Your Emotions


How long are you going to react to your physical circumstances? Your emotions are chemical residues of your body in response to past events. If you remain asleep to this phenomena, you will always remain a prisoner to your emotions. Therefore your conscious and subconscious feelings will keep being projected out into the world.

You must gain control over your emotions, or those very same feelings can harden and eventually destroy you.

You are not your emotions. It is the job of the infinite intelligence of the universe to design and deliver to you the perfect matching physical reality that matches your vibration. It is a beautiful cycle that you must first understand in order to escape its grip, and gain your personal freedom.

“You get to imagine.  You get to pretend that your lover doesn’t love you or your lover does love you.  You get to pretend that money is flowing or isn’t flowing. You get to choose it all, you see.  You get to use the power of your mind.”



“People who believe in oneness – the idea that everything in the world is connected and interdependent – appear to have greater life satisfaction than those who don’t, regardless of whether they belong to a religion or don’t, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

‘The feeling of being at one with a divine principle, life, the word, other people or even activities has been discussed in various religious traditions but also in a wide variety of scientific research from different disciplines,’ said Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, PhD, of the University of Mannheim and author of the study.  ‘The results of this study reveal a significant positive effect of oneness beliefs on life satisfaction, even controlling for religious beliefs.’

‘Obviously, oneness beliefs are more than a situation-specific feeling or mood,’ she said. ‘They rather seem to represent a general attitude toward life.’

The research was published in the journal, Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

“Living in the Light,” John Van Auken, Issue 233, A.R.E. Publications

Who Hurt You?

“lf we embrace people for who they are in each now without all the programs and conditioning, we are honoring their pure essence unconditionally.

No more labels, expectations, limits, or belief systems that hold an old energy construct needing to change or modify another’s journey to fit into the story you have made up to fit into your illusion of who they should be.

“You must love in such a way that the other person feels free.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

Love never hurts only expectations do.”

Jen Jen Reynolds