In The Beginning

“In the beginning, That Which Is is all there was, and there was nothing else.

Now All That Is knew It was all there was — but this was not enough, for It could only know Its utter magnificence conceptually, not experientially.  Yet the experience of Itself is that for which It longed, for It wanted to know what It felt like to be so magnificent.  Still, this was impossible, because the very term ‘magnificent’ is a relative term.  All That Is could not know what It felt like to be magnificent unless that which is not showed up In the absence of that which is not, that which IS, is not.

This energy — this pure, unseen, unheard, unobserved, and therefore unknown-by-anyone-else energy — chose to experience Itself as the utter magnificence It was.  In order to do this, It realized It would have to use a reference point within.

It reasoned, quite correctly, that any portion of Itself would necessarily have to be less than the whole and that if It thus simply divided Itself into portions, each portion, being less than the whole, could look back on the rest of Itself and see magnificence.

And so All That Is divided Itself — becoming, in one glorious moment, that which is this, and that which is that.  For the first time, this and that existed, quite apart from each other.  And still, both existed simultaneously.  As did all that was neither.

Thus, three elements suddenly existed: that which is here.  That which is there.  And that which is neither here nor there — but which must exist for here and there to exist.

It is the nothing which holds the everything.  It is the non-space which holds the space.  It is the all which holds the parts.

Can you understand this?  Are you following this?

… (Yes, I think I am, actually.)

I’m going to go further.  Now this nothing which holds the everything is what some people call God.  Yet that is not accurate, either, for it suggests there is something God is not — namely, everything that is not ‘nothing.’

But I am All Things — seen and unseen — so this description of Me as the Great Unseen — the No-thing, or the Space Between, an essentially Eastern mystical definition of God, is no more accurate than the essentially Western practical description of God as all that is seen.  Those who believe that God is All That Is and All That Is Not, are those whose understanding is correct.

Now in creating that which is ‘here’ and that which is ‘there.’ God made it possible for God to Know Itself.  In the moment of this great explosion from within, God created relativity — the greatest gift God ever gave to Itself.  Thus, relationship is the greatest gift God ever gave to you, a point to be discussed in detail later.

From the No-Thing thus sprang the Everything — a spiritual event entirely consistent, incidentally, with what your scientists call The Big Bang theory.”

Conversations With God – an uncommon dialogue – book 1, Neale Donald Walsch, pgs. 22-24.


You Are Strength – Suzanne Giesemann

Strength.  Is it a thing of power or a thing all its own?  Does strength mean you get to lord your power over another, or does it mean that you simply will not crumble?

It can mean both.  It is what holds you together.  It is the power that flows through you, this strength that can move mountains, and yet, if you wish to use it for forceful purposes, it can easily backfire.

The power that fuels your actions comes from love.  Use your innate strength for loving purposes and the mountains will bow down at your feet.  Use it for power grabs and power gaining and watch how the mountains stiffen.

Take a look at what true strength is and stand tall, but not rigid. You are strength.  Use it to tame your wild nature, which means, that when the ego threatens to run amok, strength brings him gently back into helping you fulfill your purpose, which is to shine the light of love on the world.

You are strength.

Suzannne Giesemann – newhome

You Are A Heart-Centered Being

“Everyone is facing a challenge or multiple challenges in their lives, and while it may look like some deserve those challenges and others do not, we say to you that from a higher perspective, everyone is the same. Everyone is playing a role there on Earth for you, and so if it is easy to withhold your compassion for someone because of the choices they have made, you can always ask yourself whether you sometimes do the same when it comes to having compassion for yourself.

There’s no real good reason to withhold compassion, and when you offer it, you expand. And what you are expanding into is your higher self. And therefore, know that your higher self is compassionate towards everyone, no matter what their circumstances and you are there to become your higher selves, which means compassion is a big part of the equation. It’s a big part of everyone’s journey, and sometimes there’s more compassion for self needed, and sometimes there’s more compassion for others needed, and other times people need to have more compassion for themselves and others.

You have these opportunities presented to you in every day. You hear about something or someone, and there will be an opportunity for you to be who you really are as a compassionate being, and there will also be an opportunity for you to withhold your compassion and stay right where you are in judgment.

That is why you can look at your thoughts as well and ask yourself, ‘Am I judging myself or that other person or that group?’ And if the answer is yes, then you know you have to change your own mind in order to become more of who you really are, which is a heart-centered being of unconditional love and infinite compassion.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


There Is A Light In You

“There is a light in you the world can not perceive. And with its eyes, you will not see this light, for you are blinded by the world. Yet you have eyes to see it. It is there for you to look upon.

It was not placed in you to be kept hidden from your sight. This light is a reflection of the thought we practice now. To feel the Love of God within you is to see the world anew, shining in innocence, alive with hope, and blessed with perfect charity and love.

Who could feel fear in such a world as this?  It welcomes you, rejoices that you came, and sings your praises as it keeps you safe from every form of danger and of pain.  It offers you a warm and gentle home in which to stay a while.

It blesses you throughout the day and watches through the night as a silent guardian of your holy sleep.  It sees salvation in you, and protects the light in you, in which it sees its own.  It offers you its flowers and its snow, in thankfulness for your benevolence.”

A Course In Miracles, (ACIM, W-189.1:1–2:6)

Imagine You Have A Personal Assistant

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine you have a personal assistant available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Imagine that this person adores you and wants only the best for you. They coordinate your activities with the rest of the universe and are always aware of what you need to know, do, and say at exactly the perfect time. They are gentle, kind, loving, and persistent in their desire to serve. Imagine that they asked nothing in return from you other than that you ask for their help.

The only thing between you and all the help you desire is your willingness to ask and your faith in the outcome. Many times, you’ve heard it said, ‘What you believe you can receive.’

You are loved beyond anything you can comprehend. You are supported in ways you can’t even imagine. You are guided, and in every moment, the next step will be revealed. We’ll say it again. ‘The only thing between you and all the help you desire is your willingness to ask and your faith in the outcome.’

Your lives would be so much easier if you engaged in a practice of ‘delegating to the Divine’ and trusting that what you need to know or do will always be revealed in perfect timing. While we can’t solve all your interpersonal relationship challenges for you, Divine healing grace can soften your heart and the hearts of others and reveal steps to guide both parties to a kinder reality.

Your Divine assistant is nothing less than the Creator of Universes, the very same Love and Intelligence who gave you the free will to point your love in any direction and call it forth into your 3D world.

Your Divine Assistant loves you and wants to inspire, guide, and facilitate your dreams. All you have to do is ‘delegate’ your challenges to heaven, release them, and live your life as happily as possible now. Trust that what you desire will come in the perfect time and in the perfect way.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”

Ann Albers –

Relax, All Of You

“Relax, all of you. You do yourselves no good by rehashing the past in a negative manner. This applies to you and to everyone in the room, in whatever way given. Your future selves are as real as your past selves. You are here. You are with your selves and you are safe.

It would do each of you good, in fact, as you go to sleep at night, to say to yourself, ‘I am couched safely in the soul of my being. Therefore am I secure and can I move with the greatest ease and freedom in all the dimensions of my reality. ‘The past has no power over me, for I live secure in the power of the present and the knowledge of my own power and reality.’

Whenever you react as you have just reacted, and as others here can react when other subjects come up, you are granting to the past, power that it does not have. and you are denying yourselves the power of the present in which you reside, and through which present you can therefore change the past and its seeming effect on you.

You are NOT powerless before your past, whatever it might be. You are born anew in this moment. Therefore, each of you, use it to assert the independence and the joy and the vitality of your being. From here, you make your reality, not from the past.”

Jane Roberts/Seth Quotes, Unpublished ESP class session February 5, 1974.

The Law Of Attraction Is Responding

“The Law of Attraction is responding to your thought, not to your current reality. When you change the thought your reality must follow suit. If things are going well for you then focusing on what is happening now will cause your well-being to continue, but if there are things happening now that are not pleasing, you must find a way of taking your attention away from those unwanted things.

You have the ability to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually… your life experience.

Take 15 minutes daily, thinking of pleasant scenarios regarding your body, with the sole intent of enjoying your body and appreciating its strength, stamina, flexibility, and beauty.

When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful.

When you visualize overcoming something that is wrong, your thoughts are diluted with the ‘lackful’ side of the equation.

In time, your physical condition will acquiesce to your dominant thoughts.”

Abraham Hicks, Excerpted from the book  Money and the Law of Attraction

You Are Automatically Of Service

“In the state of being that is referred to as ‘love,’ you are automatically of service. Love yourself, love others, love animals, love trees, and you are automatically of service.

Sometimes when you love someone or something you take an action, but you don’t have to. You don’t have to prove your love to anyone. Do what you feel inspired to do, and you are helping everyone.

And you are of service to others when you do those things because you are setting an example and spreading lots of good vibrations of feeling around.

Be yourself. Be true to yourself. And watch how life unfolds beautifully in front of you and all around you. You will also notice that you see more people thriving because you will see a reflection of yourself everywhere you look in this beautiful universe of ours.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Control Over My Own Thoughts

I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts… You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else.

But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to do so,  you will discover that no matter how the negative trend got started, you can turn it around.

You have no real control of what anyone else is doing with their Vibration (or with their actions, for that matter), but you have complete control over your own thoughts, vibrations, emotions, and point of attraction.

Abraham Hicks, Excerpted from The Vortex on 8/31/09

The Realization

The realization that something is not as you want it to be is an important first step, but once you have identified that, the faster you are able to turn your attention in the direction of a solution, the better,


because a continuing exploration of the problem will prevent you from finding the solution. 


The problem is a different vibrational frequency than the solution—and all thoughts (or vibrations) are affected by (or managed by) the Law of Attraction.

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction