“Next time someone else insists they are more right than you, listen with love and simply be content knowing your own truth. You don’t have to agree with them and you don’t need their agreement.
If you are right within yourself, right within your own soul, living your personal truths, and listening to the Divine within, you will know the absolute truth of the Love that lives within you. You will feel happy, free, settled in yourself, and joyful.
When you are in agreement with yourself in your inner world, you will not require agreement from the outer world.
You need not fear the decisions and truths of others. You need not feel victimized by external circumstances because you will realize that living your truth, living in alignment with the Divine within, you can create any experience of reality that you wish to enjoy!
There are as many ‘truths’ on a given topic as there are human beings upon your earth. There will be agreement on many things, but never on everything. It doesn’t matter, dear ones. Go within. Find your deeper truths and live according to them.
You are guided – each one of you – individually, by the Divine, each one along the path of least resistance to love; each one of you being gently steered ever closer to the deepest Truth of all. You are sourced from Love.
It is Love that breathes the very breath of life into you. It is Love that makes your heart beat and keeps galaxies turning.
It is, and always has been, Divine Love leading each of you on unique and beautiful pathways, like a multitude of rivers running their individual course, all returning to the vast Ocean of Love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.”
— The Angels, www.visionsofheaven.com