You Are Everything ∞The Creators

“Say that you are a part of All That Is, and notice that you still want to be separate. You still want to have your boundaries. You are given the choice of being who you really are or being a fragment of who you really are. You can make this distinction easily.

There are no others who are exactly like you, but you do all contain the same basic ingredients. So how can that be? Well, you think that there is a point at which you end and another begins, but there really is no point where the two beings diverge.

So how can you make sense of all of this? When you are being your full self, your most authentic self, you are not thinking about being separate, or standing out, or making your mark as an individual. You are conscious of your connection to all beings, and that is what inspires you. That is your primary purpose — to know yourself as every aspect of Source.

So you see the question of individuality becomes irrelevant when you are in that state. You don’t care about being the unique version of you that you sometimes know yourself as. It is simply taking on a different perspective. It is not a change in who you are. You need not change who you are. But from where you are, from your perspective, you can change your awareness.

Awareness is the key. It is what gives you your knowingness of the truth of your nature. It eliminates the need for any type of segmentation of Source. You don’t care, in other words, about any of this. You simply are. You are One. You are everything. And that is a feeling that is worth having.”

Respecting Different Points of View and the People Who Hold Them ∞The Creators

“So there are many different opinions out there, many different points of view, many who would choose to look at a situation in a way that is not only different from yours, but is absolutely opposed to yours. You have ‘hot button’ topics in your world. You have things that everyone is focusing upon, and many are focusing upon in one way, and many are focusing upon in another way.

And so you set up your little camps of what it is you believe, what it is you are in favor of, and what it is you stand for, and you dig your heels in. Even if your stance is that this thing doesn’t matter, that is still a stance you’re taking, as long as you are attaching yourself to that perspective. Then it is a situation where you are creating lines that divide.

It is quite all right for you to have a point of view. It is quite all right for you to express your point of view. It is also very supportive and serves you and your fellow humans very well to allow others to have whatever perspective they have. And to honor them. It is quite normal that you would all have a different point of view, because you have all had quite different experiences that have led you to where you are today. And we are not even talking about other lifetimes, where you originate from in this universe, and so on.

What is a wonderful thing to us is to see two people who have very different points of view on very many topics still being able to relate to one another as human beings and as beings of love and light, existing at the same time and same place, allowing one another to have different points of view and respecting each other. That is what we want most for you. It is harmony. It is releasing judgment of others for being in the opposing viewpoint camp and knowing that ultimately that these differences in opinion that you have are what make this world so special.

So give one another a break, cut your neighbor some slack and know that by allowing another to have a different point of view and loving them anyway, you help to create a world where no one feels the need to terrorize anyone else.”

A State Of Limbo

“A state of limbo.  What does this mean?  You are waiting for something to occur or for an answer, and that could go either way:  either in your favor, as you would perceive it, or against your favor.  The human does not like to be in limbo.

You desire certainty, and it is your desires, wants, and needs which cause you to suffer.  What if you can allow things to play out as they will, and you use that period of uncertainty to focus on what matters most:  on being the presence of love, on identifying and healing inner wounds, and knowing that healing takes place in ways you may not ever imagine.  Miracles come in many forms.  Feel not frustrated by this period of limbo.  Bend and sway, allow and learn from this period of limbo until the new now reveals itself with total peace.”


“Expectation indicates the juncture between where you are and where you want to be. Where you want to be is your desire, and where you are is your Set-point or habit of thought. And, somewhere in there, is what we would call expectation. Expectation, whether it is wanted or unwanted, is a powerful point of attraction. Your expectation is always what you believe. But the word expectation does imply more what you are wanting than what you are not wanting. It is a more positive word than it is a negative word. But of course, you could expect negatively—and whatever you expect, you will get!”

Abraham-Hicks, 12/20/03

If Only – Sanaya

“If only you could remember to breathe.

When you are stuck in old patterns of thinking and doing automatically, you are not present.  When you are not present, you are either living in the past or in the future in the mind.  Fear, guilt, worry … anything but peace.  Whirr, whirr goes the mind, and the breath is far from flowing.  It is shallow and infrequent or rapid rather than deep and slow.

If only you could remember to breathe.

The next time you are about to give in to lower vibrations, to give in to addictions, to give in … pause for a moment and breathe in slowly, deeply, and deliberately.  Focus on that breath.  Feel the shift.  How does it feel?  It feels completely different from thinking.  Do it again.  Now do it again, paying attention to the shift in how you feel from moments before.  Do you still have the same cravings?  The same fears, the same anger?  No, because now you are present.  Now you are focused on one thing.  You are pulling in and connecting with the Life Force.

If only you could remember to breathe.”

A Message From Ann & The Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We wish to be very loving with you today as we address a sensitive topic– one that if properly understood can grant you great freedom and grace, and this is the subject of “control.”

You have a saying on earth about certain individuals on your planet – “Oh he’s a control freak! She’s a control freak!” You say it as if this is an unusual ailment, but as we see it (and we say this with love), almost every human being upon the earth is a “control freak” in one way or another.

We are not saying that most of you have any conscious desire whatsoever to bend others to do your bidding! Most of you would never dream of dictating another’s choices, nor coercing them to do your will. Most of you would say, “I have no desire to control anyone else.” We believe you! However, control can show up in very subtle and self-sabotaging ways.

For example, say you want to help someone you dearly love. Suppose they are sick or engaging in unhealthy behaviors. You teach them about proper nutrition. You share information that can help them. You suggest they see healers, counselors, intuitives, etc. All of these are very loving and kind suggestions.

What do you do however, when this individual wants nothing to do with your kind offerings? What do you do when they continue to engage in behaviors that continue to hurt them, and in turn hurt you? Can you simply love them, allow them their path, and take care of your own joy? Or do you get frustrated and upset with them – angry that they won’t listen to you or accept your help?

Dear ones with all love and respect, we must point out that getting frustrated with another when they won’t listen is really a symptom of being frustrated with yourself… because you can’t control them! Even if your desire is to assist someone you love dearly, you can’t force them bend to your will.

Love offers. It doesn’t insist. Love allows. It doesn’t judge. Love is deeply honest and allows you to say, “I love you and care about you and want you to be happy and healthy but I no longer know what to tell you since you don’t like my suggestions. I pray you find another way. It hurts me to watch you hurt. I’m going to go take charge of my own joy and well being. I’ll be here if you need my assistance or suggestions. I’ll be honest about what resonates with me and what does not.”

Then dear ones, allow yourselves your own health well-being, and joy, whereupon your loved one may feel a bit left out and perhaps tend to their own a little more carefully!

A second example of subtle control happens within your own psyche, when you want something and don’t know what to do to make it come about. You want more money and don’t know how to generate it. You want to heal a relationship and don’t know how to do so. You want to find a new job but you haven’t yet had any success. You want to solve a problem but don’t know where to turn.

This is where most human minds start to take control! You worry. You over analyze. You search for solutions far past the heart’s true desire to do so. You are trying to control the outcome, instead of relaxing into the arms of the Divine…

Give your problems to the Creator. Relax. Enjoy your day and understand that when the time comes to act you will be guided.

Our wish for all of you is that you would learn to notice, love, and soothe your inner control “freak.” Reassure this part of yourself. Tell them that when you can’t control another, you can love them through their lessons. Remind this part of yoruself, that when you don’t know what to do, the universe does.

Speak to this part of yourself as you would speak to a worried child. It is simply a part of you that wants so much more for yourself or the world, yet doesn’t know how to get there.

When your inner “control freak” learns to F.R.E.A.C. (Finally Release Every Attempt to Control!) you will experience immense relief! You’ll rest, knowing that you are deeply loved and guided. You’ll breathe easy, knowing the universe has your back. You’ll release yourself from being responsible for other adults, knowing that each soul must choose their path and the accompanying lessons.

Releasing control in the situations where you really don’t have it is the secret to enjoying a life of deep, and abiding peace… no matter what the world or those around you choose.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Stop Making An Effort And Let Go Completely

“Be very, very still and allow every new experience to take place in your life without any resistance whatsoever. You do not have to Do anything, you simply have to BE and let things happen. It is so important you stop trying; you stop making an effort and let go completely to let Me work in and through you to perform My wonders.”                                                                                                        

Eileen Caddy,