You Are Arcturian…and So Much More ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have awakened within you a piece of your galactic history. At some point in your cycle of incarnations you have incarnated in our star system, not just once, many times. For some of you, Arcturus feels like home, and for others of you another star system feels like where you are from. You ability to reconcile the fact that you have incarnated all over this galaxy and this universe in every imaginable form connects you more deeply to your Source Energy origins.

You cannot claim to be one thing and not another if you are going to align yourself with that which is All That Is. Now, you can feel an affinity for certain aspects of yourself and feel that they are more powerful or stronger than other aspects, but you cannot deny any part of yourself if you are going to know yourself as Source Energy, if you are going to acknowledge your Divinity.

We invite you to feel for that which is Arcturian within you, that which is Pleiadian within you, that which is Sirian within you, that which is Andromedan within you. Imagine that you are capable of holding all of these different energies, all of these different forces, and all of these difference vibrations within you at once, and imagine that you can be in harmony and at peace with so many different perspectives coexisting, and then know that if you can imagine that it can be so.

And if you can imagine that, then you can have peace of Earth, peace in the galaxy, peace in the universe. You restore peace and harmony by acknowledging that you are absolutely a part of everyone, everything, and all that is. And you grant yourselves the Divinity that you have often sought outside of yourselves by recognizing that all exists within you as well.

It is tempting to want to claim one aspect of Source as who you are and to define yourself by it, but instead, see it as a choice. See it as a choice you are making in the moment, and know that you can make other choices at other times. You can activate other parts of yourself to know yourself more fully and to experience oneness within you, an individual.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Voice of Oneness

10509597_322895227888864_522732406042322836_n   THE VOICE OF ONENESS #5  by Teran with Sulara who lives in Kihei, Hawaii.   Christmas Day, December 25th, 2016

Yes, Mele Kalikimaka! We greet you on this day of joyous celebration, this day of Love as many celebrate the manifestation of Love into the Earth as exemplified by the life of Jesus the Christ, the man who embodied the Christ Spirit, the spirit of Love. In many places on the Earth and here in the heavens, spirits are gathering to share in Oneness, Love, Joy, Peace, and Compassion together as One Heart.

Today I, Teran, and my spirit family of Love are gathered in these realms celebrating this sacred time and our Oneness with our Brother Jesus as One Heart, the heart of the Creator. May you dwell in the peace within your heart of hearts this day and every day.

As the energies of transformation and awakening are building, we come to comfort you and to encourage you to gather together in community to celebrate Light, to celebrate Love, to celebrate Peace. It matters not what is happening in the world around you which may be reflecting the tumultuous energies present in the Earth and in the hearts of whose who have forgotten their true connection to the Divine, Mother-Father God, All That Is. The violence so prevalent in parts of the world is the reflection of the loss of connection with the true spirit of Love and Oneness.

Continue reading The Voice of Oneness

Meditation and Mystical Experiences

meditation-quotes-transformationA man asks Abraham in September of 2016 about his mystical experiences with meditation. He asks, “Where does our longing for these mystical experiences come from?” Abraham said, “Your Inner Being knows all about you in all aspects. It knows your longing for these mystical experiences. Learn to balance your desires and your beliefs. For lasting value, you have to be up to speed with them both. If you think about them often, you are stimulated to a greater expectation. That’s good.”

Detach From the Undesired

b4cc323c-e3cd-4f53-bd0b-490ec24500deOn the ’16 Abraham Mediterranean cruise this question was asked, “What is the difference between detachment and releasing resistance?”

Abraham said, “You release resistance when your buttons are pushed and you detach from the person or thing. When you detach, you move from a radio station you don’t like and focus on a new, chosen station. Detachment is good. When you detach and live away from a person, then 90% of your day you do not focus on them.  However if you can’t move away from them, you can work on your resistance about them.  It would serve you to detox from all that bugs you.  If you don’t need to think about it, don’t!  The detached thing is then not your point of attraction.”

Play Down the Undesired

quotes-thich-nhat-hanh-02-600x411Abraham reminded us on September 13, 2016,  “Also, don’t pretend that you like things that you don’t like. Instead, play down the things you don’t like. If you are detached from it, you won’t be in the “Law of Attraction” range of it.

Say to yourself, “I have the ability to find vibrational alignment with my Inner Being.”  That way you are requesting those people and things that your Inner Being wants for you.”