The 12 Virtues In A Fortunate Life

“You can have mindfulness, but without acting through virtue, what kind of mindfulness is it exactly?  Perhaps practicing virtuous actions in a mindful way adds depth and good fortune to our human lives.

Below is a list of the 12 Virtues by the Greek Philosopher, Aristotle. He believed that the function of a human was to engage in an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue. 

Curious about the 12 virtues? Here you go!” 👇

1 Courage – bravery and valor

2 Temperance – self-control and restraint

3 Liberality – big heartedness, charity and generosity

4 Magnificence – radiance, joie de vivre

5 Pride – self-satisfaction

6 Honor – respect, reverence, admiration

7 Good Temper – equanimity, level headedness

8 Friendliness – conviviality and sociability

9 Truthfulness – straightforwardness, frankness and candor

10 Wit – sense of humor – meaninglessness and absurdity

11 Friendship – camaraderie and companionship

12 Justice – impartiality, evenhandedness and fairness

( content sourced from an aesthetic healing mindset )

I love you all so much! ❤️🙏”

💕 – [ JK ]

The Wisdom Of The Soul

“The inner wisdom of the soul, expressed through a heart of gratitude and unconditional love, can heal that which is deemed incurable from within.

Unconditional love is the essence of life. Listen to this most powerful healing force.

Take hope and guidance from the heart’s whispering. It is the unfaltering eye of the soul : it knows and see’s what we do not…

Listen carefully. The wisdom of of the soul is the creator of what our minds alone cannot comprehend.”

Barbara Anne De Feo

Marianne Williamson – From “A Woman’s Worth”

“Once we meet him, we’d better have our spiritual chops down, because the attraction— his smell, the chemistry between us — will tempt us to forget the truth if it’s not a solid part of us already.  If it is, then there is no higher high than that of the passionate love.  I don’t have sexually intimate relationships with women, but I assume they are the same joining.  I do know that when a woman loves a man and opens to him and lets the spirit move her, the ride is a ride to the center of things.  Our bodies don’t just feel as though they melt, they do melt; and our spirits don’t just feel as though they merge, they do merge.  

We enter a divine room when the Goddess meets her consort and beckons him to enter.  Her joyful hello is often “Hello, again!” for in that place we can remember that we’ve known each other before.  How glad we are to be back whenever we find ourselves in love together.  How lonely we have felt at times, and how ecstatic we are to spend some time at home.

How important it is to know that he is as tender as we are and just as lost and just as scared.  Until we know this, we miss the point.  We think he’s such a monster, until we see he’s such a boy.  Like us, scarred from Daddy’s whatever disaster; so too is he affected by Mommy forever.  And all of us stumble and cry and fall and seek in each other the relief from our pain.  We are meant to be that relief and more than that.  We are meant to be the healing of the wound; and if we will allow it, our love will heal us both.”

A Woman’s Worth, Marianne Williamson, P. 80-81

Love Is A State Of Mind

” ‘Perfect love casts out fear.’  God is with you as perfect love.  You cannot be afraid in the presence of God; you cannot be doubtful or anxious; you cannot be bound by what you have been in the past; you cannot be limited by what you have thought of yourself or what others have thought of you.  Here in this present moment you are free; you are a child of God; you are standing on holy ground.

Meditate on the idea that there is a Spirit in you that is unfettered, unbound, triumphant, splendid, glorious, free.  You cannot help but respond to this transcendent vision.”

1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” King James Version


Understanding … What You Resist, Persists

At an energetic, creative level, The Law of Attraction applies that whatever we resist persists. In fact, psychologist Carl Jung contended that “What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.”

So if we keep judging what we see as bad and being triggered by it, we keep feeding energy towards the very thing we wish to see ending.  That applies to everything.

Resistance keeps feeding energy towards that which we do not wish to experience. 

So instead we are asked to focus our attention wisely, especially in this time  when all manifestations are heightened. A more productive, progressed action is to drop back into Centered Neutrality.  This neutrality says, “I’m seeing this happening which may help life or it may not be so helpful.  I cannot judge this from where I sit now.”  We should think this way again and again until we truly FEEL it.  Be non-judging.  Remember the powerful Asian proverb…

OR, we can focus on the outcome we wish to experience. Instead of focusing on the current doom and gloom for example, we can think and see all children and animals free, loved, cared and provided for.  Apply this positivity to all and EVERYTHING!!

When you see anyone in pain or need, especially on TV or in the news, where you are made feel powerless (on purpose!) to do anything about it, imagine and see them well. Decree it, sing it, paint it, write it down, whichever way appeals to you most. Seeing and decreeing all of humanity free, at peace, balanced, happy, abundant and living in unity with all their needs provided for is essential to experiencing those changes happening.

Do this daily.  It does make a difference and feeds your energy towards the solution instead of the problem.

We use Discernment instead of Judgement. That’s a fine energetic difference but a very important one. Discernment isn’t energetically charged, it’s neutral. Yet knowing the difference between what is beneficial to one’s own or another’s well being and what is not defines your free choice.  Choose your victory or your defeat.

Accept it without judgement and you can move BEYOND it!

Only accept that it existed at some point in this World…

Feel its opposite happening NOW!

Change is constant.  That it existed in the past is only the precursor for its evolvement into a new, improved version … today.

Choose what you focus upon, dear Creator.