James Tyberonn’s November 2016 Channeling

Archangel Metatron Channel

November, 2016

The Art of Creative Living – Believe It or NOT !

Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service and we greet you heartily, individually, in a vector of unconditional love.

It has oft been said that humans learn how to work, but not how to live. And in the New Earth of 2016 and Beyond, it is essential to learn how to live, and live abundantly. Life is not meant to be a mundane existance of mundane labor, in which ‘we work and then we die’. Indeed life is a precious gift, and there is an afforded opportunity , indeed an ‘Art’ to learning to manifest a joyful and abundant life.  But learning the balance of artful life, requires effort. For you are here to learn responsible creation … and to create in joy.

Much has been written about the ‘Law of Attraction’. We will address this topic herewith, but our sharing separates the Law of Attraction from the Law of Conscious Creation. Indeed there is a great need to understand the difference. Continue reading James Tyberonn’s November 2016 Channeling

Abraham-Hicks 2016 Mediterranean Cruise Notes


Abraham’s Channeling on the Mediterranean Cruise 2016

9/3 Saturday– Help from the Universe puts you in the right place and right time! Know your direction and feel “the sweet spot.”  (Individuals raise their hands to ask Abraham a question.)

A man felt (in the middle of the night and coming out of sleep) his perfection. Abraham said, “We are all one and blended with no resistance. Source sees through your eyes. For instance, when you tap your toe to the music or when you yawn, that’s “Us” or Spirit! Yes, you were feeling your perfection and connection with Spirit! Continue reading Abraham-Hicks 2016 Mediterranean Cruise Notes

Channeling Explained!

 sky-heart-pic       Channeling What is it?
Channeling also known as
‘Mediumship’ is the phenomenon of a non-physical entity communicating psychically through a medium; the
medium being a living human being.
There are two fundamental types of channeling:
Conscious– Conscious channelling also known as ‘Trance mediumship’ is communication through a conscious individual. The person doing the channelling is fully aware and conscious of his/her surroundings and has complete conscious control over all mental faculties. The individual acting as the medium usually receives messages through thoughts from a non-physical entity. The individual then usually relays those messages by either writing them down or speaking and having the talk recorded by a voice recorder. Conscious
channelling is known to be the least accurate of the two types of channelling as it is very open to subjective manipulation. The medium’s thoughts may convolute and jumble up the message the non-physical entity is trying to communicate, thereby creating a lot of error.
Unconscious – Unconscious channelling also known as ‘Physical Mediumship’ is when the individual who is the medium goes into an altered state of consciousness such that they are not aware of their physical surroundings and lose control over their physical body and mental faculties. The individual’s consciousness takes a “back seat” so to speak as another entity takes temporary control over their physical body. The individual’s consciousness goes into a state
similar to that of dreaming. The non-physical entity then utilizing the medium’s body relays messages and can talk, hear and move around.  In some cases the entity will operate the mediums eyes. While the person is channeling often their voice will change, they may speak with a slight accent and usually their demeanour changes completely. 

Channeled wisdom from Lama Sing’s website – http://www.lamasing.org/readings

On the Lama Sing Readings order page, you may enjoy reading a snippet of information about your favorite topic.  Below is one excerpt that I found very enlightening on the 9-11 event!

World Trade Center – A Story of Compassion [2001] Continue reading Channeled wisdom from Lama Sing’s website – http://www.lamasing.org/readings