Powerful Principles Create Better Living – Jeff Michaels’ Onereon Channelings

“In an effort to assist you to create a better, more spiritual World to exist in while in the physical realm, here are several steps you can take.  Many of these will be familiar to you in a personal sense of manifesting.  We give the reminder first and ask that you pay attention to what follows.

Create more space in your life.  this does not mean that you must eliminate all things.  Retain things of value.  Move along other items that no longer represent the way you are currently. This often can include people.  There are those who may seek to impose limiting beliefs on your reality.  Be bold in creating new areas of existence.

Release the need to know how or when something may happen.  It is magic. Do not ask how the trick is accomplished.  Only enjoy the result.

Let go of limits.  Too much definition locks the energy into a course that it may not be able to follow.  Be specific, but only up to a point.

Ask for worthy things.  A vast sum of money is an unnecessary thing to request.  Money is simply a symbol of energy.  Why ask for more energy? Why not ask for what you want or need?  The Universe is filled with the energy you need to create what you desire.  Money is an unnecessary step and slows down the achievement of your desire.

Avoid distractions.  Make a choice and pursue the goal.

Be in gratitude for what already exists in your life.

Believe.  Trust that it will happen.  Understand that timelines are not followed in the same way spiritually as physically.

These are powerful principles.  Act as if your desire is already truth.  Allow yourself to live in the image of your goal as reality.  Speak in terms that indicate you have a clear vision of the outcome as a solid thing.  If you can manage this, you will be well on your way to living an abundant spiritual existence within a physical realm that is experiencing great turbulence.”

“Onereon Writings” presented by Jeff Michaels.


Your Attention to Things

“By My Attention to Things, I Am Making Choices… What people do not understand is that you do not choose something by looking at it and shouting ‘Yes, I would like some of that!’ You make your choices by your attention to things. In this Universe that is based on attraction, when you look at an unwanted thing, your attention to it causes an activation of the Vibration within you, and then the Law of Attraction brings more like it into your experience.”

—Abraham, Excerpted from the book: The Vortex on August 31, 2009


A Change In The Dynamic

“Do you steel yourself at times in advance of a visit from someone with whom you have a history?  This is a mistake.  People change, and we are not necessarily speaking of the one coming to visit.

You are growing spiritually.  You are changing daily, becoming more loving, more accepting, more understanding, more patient, better able to take a higher perspective.  Steeling yourself and expecting the same dynamic between you and the other says in advance that you expect to go backward in your learning and behavior.  Perhaps the other has also changed.  Perhaps not, but if you are truly growing, then expect a change in the dynamic during the visit.  Programming is quite easy to overcome once you realize that roles are not static, but indeed, dynamic.”  suzannegiesemann.com

Tell Everyone You Know

“Tell everyone you know: ‘My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.’ And then demonstrate it.  Be happy, no matter what they’re doing.  Practice feeling good, no matter what.  And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel — and then, you’ll love them all.  Because the only reason you don’t love them, is because you’re using them as your excuse to not feel good.”





Become Solution Oriented!

“It is natural that by knowing what you do not want, you are able to clarify what you do want; and there is nothing wrong with identifying a problem before beginning to look for a solution. But many people, over time, become problem oriented rather than solution oriented, and in their examination and explanation of the problem, they continue the perpetuation of the problem. That which is like unto itself, is drawn—so tell the story you want to live and you will eventually live it.”
—Abraham, August 31, 2008

A Happy Message From Ann And The Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We have good news! You get to choose your news! You get to choose your views! Will you focus upon the worlds ills, deceits, manipulations, greed, and problems or… will you choose to set your sights on all the good that happens all around you, every day.

Every morning the birds are singing. Every day, there are people helping one another and quietly going about their very loving days. There a people working to create a more environmentally friendly future. There are people working to grow and cook healthier foods. There are people assisting those in need. You are alive, breathing, and have a roof over your head…

Why waste your time giving the darkness your attention?

Some of you will argue with us. You have been deeply programmed to believe that your outer world has power over you. This is an almost universally accepted misconception.

You feel you have to “be aware” of what is going on “out there.” However dear ones, we reassure you that the way the universe works is purely vibrational and what you set your sights upon is the reality you will experience more and more with each passing day. Shift your focus, shift your life.

The concept is simple. However, because you have brains that have been programmed  to “watch out”and “be informed” it may take some time and effort to shift your focus towards better realities.

You can start in small ways, until you develop the ability to focus more consistently on thoughts that make you happy.  Focus on all that is working in your lives, all that is good, and all that is there to appreciate and enjoy.  No matter what your heath, finances, or state of mind, there is always something to be grateful for. There is always something good to notice. As you shift your attention more and more to the good, you will begin to experience it. As you shift your attention to the abundant universe you will experience it. As you shift your attention to the loving human beings, you will find more and more of them.

We are not asking you to pretend the dark is light. We’re not asking you to say bad behavior is Ok or that you’ll tolerate it in your life for another second. We’re simply saying (in metaphorical terms), “Don’t dignify the devil no matter who it comes through.”

If your news is unhappy, turn it off. If someone is spouting off with anger and you can’t get away, point a hand to the ground and let it drain off you then turn away without another word. If your bank account (or lack of it) has you in abject terror, look for evidence of an abundant universe. One apple tree can supply an entire neighborhood! People share all the time. “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened.”

In truth “what is going on out there” is yesterdays news!  It was created by the vibration of your collective consciousness in the past.  It is a dead energy – an out-picturing of what “was.”  It has nothing to do with what “will be.”  Your vibration in the here and now is what dictates your future.

What is going on “in here” – within you right here and now – is creating your tomorrow.

Choose to focus upon that which gives you delight and joy. If you see something you do not like, immediately use that to focus on what you would like. You don’t like the deceit, manipulations, and greed in the world, so imagine a reality where people feel safe to be honest, and abundant enough to live in integrity. You don’t like unkindness so imagine a world where people treat one another with love and respect. You don’t like feeling lack so focus on what it would feel like to feel abundant.

These so-called “fantasies” are blueprints for your future, and open you to receive guidance that will help you get there!

Dear ones, we have only one news “channel” in our hearts and it is always “Good news.” We have faith in you. We know that even a small fraction of awakened human beings focusing on a bright, happy, abundant and kinder future can affect the whole world.

You already have!  What has one been hidden is being revealed to be healed. We see the children coming in with a passion for creating a better world. We know that no matter what things look like now, you and your world are evolving into a much greater and more beautiful light.

You can change your own life by focusing on all that is good right here, right now. As you do so, you give yourself, and the world, the gift of a new and brighter future! 

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels, www.visionsofheaven.com

This Is A Spirit Based World

“We want to help you to find and practice and accomplish the vibrational frequency that allows the cars, and the lovers, and all of the physical trappings that are important to you. You do live in a physical world, but there is nothing about your physical world that is not spirit-based. There is nothing about your physical world that is not Source-based.”

—Abraham-Hicks,  2014

Let It Go – Sanaya Says

“How do I stop these negative human feelings that keep coming up?” you ask.  It is an excellent start to be aware of them.  When you can rid yourself of fears and limiting beliefs, all that remains is love.  Do you realize this?

Anything other than love boils down to fear.  Let it go.  It is that simple.  Just let it go.  Of course, you must recognize it first, so if you want to express and be the love that lies resident within you, simply set the intention of remaining vigilant for anything less than what you are at your core.

As these programs of the ego bubble up—and they will—do not berate yourself.  Instead, smile at the opportunity to drop these fear-bombs, visualizing them bursting into flowers that spread like colorful confetti, transmuting your fears into something far more love-ly.  There now, can you laugh at how the meaning you give to things can either bring you fear or smiles?  Release the fears.  Let them go, and simply BE Love.”  suzannegiesemann.com

The Creative Life Force

“Every cell in your body has a direct relationship with Creative Life Force, and each cell is independently responding. When you feel joy, all the circuits are open and the Life Force or God Force can be fully received. When you feel guilt or blame or fear or anger, the circuits are hindered and the Life Force cannot flow as effectively. Physical experience is about monitoring those circuits and keeping them as open as possible. The cells know what to do. They are summoning the Energy.”


Excerpted from: Chicago, IL on November 02, 1997

If You Feel Drawn To Someone

“If you feel drawn to someone, but you are annoyed because you think that they are telling you some lies, try to look beyond the lies and try to focus upon the feeling. People offer all kinds of words for all kinds of different reasons. Most lies are offered to try to keep things in alignment.

We’re not encouraging it, but the motive behind lying is usually a pretty honorable motive. In other words, when a child lies to their parents, it’s usually because they want to be free to do what they want to do, and they don’t want their parents to be upset about it. It’s about wanting an alignment.

Physical ears have a hard time hearing this. You keep talking about ‘We need to be honest.’ And we say, we don’t meet any of you who are honest. Even those who claim to be the most virtuous, are not honest, but your vibration always is. We would trust the feeling more than the words.”

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Houston, TX on 1/13/01