                                                                                                                                                              One blessed Love Sharon xoxo”

The Role Of Synchronicity In Your Life – Short Video

“Synchronicity is a concept that refers to meaningful coincidences that occur in our lives. It is a term coined by the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who believed that synchronicity is a manifestation of the collective unconscious.

In simple terms, synchronicity is when two or more events occur at the same time, seemingly by chance, but with a deeper meaning or connection. Jung believed that synchronicity is a way for the universe to communicate with us, sending us signs and messages that we need to pay attention to. These signs can come in many forms, such as repeating numbers, unexpected encounters, or even dreams.”  @WisdomNuggets


Eastern Philosophy: Wu-Wei – 5 Min. Video

Wu Wei is a key concept within Daoism – and refers to a serene acceptance of events. It’s a wisdom of letting things happen and going with the flow of life.  Wu Wei is quite literally aligning our actions with nature and not forcing anything and acting when it’s suitable.

Michael Newton Interview – Past Life Regression

Michael Newton discusses his work on past life regression, hypnotherapy and the afterlife. Interview from 2006 and recorded at his home in California. Michael created TNI – The Newton Institute:

(At 1 hr. 34 min., Newton speaks of the possibility of Atlantis and other physical worlds.)