Then Everyone Wins

“Parents don’t want their children to make the wrong decisions, so they don’t allow them to make the decision. And then the child becomes dependent, and then the parent resents that, and it gets off into a blameful thing early on.

If you are encouraging children to do all that they can do — and not squelching the natural eagerness that is within them, so that they can shine and thrive and show you and themselves how good they are at adapting to physical experience — then everyone wins.”

Abraham-Hicks, 3/13/99

Life Review – Tyberonn

“After death, all of you will have a comprehensive life review.  It is extremely important, and considerable ‘time and energy’ will be devoted to this review.  After the initial review, you will be able to choose the key parts in which to not only study, but to relive based on your discretion.

In many cases the soul will select areas in which erroneous actions were taken. You will then be guided into reviewing alternative responses to understand what could have taken place and how it would have brought about an improved outcome.  A deep learning occurs herein.

This is what your religious texts refer to as ‘the judgement.’  However, in this state there are not the emotions of guilt and torment, for on this level you are above the personality as you think of it.  You review these from a higher state of self which is detached, in a manner of speaking, almost as a 3rd person observing.  This occurs in what may be considered a training center.  But to be clear it is a psychological dimension or state, not a ‘place’ in the way you think of space in the physical dimension.”

James Tyberonn, 2038: The Next Quantum Leap, 2015, P. 16-17.

Onward And Upward

“Just when you thought you had awakened, another piece of the puzzle is put into place, another layer of the onion is peeled away.  And yet, both of these analogies are partially inadequate, for they indicate that at some point the puzzle is completed and the onion fully peeled.

In fact, the spiral of the soul’s growth is not inward, but outward.  The center point is your connection with All That Is—with the Source, but you as a soul are having an experience that you call a “life.”  You are an explorer for the Source, heading out and out and onward and upward, collecting what?

Opportunities … opportunities for responding with love, sharing, joy, knowing peace.  Each time that you choose love and learn more ways to experience love, the spiral expands, and it is G(o)od.  Onward and upward you go, dear explorer!  The experiences never end, and the more you choose love, the more joy and peace are your traveling companions.”

Your Impact is Being Felt Throughout the Universe ∞The Creators

“Because you exist, that means you must have a purpose. You would not exist if there were no purpose to your existence. We want you to understand that just because you are not the head some sort of movement or a very important member of your government, this does not mean that you are not having the impact that you set out to have.

You actually can do more by being somewhat anonymous, less in the media, in the public perception. Because by having less notoriety, you then do not have to deal with notoriety and all that it brings. So just because you do not feel that you are making your mark by having your book in every bookstore, or being on television, does not mean that you are not creating a ripple effect and making an impact on your world.

We see you all as equally important to what is underway. There are so many of you now who are waking up and sharing what you know with others, and there are so many of you who want to help, who want to make a difference. And you see, all of that is enough to make a huge impact. You create the world that you experience, and you give to that world your energy. You are all beings of Love and light, and you know this at your core.

So no matter what it is you do for a living, from day to day, your impact is felt by your mere presence in this dimension. You will see more and more how you are impacting the lives of others, as you give yourselves credit for being here at this time to aid in a momentous shift in consciousness. Your impact is being felt throughout the Universe, and we thank you for your service.”

There Will Be Times

“There will be times where you may feel alone, odd, weird, out of place and certainly not where you are supposed to be.   You may wonder where all the like-minded people are and when they will show up in your life.  Do not be dismayed, dear child…you have never been nor are you ever alone!  Following your chosen path may be lonely at times but, remember to take time to look for the bright spots, the  people around you that bring a little more life to the room whenever they appear.  It is time to begin allowing The Universe to let them show up and be there for you when you need it most.  Walking the solitary path is the ‘old way’…your spiritual family is waiting for you!” ~ Creator,

Just Be

“Just be the ocean.  You have a choice, as the ocean, as to what aspect of the Self shows up each now-moment.  Do you show up as a drop of water, as a group of waves, or as the ocean itself?  In your earthly awareness, you play a role by which you learn that you are the ocean and are inseparable from it, yet the role allows you experiences you cannot have in your true essence as pure being – as the entire body of water.  And so, you act on.

How to best play your role?  By not identifying as only the water droplet, but by letting the waves flow as they will, guided by the over-all currents.  Just be and allow.  Yes, you will have to take action and make choices constantly, but in the awareness that you are something far greater than a solitary drop of water and even greater than a grouping of waves, you can relax, tune in to the overall flow, and just BE.”

Get to Know Your Real Partner ∞The Creators

“And when you are in what you call the early stages of a relationship with another, there is that getting to know you period when you are in discovery of each other and what each of you brings to the party. Once you have settled in, you tend to think you know the other person, backwards and forwards. You know what makes them tick. You know how to push their buttons.

And so you get into the period of expectation, where now you think the other one simply runs on autopilot and will always be the way they were when you discovered everything that you think you know about them. And this gives you all a sense of stability. You like to know what to expect. You like to plan around certain things because many of you like to avoid sticky situations, uncomfortable emotions, and so on.

But when you give your partner the freedom to surprise you, to be who it is they are completely in every moment and to demonstrate to you their ability to expand and to turn off their autopilot, that is when you really have something. That is when you are able to discover even more.

And when you are willing and able to let go of preconceived notions about the one you think you know so well, that is when you can begin to let go of your own self-imposed limitations and surprise even yourself. We recommend that you let go and let yourself and your partner discover just how unpredictable you can be.”