Karma is the cause and effect of a soul exercising free will. It is the basis for selecting subsequent lifetime experiencing.
I know the terms “good” or “bad” karma are commonly used to attribute experiences to some nebulous cause beyond one’s knowing, or justify one’s own or another’s behavior, or achieve a measure of satisfaction that someone who isn’t punished on Earth for foul deeds will “get his” in another lifetime. But there’s no such thing as either “good” or “bad” karma. Karma is neither a punishment nor a reward, it is simply the law of the universe regarding cause and effect.
The objective of all soul learning is balance, and karma is the provision of the lessons a soul has selected to bring its experiencing into balance. Lifetimes are chosen based upon conditions and events that will supply the missing experiences for the eventual balancing of the soul’s cumulative lifetime experiences. Not only pleasant lessons can be chosen or the soul cannot grow beyond that point. Some lessons are very difficult, but the soul is only experiencing the “other side of the coin,” and it grows spiritually by thoroughly learning the karmic lessons it selected for that lifetime.”
“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 173-4, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward