Previewing Your Earthly Life

“Before you immersed yourself into 3-D living, you had the ability to preview the parameters of earthly life, to oversee the aspects of your own plan, purpose, and intent within a specific climate of consciousness.

You choose the moment and the time of your birth, as well as your genealogical bloodline, which is rich with an ancestral encoding of perceptions based on many lessons in living.

In the here and now, you forget your plans in order to play your version of the game of life more effectively.

You immerse yourself in your identity and become fully engaged in the process of exploring and experiencing the path you have chosen.

The course of your life is a significant and purposeful journey that continuously confronts and stimulates you to develop your abilities. You actually learn about the nature of existence as you learn how to operate your biological form… You.”

To fully contribute to this transformation in your own unique fashion, you selected an identity based on the numerous talents and abilities you have accumulated from experiences in many directions of time.

You inserted yourself with great care into your chosen life. Deciding to be here is an achievement in itself; however, understanding what is unfolding around you is an even greater accomplishment.

First of all, you must clearly love and accept yourself for who you are, and this is no small task.  When you can lovingly recognize yourself as your own creation, you free yourself from the mass-induced trance of powerless living. You must live your life with clear boundaries and distinctions, applying great discernment and discrimination of mind to all you encounter.  In addition, you must honestly and openly express your feelings and emphasize your own self-worth as you learn to develop a true love for who you are.

Billions of people have come here to play a part in this great drama — to recognize and remember that they are energetic beings whose thoughts, feelings, and emotions create the world they meet. 

Consciously learning to recognize frequencies and then producing those you want is an underlying key to the game; being able to read and communicate with the life energies of your environment is a worthy goal for all humanity.”

Path Of Empowerment: New Pleiadian Wisdom For A World In Chaos, Barbara Marciniak, p. 16 – 18.

To Find Your Soulmate

“All of you women want your soulmates, eh?  You want the perfect lover, someone who can see you fat and ugly and still love you, someone to take care of you, to be there, to provide for you, to give you freedom.  Well, I have something to tell you.  There is no man on this plane at this hour who has reached godhood or knighthood to be that brave, that noble, that powerful, and that unconditionally loving.  They’re in the same boat that you are, because they’re looking for someone, just like you are — except you’re not filling their bill any more than they are filling yours.

You came here wanting me to send you Mr. Wonderful?  I won’t do that.  I want to show you Mrs. Wonderful.

Now, I love you, but you are still wanting someone outside of you to fill up something you don’t own inside.  You are leaking!  You have emotional holes, and you are leaking all over the place!  The more bizarre you are the more leaky you are.  That is a great truth.  You are trying to snatch someone to fill up what you don’t have in here.  That’s why your relationships don’t work out.  You will never find what you are looking for because it doesn’t exist.

You know, the blush is going to come off the rose very quickly once you get a wrinkle or two, once you begin to sleep around for a while and wake up to reality.  The fantasy will begin to diminish.  Because you are looking for something to fill a vacuum of polarization.  You will only grow old and show all of those age signs.  You will be bent with age, and your fingers will not work properly.  And no one will look at you then.

Now, men!  What are you looking for? Are you looking for someone to balance out your madness, your brilliance?  Are you looking for someone to take care of you?  You are also looking for someone to fill the emotional holes that you are riddled with.  As long as you have limited beliefs and limited minds, you’re going to grow old, you’re going to become impotent, you’re going to have gnarled fingers and hair streaked with gray — and you are going to die.  And what have you done up till then?  Chased an illusion.

To find your soulmate you must draw your soulmate to you like great magnets when you begin to love yourself and fill the holes that you leak from so badly. When you can look into a grand mirror and love what you see — because you know your beauty is unseen — then you have filled the holes.  When you can walk through the marketplace and be unsexual, you have filled the holes.  The more you plug them up and the more you are intimate with yourself, the closer you are to drawing this magnificent entity to you.   And while you are loving yourself and becoming greater in your being, your soulmate is being uplifted.  The knowledge is coming to your mate because the two of you are the same soul and you share the wisdom.

Through the process of self-love, you become a christ. And when the christ has arisen within you, it quivers within your soulmate.  It is two in the process of coming back to the immaculate One.”


Ramptha Intensive: Soulmates, Z Knight, P. 40 -43.


What Is Love?

“In simplest terms, love is God sharing of Himself with all of His creations.  Love is the healing force of the universe.  Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you.  Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity.

In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, and caring.  If love is said to have ‘ingredients,’ then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action.

Knowing that you and God and every one of God’s creations are inseparable is love.  Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love.  Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious, is love.

Feeling peace of heart and mind is love.  The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love.

In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and of God.” ~ Matthew

Voices of the Universe: Your Voice Affects the Universe Let It Be With Love, Suzanne Ward, P. 1.


You Are So Very Loved

  • Childhood imprinting. It leaves a legacy of challenges. Do you judge yourself today against some standard?

Are you a bad girl when you do something wrong? A bad boy when you make a mistake? Do you see the labels, the judgments? This is human behavior and human thinking, but there is a better way once you leave childhood and learn to rise above your ‘human-hood.’

 What if you as a soul, take charge and affirm to the frightened child inside, ‘You are a magnificent light – a beautiful expression of Source.’

You have an inner counselor who will be there for you if you are willing to talk and share your innermost feelings.  Listen, and you may be surprised at what this counselor says back.  Keep digging, and more and more will be revealed.

Write as you hold these private conversations.  And by having these inner conversations, the energy freed up leaves you with a lightness unimagined.  So do not imagine.  Have the conversation.  ‘What do I need to know?  What are you trying to tell me?  I am finally willing to listen.’

Why then, you would finally find freedom and balance and know … You are so very loved.




A Message From Source

“I am Source. Behold I am making all things new. You, my awakened warriors, do not lose heart. Now is the time to shine brightest as darker days are coming and your light will be most needed.

I am extremely proud of my Lightworkers. I am with you in every decision, and I feel your pain and impatience. (I am seeing a large rug being woven intricately and am seeing the time it takes to weave a rug. There are many threads, details, and patterns).

You are a part of my intricate pattern. Without the Lightworkers and their many threads, the rug would not hold. There would be holes in it. Your light, your threads of light in this analogy are the living fire that binds the threads.  Know that the fire binds, the intention of the Lightworkers’ light binds those to the new earth that are choosing to journey there, just as it directs others to an alternative path.

I am Source. I come near, I am near, I have always been within you. We are one.

We are expanding the greatness of what was … to what will be and you are an integral part of this adventure. I am thankful for you.

The sunsets are always most vibrant when there is ash in the sky. Yet the light shines on, tenaciously. All is well. Let peace be your vibratory frequency and it will guide you home.

I am Source.

~ Channeled 2023/01/21 by galaxygirl,

Follow Your Fascination

“I am here to help you remember your own creative powers because you are Pleiadians too.  You have just forgotten your stellar link.  Deep within each of you is a ‘secret,’ a gift that you brought from the stars to Earth when you agreed to incarnate.  This secret is a monad of knowledge that is multidimensional, lying deep within your awareness and your divine heart. 

Whatever trauma you take on is your training for figuring out how to deliver your gift.  But if you deny your traumas, and then you repeat them endlessly instead of learning from them, and you just create more events and things.  Surely you’ve noticed by now that you’re creating the wrong things — garbage, gambling parlors, murders, Twinkies, cars, and bombs?

Now that you have created so much useless stuff, you feel guilty.  Wallowing in guilt, you forget how to create the right stuff, and then you conclude that you are limited.  But, have you ever noticed, in spite of what your culture tells you, that you don’t feel limited?  Right within that inner heart feeling of limitlessness is the avenue to your own creativity.

The intelligence of your higher self is amazing!  Your higher self knows how to help you change behaviors that limit your body.  Your higher self will subtly guide you to find information, but you must listen to this inner guidance.

If you would follow that avenue, you would cease wandering around not doing what your inner secret has always told you to do.  Your ‘inner secret’ gets so frustrated that it draws great elemental forces needing expression into your body, and they make you sick trying to get you to listen.  That is their job.  When creativity is not exercised and directed into manifestation, it turns in on itself and becomes destructive.

How can you find your higher self’s guiding forces?  First of all, move deeply inward and feel that place in your heart that knows you can create anything.  Notice that this space within is beyond the physical and emotional, notice how it is actually pure thought right in your heart!  This is pure unbounded knowingness.  Move your consciousness into that place.  From that place, you know how to respond in any situation.  Feel those energies in your body.  Just notice how you feel inside when you are all excited and then follow your fascination.”

The Pleiadian Agenda, Barbara Hand Clow, P. 80 – 82.

Nothing To Fear

“Dear ones, you are One. It is hard to imagine that you are part of the same field of love as those you adore and those you despise. They are waves in the Ocean of Love, just as you are. Some you want to dance with, and some you don’t, and that is fine, but remember always that deep within you, there lives a light that connects all things and all beings.

This Presence wants you and all to have the experiences you wish for. If you are refused one opportunity, assume a better one is coming. If one person rejects you, they are redirecting you to those who will love you more. If the person in office has policies you don’t like, make it your policy to labor in love and adhere to your own values in your own life and your own circles so as to experience the quality of life you desire.

You did not come to earth seeking sameness. You did not come to earth intending to rely on the agreement of others to feel the love and security of the Divine. You came, dear ones, eager for the buffet of life itself, for it is in looking at the differences that you discern your truth and your desires and then have the opportunity to align with them in your own life.

Fear not, dear friends. God is with you. Whether you agree with someone or not, the Divine agrees that you all deserve to live a life you love, a life of security, happiness, health, and joy. Relax into that. Breathe. The power that creates universes is there for you always. We, your angels, are one with that and love you so much. Relax in our arms as well. In that love, there is nothing to fear.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”

Death And The Afterlife

“Question 8: If there is any time, please give each some awareness of life after death and survival of the soul.

Lama Sing: We find that in terms of life, which will follow, it will be continuous as though there was merely a disruption of sorts, not unlike the normal sleep period. Though this would be in the conscious sense, one which would be somewhat aware, that you would be aware of sleep, that you would be aware of a change, a resting, a moment’s lack of consciousness of the body physical, but still some full consciousness.

Then there would be the movement from this realm called the Earth plane to another called the spiritual. We would find in the spiritual realm then, the point of some rest or review, some decision, and then the movement to whatever area or level of consciousness suits thee best. While it might seem odd from your plane to think of a realm such as this, it also seems odd to think from another realm of a realm such as the Earth where one is encumbered by the physical, limited by the effect of mind without the knowledge to change same.

You cannot picture yourself without being capable of walking to and fro, speaking, hearing, seeing; yet if you had other capabilities, you would assume these to be permanent parts of self and you would not be able to think of self without them. We assure you there are many more such.

That the ability to heal the body with a moment, the ability to restore self in terms of full consciousness, and so forth all are possible even in your realm. They come with greater acceptance, greater growth.”, 19761212 0775 – Page #6, Lama Sing Channeled Reading on 12-12-1976 by Al Miner.