Mother Teresa – Her Own Heart-filled Words

bfcb9902aa52b75a2dca319ec3e9baa7Mother Teresa says, “If you really want to know the poor, you must know what is poverty…”

She says,”There are two kinds of poverty. We have the poverty of the material, for example like in India and Ethiopia and other places, where the people are hungry for a loaf of bread and real hunger.  But there is a much deeper, much greater hunger.  And that is the hunger for love and that terrible loneliness and being unwanted, unloved… being abandoned by everybody.  And some people you find in, what you call them, shut-ins, people that are sleeping in the streets of London and are found in the homes.  Maybe that kind of “unwanted-ness,” unloved {person}.  Maybe in our own homes, we may have somebody who is handicapped like that and nobody takes any notice.  Nobody even recognizes that there is this child, this man, this woman who is hungry for love, hungry to be recognized and to accept with respect and love the person.”  In the video below, she speaks from her heart.

Abraham-Hicks 2016 Mediterranean Cruise Notes


Abraham’s Channeling on the Mediterranean Cruise 2016

9/3 Saturday– Help from the Universe puts you in the right place and right time! Know your direction and feel “the sweet spot.”  (Individuals raise their hands to ask Abraham a question.)

A man felt (in the middle of the night and coming out of sleep) his perfection. Abraham said, “We are all one and blended with no resistance. Source sees through your eyes. For instance, when you tap your toe to the music or when you yawn, that’s “Us” or Spirit! Yes, you were feeling your perfection and connection with Spirit! Continue reading Abraham-Hicks 2016 Mediterranean Cruise Notes

Modern Day Miracles

14022134_1413076502042290_7465435122099128708_nMiracles – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws.[1] Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (a deity), magic, a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader.

Informally, the word “miracle” is often used to characterize any beneficial event that is statistically unlikely but not contrary to the laws of nature, such as surviving a natural disaster, or simply a “wonderful” occurrence, regardless of likelihood, such as a birth. Other such miracles might be: survival of an illness diagnosed as terminal, escaping a life-threatening situation or ‘beating the odds’. Some coincidences may be seen as miracles.[2] Continue reading Modern Day Miracles