“Remember, you are in the midst of a Divine Plan and Divine Plans cannot be swayed or stopped by human thinking because the ideas of the Divine Mind are held forever in place by Divine Law.
If disease, lack, limitation, etc. actually existed in Divine Consciousness as realities, they could never be healed or changed because Divine Law would be permanently sustaining and maintaining them.
It is a time of suffering for many and you dear light workers, are helping to soften it through the Light of your awareness.
You need ‘do’ nothing because the Light you hold in consciousness automatically lifts and awakens those ready and able to align with it.
As humans, you have become accustomed to solving all issues through thinking and outer activities that are often necessary.
However, you have evolved to levels in which your first step is to go within in the realization that consciousness is the real and only power, not human thought.
Seriously consider opportunities that may present to you even if they aren’t what you were imagining, or hoping for. Situations that seem to just appear in your experience are often doorways leading to something new and better.

Always trust your intuition. Continuing to hold to outgrown three-dimensional concepts about anything simply because they are familiar or align with the beliefs of family and friends simply serves to hold you in that energy.
Make your first action at all times and in every situation that of acknowledging the spiritual reality underlying every appearance.”
The Arturian Group, Onenessofall.com