To Alter The Universe
What if you were the exact person you THOUGHT yourself to be? YOU ARE! What if you only did what your limited beliefs told you was possible? What if you unchained your mind and dreamed up a magical life for yourself? Well guess what, YOU can!
You are what you think you are…. ALL your beliefs and actions stem from one sparked thought. Think big and think you can and YOU WILL!
Our thoughts energetically are vibrational information that we emit into the quantum field. By the universal law of vibration, what we put out, we get in return. This is the law of attraction broken down scientifically into vibration. Therefore you become what you think about the most. Whether you understand the universal law or not, you can’t escape it. So be mindful of your thoughts and LOVE yourself fiercely.
Create thoughts that create MAGIC! You are the CREATOR of your reality and the sooner you take ownership of that role, the quicker you will be living out your wildest dreams! I love you ALL
Have a magical day BE-U-TIFUL souls!