Thinking About Your Future

“As you give thought to your future—your future that may be 10 years; your future that may be 5 years; or your future that is 60 days away—you literally begin pre-paving. And then, as you move into those pre-paved moments, and as that future becomes your present, you fine-tune it by saying, ‘This, is what I now want.’ And all of those thoughts that you have put forth about your future, right down to this moment when you are now intending what action you want to take, will all fit together to bring you precisely that which you now want to live.”


Excerpted from the workshop: The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on July 01, 2006


Love and Appreciation

“Love and appreciation are identical vibrations. Appreciation is the vibration of alignment with who-you-are. Appreciation is the absence of everything that feels bad and the presence of everything that feels good. When you focus upon what you want – when you tell the story of how you want your life to be – you will come closer and closer to the vicinity of appreciation, and when you reach it, it will pull you toward all things that you consider to be good in a very powerful way.”


Excerpted from the workshop: Money and the Law of Attraction on August 31, 2008


Massive Changes Start with You ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are beginning to question the stories that you have been told since your youth. You are beginning to notice that those who tell the stories have an ulterior motive. They want you to believe what they want you to believe. Usually, you are told that something is for your own good, for your protection, and for your safety. These are the ways in which those in power have used their power and influence to control you.

But the people are waking up and realizing that the beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation are not the beliefs that you all want to hold. Part of the de-programming process is occurring on the energetic level, and part of it is occurring because of the access that you have to information.

It is impossible for secrets to stay secret in this day and age, and as the word gets out about the lies and the manipulation that occur within governments, within corporations, and within the media, you all are deciding that you are going to empower yourselves.

As you take your attention away from those who want to lie, and manipulate, and cover up, and you put your attention on what you can do, you take back your power. We are not talking about protesting the ones in power. We are not talking about acknowledging them at all.

We are talking about accessing your own truth, accessing your personal power, and becoming your own authority. You don’t have to tear down the house of cards. It will fall all on its own. All you have to do in order to create the reality that you want to experience is put your attention on that which you want to create. You don’t need to look outside of yourselves for anyone else to create that for you.

What you need are new systems, and who better to create those systems than the ones who have been railroaded by them for their entire lives. Therefore, we suggest that you put your attention on the spark of Divinity that exists within each and every one of you, the power that you have to focus and to create, and the desire that you have for massive changes in this world of yours.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Lifeprint Review

“The Lifeprint is a soul’s file in the Akashic records.  It is the complete accounting of a soul’s lifetime thoughts, feelings, actions and their consequences.

After the soul has recovered stability from the th-35previous lifetime and is nourished spiritually and psychically, it is completely aware of its cumulative soul.  It is this cumulative soul, with its collective wisdom and knowledge and spiritual growth of all personage lifetimes, that reviews the lifeprint.  The reviewing process it felt exactly as those feelings were experienced by his every action.  So you can see that it is quite an experience!

The cumulative soul’s judgment of its previous lifetime is the ONLY judgment of it.  You have heard that only God is your judge and you also have heard that even God does not judge. Either way, this refers to the lifeprint review.  Because we all are fragments of God and therefore inextricably connected, it is accurate to say that only God, in each personage, judges.  And it is just as accurate to say that He doesn’t judge at all, because only the cumulative soul whose last personage lifetime is under review judges it.

In this intimate review, the soul evaluates how well it learned the lessons presented during the previous lifetime.  A lax assessment of which lessons were thoroughly learned and which were not may be addressed by the Council or other highly evolved beings whose recommendations are meant to assist that soul’s preparation for the next incarnation.  The lifeprint review also identifies lessons remaining, thus enabling the soul to choose those it wishes to experience in its next lifetime.  This entails examining karmic connections and selecting a family to be born into for the genetic and beginning environmental influences.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” p. 176-7, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward



Helping Another Helps You

Screen-Shot-2017-03-24-at-9.44.42-PM-400x249“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are ready, and willing, and able to help all of you in your ascension process. It is a beautiful time to connect with humanity for all of us, because you see, we have the ability to tune in to your evolution. We have the ability to feel the progress that you are making. And so, by helping you, we help ourselves.

When you look around at the others in your world, and you see them struggling, you also have the ability to help them. And in so doing, you help yourself. You can feel the shift occurring as well. You can feel the progress in one person, if you tune in to it, if you pay attention to the signals that you are getting and the energy that is coming off of a person.

And so, when you help another person, you are helping yourself. You are helping yourself in more ways than one. You are helping yourself because you are all connected and because your shift in consciousness is a journey that you are all taking together. You also get to feel the experience of the other person’s shift.

Just as sitting by another individual who is making the death transition can be beneficial for the one looking on, so is it beneficial for you to be in the presence of another who is making progress. The energy coming off of that individual is a roadmap for you and your ascension. Even if you are further along vibrationally than the person you are assisting, you still get the full benefit of that energy and that roadmap.

We are here to help you, and we are here to help you help each other. We are giving you our energetic transmission through these messages. So it is more than just our words that is assisting you. It is our vibration. It is the space that we hold for you.

When you want to be of service to another and assist that person in their journey, remember that the same is true for you. It’s not as significant as you might think for you to take actions or speak words to assist another. It is also the energy that you transmit, the vibration that you hold, and the space that you hold for the other. Those are the things that do the majority of the helping.

You can sit with the intention of helping all of humanity, and you can send out that vibration, and all of humanity will benefit from that little bit of effort on your part. And as we have said, you will benefit as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Greatest Success

“The idea of ‘success,’ for most people, revolves around money or the acquisition of property or other possessions, but we consider a state of joy as the greatest achievement of success. And while the attainment of money and wonderful possessions certainly can enhance your state of joy, the achievement of a good-feeling physical body is by far the greatest factor for maintaining a continuing state of joy and Well-Being. And so, there are few things of greater value than the achievement of a good-feeling body.”
—Abraham,  August 31, 2008


Letting Go of the Past

moving-on-letting-go-quotes34-830x467“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

When you are capable of truly letting go of something from your past, you create space for something new, something better. Letting go often means redefining what it was that happened. Seeing it in a new light will help you to release what it is that you are holding on to.

Perhaps you are holding on to the idea that you were victimized, or perhaps you are holding on to the idea that you hurt someone else. Either way, when you look at it as a co-creation, you shift internally, and that internal shift then gives you the space to bring forth something else, something markedly different. You are not here to create the same experiences over and over again, but that is what you do when you are unwilling to let go of that which has been, that which is of your past.

You get to be the one who sheds more light on what it was you experienced, and that opens you up to receiving more light and more energy from the higher realms. We can bombard you with energy day and night, but if you are unwilling to let go of that which is holding you down, holding you in a lower frequency, you will not be able to receive that which we and others are offering.

What we really want you to recognize is that you created something in your past that was meant to serve you in some way, and until you see it that way, it cannot. You cannot receive the benefit of what you have created until you accept that you created it and that you created it for a very specific reason. The reason is always that you have something to gain from the experience.

Perhaps you need to release a trauma that is from a past life and has many of the same elements of what you experienced in your past in this life. Perhaps you wanted to fully understand what it is like to forgive. Perhaps you created the past experience to catapult you into something quite different.

You need to decide that it serves you in some way to have had all of the experiences that you’ve had, and when you do so you can shift your energy and you can create something new. You can create something consciously and deliberately, something that you can easily see the benefit in experiencing.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Creating New Timelines ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have observed that many of you are creating the timelines for yourselves that are ideal from your perspective, and we can see you moving closer and closer to these timelines. This is the perfect timing to be engaged in such creative work, because you are supported by the energies that are upon you. You are more supported in creating something new at this time than you are in creating some rehashed, ideal, third-dimensional existence.

In other words, you are moving forward, not backwards. So in order for you to align with the energies that are moving you forward, you must be willing to go to places you have not gone before. We are talking about vibration here. We are talking about getting out of your heads and into the vibrational field you want to be in.

Your heads are capable of telling you about all of the wonderful things that you have seen here on planet Earth in all of your lifetimes, and you can conjure up a pretty good experience for yourself through what you have seen, what you have done, what you have heard about, but what will absolutely knock your socks off is the unknown that you are creating.

To create with vibration takes you beyond everything that you’ve experienced thus far in the physical and everything that you’ve ever wanted to experience as well. Now, the fifth dimensional energies that are upon you are nudging you in this direction. They are attempting to free you from the limitations of your minds and to nudge you into the unknown field of yet-to-be-experienced vibration.

And then all you have to do is surrender to the process, because you could not possibly imagine how you are going to come to the timeline that you’re creating. You cannot imagine because it’s something that you haven’t experienced, and you haven’t heard about yet.

Soon enough, however, you are going to start to hear about experiences that others are having, unexplainable experiences, experiences that go beyond imagination, beyond thought. This is what we see you all reaching for as you construct your ideal version of the fifth dimension and you continue to inch your way towards it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”