Become Aware of Your Vibration – Your Intuitive Knowing

th-12“When you are more aware of your own vibration, it also becomes far easier for you to detect vibrations in the environment around you, in individuals, and in situations that come up. You have this sixth sense for a reason, and that reason is to serve you. But sometimes it takes some convincing for you to even attempt to tap in to that intuitive knowing, and so that is what we are here to do now.  We invite you to use your intuition and to let it override your mind and your emotions. In so doing, you will also become more adept at creating your reality.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Channeled by Daniel Scranton


Who is the Medium, Suzanne Ward?

suzanne_wardWHEN MATTHEW WARD connected telepathically with his mother Suzanne almost 14 years after he died at age 17 in 1980, he told her about their soul level agreement: She was to prepare for publication transmissions from him and many other off-planet sources. Their information is to enlighten, encourage and guide us along Earth’s ascension pathway during this unprecedented time in the universe.

Story Behind the Books


In Honor of February and YOU!

“Dear Ones,
You are among those who went to Earth to show the peoples that love is the pathway to peace, to joy, prosperous-Sending-you-love-and-lightness, mutual respect and life in harmony with Nature. By living your light fearlessly and confidently, you radiate love to everyone around you, and it doesn’t stop there. Love energy is so powerful that it flows around the world, out into the universe and on to the cosmos. In the Oneness of All, everything everywhere affects everything else everywhere else, and the love-light you send forth brings it back in limitless measure—this is the unequaled vastness and power of love.  You are honored, loved and accompanied in spirit by all light beings in this universe.”

For Matthew’s Story –

Imagine Good Health

th-44“You must watch the pictures that you paint with your imagination,” Seth said.  “Your environment and the conditions of your life at any given time are the direct result of your own inner expectations.  You create your own difficulties. If you imagine dire circumstances, ill health, or desperate loneliness, these will be automatically materialized.  For these thoughts themselves bring about the conditions that will give them reality in physical terms.  If you would have good health, then you must imagine this as vividly as in fear you imagine the opposite.”            The Seth Material by Jane Roberts, 1976, p.177

Suzanne Giesemann’s January 15, 2017 Channeling


January 15, 2017

Special Sessions with Sanaya

Unity Spiritual Center, Fruitland Park, FL –  Defining our soul- defining love – the world in pain – people who get in our face – the veil – meditation – purgatory or limbo – symbols for readings – lives as multiple tracks on a CD. CLICK HERE for the recording and transcript of the Special Session with Sanaya held at Unity Spiritual Center in Fruitland Park, FL on January 15.  You will find wisdom to deal with those who “get in your face”, learn more about your soul, and a new definition of love.  You will hear Sanaya’s answers to such questions as: “What is the veil?”  and “Is there a purgatory or limbo?”

Attendees: Good evening.
Sanaya:Yes, it is quite true that we have been preparing this one for quite a while to speak with you this evening, but it is a case of this one having to surrender the identification of the human side to join us at our level. You realize that when you connect with higher consciousness, you do not go anywhere. So many of you speak of your out-of-body experiences, and if you do not have the experience of leaving the body and looking down upon the body, you do not feel as if you have had a good enough experience.
We wish to tell you that there is nowhere to go, no geographical place to visit when you experience higher consciousness; that is what it is exactly: an experience, an expanded state. And yes, it does require releasing the program
ming, the programming of the human that says, “But what if? What if I do not return? What if I have an experience that frightens me?”
(There are) so many of your “what-ifs” and all of them born in fear. Well, if you can get past those “what-ifs,” push past gently, gently the fears, why, then,
you would come to that place, that state of awareness that you need not fear anything at all. It is not a place but a state of joy, of peace, of strength, of courage, all of those essential qualities of which we speak whenever we gather, those essential qualities of the soul.
You are always a soul. You are souls here and now wearing this physical costume, and it is that very costume which gets in the way of your awareness of who you are. You are a beautiful light, and it is the fears that dim that light. So with intention and knowing, set in your mind the awareness that the only
thing you need fear is fear itself, and therefore, since it is you creating those fears, you can put them aside.
You put them aside. You state affirmatively, “I am always safe and protected, for I am the Light.” And in saying this, you raise your vibration and ascend to the higher realms in awareness. If you like to visualize a ghost-like figure rising above the body and this works to take you to that expanded state, by all means do so, but you are traveling no farther than you travel in your dreams at night.
You are playing at night. Your soul is creating just as it will do when you get to that state you call “Heaven”–not a place but a state of awareness. It is here now. This is why we say “Heaven is where you are,” but many of you would look about you, would examine your human stories, and would say this is far from Heaven, there is too much suffering going on here, this cannot possibly be heaven. And yet, with the simplest of shifts of awareness, you would feel it as Heaven, for now it is far easier for you to make that shift–in the silence, in the state, a meditative state when you push aside the costume, the fears, and enter into communion with your own higher self.

Laarkmaa – A Pleiadian Group Channeled Through Cullen Smith and Pia Smith Orleane

Conversations with Laarkmaa : A Pleiadian View of the New Reality

9780996783507For the first time in history, a Pleiadian group has invited a human couple to join an interplanetary team to assist in human evolution.Laarkmaa is a loving group of Pleiadians who are dedicated to the evolution of humanity. Cullen Baird Smith and Pia Smith Orleane, acting as Ambassadors to the Pleiadians, bring Laarkmaa’s inspiring and heartwarming messages of hope, love, and peace to all who are willing to listen. Smith and Orleane share Laarkmaa’s wisdom from public gatherings and recorded conversations about the illusion of time, the future of technology, our innate ability to heal ourselves, and information about who is here to guide us through these auspicious times. These conversations bring revelatory insights about human emotions, telepathic communication, and our own divinity. The Pleiadians tell us that we have a choice in changing the course of our own evolution. Will we make the right choice?




Allow Well Being

“Since every disease or unwanted condition exists because Well-Being is being disallowed, then, in the absence of that dis-allowance, Well-Being will return.

It is a common thing for people to begin to lean in the direction of recovery, only to stop and take score too soon. And when they still find unwanted symptoms or conditions, they then offer resistant thought and lose the improved ground they have gained. With consistent releasing of resistance, all unwanted conditions will subside, returning you to your natural state of Well-Being.”

—Abraham – Excerpted from: Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on November 01, 2010


How Trump Won the Election – Abraham Hicks

“No one is deliberately asking for hate.  Everyone is personally selfish and selfishly oriented.  You see through the eyes of self.  Most just want to be right.  Your needs become paramount in your eyes.  A really good salesman comes along and he is really good at inspiring you to see him as a solution.

People felt out of control.  He spoke directly to the needs of people so loudly and clearly.  His lack of dignity and decorum was overlooked.  The Law of Attraction never gets it wrong.  The current outcome is the bouncing off place for so much better.”  Abraham Hicks, January 8, 2017