Just Be

“Just be the ocean.  You have a choice, as the ocean, as to what aspect of the Self shows up each now-moment.  Do you show up as a drop of water, as a group of waves, or as the ocean itself?  In your earthly awareness, you play a role by which you learn that you are the ocean and are inseparable from it, yet the role allows you experiences you cannot have in your true essence as pure being – as the entire body of water.  And so, you act on.

How to best play your role?  By not identifying as only the water droplet, but by letting the waves flow as they will, guided by the over-all currents.  Just be and allow.  Yes, you will have to take action and make choices constantly, but in the awareness that you are something far greater than a solitary drop of water and even greater than a grouping of waves, you can relax, tune in to the overall flow, and just BE.”  suzannegiesemann.com

Get to Know Your Real Partner ∞The Creators

“And when you are in what you call the early stages of a relationship with another, there is that getting to know you period when you are in discovery of each other and what each of you brings to the party. Once you have settled in, you tend to think you know the other person, backwards and forwards. You know what makes them tick. You know how to push their buttons.

And so you get into the period of expectation, where now you think the other one simply runs on autopilot and will always be the way they were when you discovered everything that you think you know about them. And this gives you all a sense of stability. You like to know what to expect. You like to plan around certain things because many of you like to avoid sticky situations, uncomfortable emotions, and so on.

But when you give your partner the freedom to surprise you, to be who it is they are completely in every moment and to demonstrate to you their ability to expand and to turn off their autopilot, that is when you really have something. That is when you are able to discover even more.

And when you are willing and able to let go of preconceived notions about the one you think you know so well, that is when you can begin to let go of your own self-imposed limitations and surprise even yourself. We recommend that you let go and let yourself and your partner discover just how unpredictable you can be.”  danielscranton.com

Understanding – Sanaya Says

“Disagreements.  They break up relationships, families, friendships.  At the root of this is finger-pointing and misunderstanding.  What is lacking is the heart.  When two or more begin placing blame, it is quite easy to fall into automated “I am right and you are wrong” programming.  Ego loves this.  It keeps you from seeing all perspectives from a higher viewpoint.  Yes, there may well be a wrong that has occurred … unacceptable behavior … but can you deal with each other from the heart?

When you keep compassion and flexibility of viewpoint in your dealings, the result will always be higher and healthier.  Do you see why love is the answer?  It may not resolve an issue if a wrong has truly occurred, but it will bring healing and understanding along the way and prevent other mistakes from being made.” suzannegiesemann.com

Choose Joy

“The achievement of anything that you desire must be considered success, whether it is a trophy or money or relationships or things. But if you will let your standard of success be your achievement of joy—everything else will fall easily into place. For in the finding of joy, you are finding vibrational alignment with the resources of the Universe.”


Excerpted from The Law of Attraction, Abraham-Hicks, 7/1/06

Seth – Your Purpose

“Once you wholeheartedly accept life on life’s terms, then you may indeed get what you are after, but not while you insist upon it as a condition for continued existence… Your own purpose will make life a daily joy when you let your conditions go!

You must live in the faith that your purpose is, and will be fulfilled, is being fulfilled.  You must live in the faith that you have such a purpose and meaning, or you would not be here.”

P. 192, Jane Roberts, The Seth Material

Feel Better Right Now

“No matter what the issue is, don’t try to justify why you don’t feel good. And don’t try to justify why you should feel differently. Don’t try to blame whatever it is you think the reason is that’s keeping you from feeling good. All of that is wasted effort. Just try to feel better right now.”

—Abraham-Hicks, January 21, 2001


If All You Did

“If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it’s the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That’s all you’d need.”

Abraham-Hicks, 1/26/02

Kryon On Divorce

“QUESTION (49): Dear Kryon, how do we know when a divorce is appropriate or not?

ANSWER: It’s appropriate when the energy and consciousness of the one is on a different reality from the other, and it’s obvious that it will never change.

This isn’t about enlightenment, either. It’s about your individual paths. Although contrary to your society, the rules of the church, and what your family wishes for you, sometimes you go through ‘partnership stages’ that are appropriate but temporary. It can also be between two enlightened souls who simply needed to be together for a while.

So if you’re going to separate a partnership, do it with integrity. Do it in a way where you offer friendship. Do it with wisdom and maturity. Never slam the door. Offer the other person your maturity all your life, and always give them the opportunity for forgiveness and discussion.

As you grow older, you’ll eventually see the dynamics of growth, and why a temporary partnership might have been needed in your own personal path, or in theirs. Sometimes it’s only about being a time placeholder, keeping each other in a place so that something else could happen. Each path is different, and there are as many who will stay together until they stand and hold hands on the other side of the veil. Then they’ll do it again the next time around! Don’t pass judgment either way. There is appropriateness in many things that result in growth and maturity for either or both of those involved.

As I discussed before, your cultural rules are often designed to look like they’re also the “rules of God,” but often they’re just the rules of Humans who are doing their best, without full understanding of how big God really is.”  kryon.com